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Date Posted: 22:46:28 08/14/03 Thu
Author: First aired Sunday 3rd August
Subject: Episode 8.22 - "MOMENTS - Season Finale" by Linda_Delurked & Imisstara (Part III)

Cut to the gang, sitting inside a tent in a clearing somewhere inside

Buffy: So that’s the plan.

Anya: That’s it? Get the mirror? *That’s* the plan?
Buffy: I could have made it all drawn out with some big speech, but I
decided to get right to the point; get the mirror. We go in the
temple, and
we get the mirror.

Willow: What about Xander and Andrew?

Kennedy: Both of them are guards at Proserpexa’s palace. Not the most
glamorous job.

Buffy: Then we’ll pick them up on our way. Faith too.

Dawn: It won’t be that easy, Buffy. We can’t just walk in there, and -

Buffy: Why not? Why can’t we? Together, the three of us have the
power to
restore people to who they were before this badly decorated world was
created. The three of us, all of us, we’re all that’s left of the
world we
live in. Proserpexa…she’s too strong. We’re not going to beat her,
not in
this time anyway. I can accept that, knowing that we all need to do
to win
is to get that mirror. So I’m going to do that, at all costs. I don’t
what’s going to happen when we get back to our world. Sunnydale is
destroyed, and some of us might not live very long once we get back.
But it
doesn’t matter. All that matters now is getting that mirror. That’s

Anya: That sounded like a speech to me.

Dawn: Yes, definitely feelin’ the speech vibe.

Spike looks knowingly at Buffy.

Spike: Let’s go then. We should leave now, before the sun comes up. I
some weapons stored a few hundred feet from here, they might come in

Buffy: Thanks. You really have done a lot of good here.

Dawn: Yeah, it’s so cool! You’re like Han Solo working with the Rebel
Alliance against the evil Empire.

Everyone looks at Dawn and gives her a weird look.

Dawn: Um…can we just pretend that I enjoined with Andrew and am not
a total loser?

Buffy: Done and done.

Spike: It’s that damn feeling of being ruled. Never was in much to

Buffy: Let’s move out everyone.

Spike immediately gets up and follows Buffy.

Dawn: Bitch doesn’t even have TV in her time. She’s sooo gonna pay.

Cut to the Scoobies walking up to the door of the giant temple.
Andrew and
Xander are at opposite sides of the door.

Andrew: Halt! No one gets in to see our mighty Lord! No one!

Xander: Yes! No one shall pass!

Buffy: I’ll get him, Dawn you get Xander.

Cut to the gang walking down the halls of the temple. Behind them is
a trail
of confused and disillusioned Sunnydale residents, sitting on the
ground or
talking to themselves, trying to reason what they’re doing in such a

Willow: I have a feeling this is going be one of those ‘mass

A door opens to the side of them, and a palace guard is shocked to
see the
Scoobies walking around so freely. Before he can say anything, Willow
touches his face and he falls to the ground, crying.

Xander: I can’t believe I spent so much time working for Proserpexa!
I never
even questioned her, never once!

Andrew: She made me bathe her!

Xander: She made me bathe her snakes!

Andrew: I feel so violated!

Kennedy: It gets better, trust me. I-I killed a lot of people in this
All you did was bathe some snakes.

Xander: Hey! Don’t act like bathing snakes wasn’t a dangerous task,
it was! I almost died from venom on three separate occasions!

Andrew: (giggles) He needed it sucked out…

Xander: Um, is that never speaking of it again?

Andrew: Sorry.

Buffy: Okay, so we only have one person left to get.

The gang stops when they hear footsteps behind them. They all turn
Faith: Oh please, tell me it’s me.

Buffy: Faith.

Faith: I see you brought more of your rebel scum to back you up this
Spike. Gotta give it to ya, you’ve come pretty far. But I still like
ripping you in half plan. Hmm.. and what do we have here? Looks like
traitors, all lookin’ to get skinned.

Andrew: You evil Imperial Guards will never win against the Rebel

Dawn: See? Totally enjoined with Andrew.

Faith: I’m thinkin’ this is gonna be fun.

Faith leaps towards the group and goes right for Spike. She punches
him in
the face, and then does a flip kick, hitting his jaw and knocking him
to the
ground. Kennedy grabs her from behind, but Faith grabs her arm and
flips her
over, sending Kennedy flying on her back.

Buffy taps Faith on her shoulder and Faith whirls around.

Buffy: It’s time to come back to us.

Faith: I don’t know who you are, but for some reason I really wanna
your ass.

Faith throws a punch at Buffy, but Buffy catches Faith punch in her
Faith gasps as the memories rush back to her. She closes her eyes for
moment, and tries to steady her heavy breathing.

Faith: Wow….that was a wild ride. (looks at Spikes) You know, before
went rebel and all, you and me sure had a lot of sex there.

Buffy: Ugh, I don’t know which part of that sentence to be more

Spike: Hey, okay so fine I used to work for Proserpexa. Then got
tired to
taking orders, like I said. And as for Faith, well-

Buffy: Let’s just keep walking. Please, for the love of God, let’s
just keep

Anya: Good Idea. In the meantime, I’ll fill Faith in on your long and
detailed plan of victory.

The gang reaches a crossroads in the hall way, where they could
either go
right or left.

Buffy: Which way to the throne room? The mirror will be there.

Andrew: To the left…or well maybe the right. I wasn’t exactly let
into the
throne room that much.

Xander: Me neither. Except for the time she made me fill in for the
jester. Lucky bastard got burned alive.

Kennedy: It’s a right. I got to go to the throne room whenever I

Xander: I got to wash the royal knights’ undergarments. Every day.
every battle. And I enjoyed it. Oh God, this is Hell.

Buffy and the gang finally reach a huge, jewel encrusted door.

Willow: This is it, I remember.

Buffy: Remember everyone.

Anya: Yes yes, get the mirror. Brilliant plan.

Buffy looks back at Dawn and smiled.

Buffy: Dawn, I-

Dawn: You don’t have to say it. We’re enjoined, remember? I can hear
it, and
thanks. I do, too.

Buffy (smiles): We’re all going to make it out of this alive. And
then there
will be frequent and expensive trips to the mall, where many pairs
extravagant looking shoes will be purchased.

Xander: What if the mall is destroyed?

Buffy: Then I would be pissed.

The doors in Proserpexa’s throne room burst open. Buffy is standing
in the
doorway, with all of the Scooby members in back of her. Proserpexa
sits on
her throne watching them, the mirror at her side.

Proserpexa: You’ve made it back here in once piece, and you’ve found
a way
to break my spell. Maybe I didn’t give you the credit you deserved.

Andrew: (angry and waving an axe) You made me bathe you!

Xander: (holding him back) Don’t worry, we all have things we’re not
of. The communal toilet is coming to mind.

Buffy: (steps inside the throne room and towards Proserpexa) You
there are different levels of enjoyment I have when it comes to ass
By now, killing a random vamp might only get a 2 or 3 on the
scale. I’ve been doing it so long. Blowing up the entire school to
kill the
mayor? Well, that might be a 5 or a 6 - points off for getting a
muddy when I jumped through the window. But kicking your ass so hard
won’t even know what the meaning of time is? I think that’s going to
be a

Proserpexa stands up.

Proserpexa: I’m glad I can you give enjoyment.

The other Scoobies start to move out of the doorway to join Buffy at
side. Proserpexa raises her hand, and a magical barrier cuts them off
both ends, trapping them in the doorway outside the throne room.

Proserpexa: This is a private conversation.

Spike pounds on the magical barrier.

Spike: Damnit! You better get on this witch! Or…witches…or whoever
the hell
is casting spells these days.

Proserpexa picks up the mirror and starts to walk towards Buffy.

Proserpexa: This is what you want, isn’t it? This is the answer to
all of
your problems, the one reason why you’ve come all this way and won’t
me alone.

Buffy: Well, not the *one* reason. Did you just miss my ass kicking

Proserpexa: You need this so badly, don’t you? And who am I to stand
in the
way? Here it is.

Proserpexa uses the mirror as a weapon, hitting Buffy with it across
face and sending her flying into a corner wall. Proserpexa stops to
the mirror for a moment.

Proserpexa: It’s not broken yet. I have an idea, let’s see what

In an instant, Proserpexa appears over Buffy. She hits her again and
with the mirror, harder each time.

Cut to the Scoobies, who are watching from inside the barrier.

Spike: Fight it, slayer!

Spike looks back at Willow and Dawn.

Spike: Do something!

Willow and Dawn look like they’re in much pain, feeling the blows
just like
Buffy is.

Willow and Dawn simultaneously: We’re….trying!

Faith: Sucks being enjoined, don’t it?

The scene cuts back to Buffy and Proserpexa, who continues to beat on

Buffy: (determined) I won’t let you kill me.

Proserpexa: No, but my arm’s not even tired yet. You said that, years
ago. I
saw it. I felt it. You were very strong, very determined. A hero to
core. In fact, you made the biggest sacrifice of all. I wonder, are
ready to make that sacrifice again?

Proserpexa hits Buffy again with the mirror.

Buffy: (her voice cracking) Hey, whatever it takes.

Proserpexa: I have an idea! Let’s relive that moment.

Proserpexa hits Buffy again, harder this time, and in the face.

Proserpexa: (gets down on her knees and whispers to Buffy) Come on,
tell me
I’m a God.

Buffy is bloody and beaten, but her face stays determined. Cut to
Willow and
Dawn, who seem to have the same determined look on their faces.
Willow grabs
Dawn’s hand, and they start to chant in a foreign language.

Spike: Finally! They’re doing something.

Anya: You mean besides dying.

Andrew: I think that was implied.

Kennedy: Be strong, Will…You can do anything.

Willow and Dawn continue to chant at an inhuman speed. Suddenly, a
huge beam
of yellow energy bursts from their chests. A blinding light fills the
space where the Scoobies are stuck, but when the light dissipates,
barrier is still in tact.

Spike pounds on the still strong barrier.

Spike: Hey! What the hell did that do?

Cut to Buffy, who smiles. She gets up and backhands Proserpexa,
sending her
flying right into her throne.

Buffy: You’re a GOD, Proserpexa. (pauses) I’ve met Gods. Trust me,
not a compliment.

Proserpexa gets up, looking angry and surprised. She touches her hand
to her
lip, unsure of what’s happening. Then, she realizes. Her lip is

Proserpexa: You….bitch…

Buffy: Tsk, tsk, language. Now, is that the kind of word you want
followers to hear?

Proserpexa places the mirror down on the throne and walks over to
This is the most serious we’ve seen her since her entrance earlier

Proserpexa: It’s time we end this.

Buffy: Finally! Something we can agree on!

And it starts. Proserpexa goes to punch Buffy, but a newly energized
blocks the punch, then follows with a kick in the stomach. Proserpexa
back, surprised once again.

Buffy: Go ahead, knock me across the room again. Just try it.

Cut to the Scoobies, stuck in the barrier.

Giles: What did you two do?

Willow: Just gave Buffy a little pick-me-up of the enjoined kind. Now
if we
could only…

Willow puts her attention to the barrier. She touches it with her
hands, as
if she’s sensing its power.

Xander: Can you do it, Will?

Willow: It’s still too strong…

Willow looks back over at Dawn, who looks visibly tired.

Willow: Are you okay?

Dawn: (smiles) I’m better than okay, I’m feeling…empowered.

Anya: Why is it all the women are always feeling so empowered around
(to Faith) Are you feeling more empowered?

Faith: If by empowered, you mean, marveling that I’m still alive,
than yeah
I guess I do.

Anya: Oh, okay! I am empowered as well!

Andrew: Yay for empowered Scoobies!

Anya: No, see you can’t be empowered because you are not a woman.

Xander: Do you see how I’m holding back on the jokes in the dire

Anya: Yes, very good Xander.

Andrew: Ooh, fine! Stupid men.

Anya: Yes, men are certainly that.

Dawn: We need to find a way to make Proserpexa weaker. Maybe then we
break the barrier-

Willow: -and Buffy can get the mirror.

Dawn: She draws power from her followers, right? Well, if we were
able to
turn you guys, is there a way for us to release-

Willow: -some sort of worldwide dimensional antidote?

Dawn: Exactly. Then we can break the barrier, and I can kick some
MAJOR ass.

Xander gives Dawn a confused look.

Dawn: Sorry, I think it’s the Buffy in me.

Giles: It could work, but to reach the amount of people you’re
about, it would take an incredible amount of energy.

Kennedy: Um…have you SEEN them lately? I don’t really think we have
to worry
about that.

Willow: Then let’s get started.

Cut back to Buffy and Proserpexa. Buffy does a flip kick, but
catches Buffy’s leg and throws her to the ground. She reaches down to
her neck, but Buffy rolls to safety, then flips back up and punches
Proserpexa in the face.

Buffy: How’s that blood taste? Nice and defeating, I hope.

Proserpexa: It’s rather liberating, actually. I’m finally getting to
experience every aspect of humanity.

Buffy: Please. You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re losing.

Buffy kicks Proserpexa in the chest. She then grabs her arm and spins
Proserpexa around, eventually throwing her to the ground. Buffy looks
at the
mirror on the throne, and decides to make a run for it.

Proserpexa appears in front of Buffy, cutting off her path.

Proserpexa: Such determination. I was hoping to have a chance to beat
out of you…well, maybe there’s still time.

Proserpexa grabs Buffy by the throat and lifts her high in the air,
squeezing as hard as she can. While holding Buffy, she morphs into
her snake

Proserpexa: I think I’ve had enough of humanity for one day.

Cut back to the Scoobies.

Giles: If memory serves me, that incantation should work. However, it
only disrupt the spell around this world for only a few moments. In a
short time, everyone will revert back to the way Proserpexa has made

Willow: A few moments is all we need. I…uh…hope.

Dawn: Remember what Buffy said everyone.

Andrew: Go for the mirror!

Anya: Yes, that was one brilliant and intricate plan, wasn’t it?
Willow and Dawn take each other’s hand and start to chant an
Their eyes change colors and the whole area around them starts to
swirl as
it did when they were jumping times. Suddenly, a huge beam of energy
from their bodies and right out the ceiling of the massive temple,
a giant hole. The beam enters in the atmosphere above.

Cut to Proserpexa, who is choking Buffy. Buffy’s eyes start to glow
and she laughs.

Proserpexa: Again with finding humor at your lowest point. (squeezes
I’ll take that as a good sign.

Suddenly, everything around Proserpexa starts to fade in and out, as
if the
entire room was disappearing. She drops Buffy to the ground, confused
what’s going on.

Buffy: Welcome to reality.

Cut back to the Scoobie gang. Dawn touches the barrier, as it fades
in and
out of existence. Soon, it disappears totally. Everything around them
fading in and out, losing its color, becoming noncoporeal.

Giles: Remember, this will only last for a few moments. We have to
move now.

Faith: If we don’t make it out of this, I just wanted to say…this is
still a
hell of a lot better than jail.

Andrew: Second that!

Giles: Yes, I think we can all agree this is a more pleasant
alternative to
jail. Which is sad on so many levels, if you think about it.

Kennedy: Let’s just get this over this…

Andrew: (cries out) I love you guys!

Anya: Oh God…I just realized something. (pauses) He’s going to live,
he? We’re all going to die, and Andrew will be the only one who lives…

Spike: Don’t worry, if I see he’s the only one left, I’ll take him
before I go down.

Anya: (smiles) Thank you, Spike!

The gang rushes into the throne room and face Proserpexa. Buffy gets
obviously pleased with this turn of events.

Proserpexa: Reinforcements. Some of you used to work with me.
Remember that.

Andrew: (shutters) Some of us will never forget!

Andrew charges at Proserpexa with the axe. He swings wildly, hitting
her in
the shoulder and causing a deep cut.

Buffy: Well will you look at that. Seems like you must be loosing
powers. Followers can be so fickle, nowadays.

Buffy charges at Proserpexa, kicking her in the head. Spike gets
behind her
and kicks her in the back. A snake in Proserpexa’s hair whirls around
tries to bite at Spike.

Spike: Axe!

Andrew tosses an axe to Spike and he chops off one of the hair snakes

Dawn: Come on, we have to get the mirror!

The rest of the gang charge toward the mirror, but Proserpexa fires
off an
energy blast, sending them flying back to the other side of the room.

Proserpexa: I’m not done yet…

She grabs Buffy and Spike, electrocuting both of them at the same
time. The
room around them stops fading in and out of existence and forms
staying in Proserpexa’s time.

Proserpexa: Suddenly I’m feeling much more empowered.

Dawn: That must be the word of the day.

The Scoobies get up and all charge Proserpexa at once, except for
Dawn, for
inches towards the mirror. Proserpexa knocks them all down with a
wave of
circular energy, but they keep coming. Dawn finally reaches the
throne, and
Proserpexa turns, noticing her.

Proserpexa: (screaming) No!

Dawn grabs the mirror and in an instant, everything dissolves around

There is nothing but white.

Buffy: (voice only) Is this good or bad?
Dawn: (voice only) Buffy?
Buffy: Dawn!
Willow: Willow!
Dawn: Huh?
Willow: Oh just…something Xander said before…it’s a thing…
Giles: I take it that everyone is alright?
Dawn: Well, that depends…is everyone else blind?
Giles: Oh good! Not just me then.
Buffy: I don’t think it’s blindness, I think it’s…I think its…

The characters slowly fade into view. They are standing in a featureless white space.

Willow: Oh hey! I can see you guys! (turns to Dawn) You can see now, right?
Dawn: Check. One not blind key standing next to you. Giles?
Giles: Yes, my vision is perfect thank you. (looks around) Though the view is…rather uninspiring.
Willow: I’ve never seen anything like this before. (frowns) Or have I?
Giles: You’ve seen this before?
Dawn: (frowning too) I don’t know. It seems kinda familiar. Kinda…

Willow and Dawn turn to Buffy. There’s a horror of fear on Buffy’s face.

Willow: What is it?
Dawn: Don’t shut us out Buffy, please!
Willow: Tell us what’s wrong. There’s no use hiding it.

Buffy just looks at them. Within seconds Willow and Dawn’s concerned expressions change to shock and worry.

Willow: It can’t be!
Dawn: We’re not finished!
Willow: Buffy, are you sure?
Giles: What is it? What’s wrong?
Dawn: We can’t be dead, Buffy! We won! I got to the mirror!

The mirror appears in the room, just in front of the gang.

Dawn: See? *walks up to it* I’ll have this fixed in no time!

Buffy places her hand on Dawn’s arm, stopping her.

Buffy: (quietly) You did fix it.

Dawn frowns, then turns to the mirror, which begins to flicker.

In the mirror we see the final battle with Proserpexa, Buffy being speared through the heart, Willow dead, Dawn dying, Faith crying as she cradles Buffy in her lap…

The three stare at the mirror, watching the scenes unfold.

Giles: (softly) Good Lord!
Willow: (triumphant) Giles! Giles is here! We can’t be dead if Giles is here, right? *turns to Giles* I mean, you’re not dead, so it must be…

Willow’s voice trails off as she catches Giles’ expression. Behind her Dawn lets out a cry. Willow turns and sees that the image in the mirror has changed-

-to Andrew trying to stem the blood pouring from Giles’ wounds. Spike pulling Giles free from the rubble. Spike pressing Giles’ chest as Andrew gives him mouth to mouth.

As Spike places his tee shirt over Giles’ face Dawn turns away silently and buries her face in Buffy’s shoulder. Buffy hugs her and looks at Giles, an expression of infinite sadness on her face.

Willow: …but, we won. We won, Buffy. We should be able to change things. (shakes her head) This can’t be Heaven. Tara isn’t here.
Buffy: This isn’t Heaven. This is…before.
Willow: Before what! Horrible death?
Buffy: This is where I was when Xander brought me back. It’s where I was before I… moved on.
Willow: Then it’s not over! We can still be saved!
Giles: (softly) They’ve already tried to save us, Willow. We can’t be saved. It’s only a matter of time.
Willow: (tearful, angry) No it’s not! (turns to Buffy) You didn’t die this time! We did! You were still alive! And we fought Proserpexa in her own reality and we won and I haven’t come all this way just for you all to give up on us now! (calming a little) There has to be a reason why we’re here. There has to be some way.
Dawn: (Pulling back from Buffy) This is between realities.
Willow: Right! Right! And we’re here because…
Dawn: You are united in a bond of death.
Willow: Right!


Willow: Huh?
Dawn: The magicks of life and death are woven into the very fabric of reality. Life and Death alter reality. Their very existence changes it.
Buffy: This is all very philosophical but what’s your point?
Giles: (sounding worried) Willow?

Buffy turns to Willow. She frowns when she sees the fearful expression on Willow’s face.

Buffy: What?
Willow: (staring at Dawn) I didn’t know that.

Giles and Buffy turn to face Dawn. She doesn’t look at them. She almost seems to be looking inward. Her voice is calm and bland.

Dawn: There are magicks far older than any of the arts humanity possesses.
Buffy: (worried) Dawn?

Buffy goes to touch Dawn. Giles holds her back.

Giles: It isn’t Dawn.
Buffy: Oh God! What is it?

Dawn looks at Buffy

Dawn: I haven’t come to harm the child. She was in distress. I calmed her.
Buffy: (slowly, emphasising every word) Get out of my sister!
Dawn: (bows her head slightly) As you wish.

Dawn blinks. Her eyes widen, expression changing to shock.

Dawn: Woah!
Willow: Where’d it go?
Buffy: The magicks that I traffic with are woven into the very fabric of reality itself. Death and life are but a part of that. I used the powers at my disposal to reach you.
Giles: (slowly letting Buffy go) For what purpose.
Buffy: To repair what has been damaged. To replace what has been lost.
Dawn: Repair time?
Buffy: Yes.
Willow: Who are you?

Buffy looks at Willow. There’s a close up shot of Willow’s face, then a sudden flash of an image.

A giant snake in the skies above Sunnydale, woven into a complicated knot and biting it’s own tail.

Willow: I am eternity.

Another flash. A column of energy from the mirror hits the snake. It lets go of its tail and arches its back, making a sound half hiss, half shriek.

Willow: I am forever

Another flash. The snake writhes in the column of energy from the mirror, twisting into different shapes.

Willow: But not, it seems, infallible.

Dawn: Ouroboros!
Buffy: Are you possessing my sister again?
Dawn: (scowls at Buffy) No, that was me. With my own knowledge too I might add!
Giles: Of course! The symbol of eternity!
Willow: Much more than a symbol.
Buffy: I am the guardian of eternity, the keeper of order. Without me your reality cannot hope to survive.
Giles: (cautiously) And what should we call you.
Buffy: (smiling) So curious, this fascination with names. Your people called me by many names. (looks at Giles) The one’s of your race referred to me as Jormungand.
Willow: (frowns) Giles isn’t Norse!
Giles: (softly, shocked) My mother’s parents were Scandinavian.
Dawn: Just be glad they weren’t Aztec. That one’s a real pain to pronounce!
Buffy: So what do we have to do?
Dawn: You fought valiantly. You were within moments of defeating Proserpexa. Unfortunately you were not powerful enough alone. I, too, was unable to defeat her. However, if we were to combine our powers, they should be enough.
Buffy: You want us to enjoin with you? We don’t even know you! And possessing my sister really isn’t putting you in my good books!
Willow: You do not need to enjoin with me. I will give you my power.
Dawn: And he’s not possessing me any more, so quit yelling!
Willow: You’ll give us your power?
Dawn: Okay, this is getting confusing!
Buffy: Yes, as a gesture of trust. I have not needed to battle in millennia. You, however, have shown yourselves to be true warriors.
Giles: Then why have you brought me here?

The others look at Giles.

Giles: I don’t believe I am needed in this particular venture.

Dawn: Tiamat has corrupted life, but she has no power over death.
Buffy: Tiamat?
Dawn: Chaos. Destruction. Proserpexa.
Willow: I shall do everything I can to save all four of you, but alas- Wait! You’re not going to stop the quake?
Buffy: I cannot. That’s insane! You said you were the keeper of order! Well, I’m cancelling the order for one earthquake!
Dawn: Even after Proserpexa drained her powers I was unable to stop her.
Dawn: For pity’s sake Buffy, I can handle it!
Willow: Yeah, and a little concern this way wouldn’t go astray!
Dawn: Proserpexa must be drained of at least some of her power if we are to have any hope of defeating her.
Buffy: You’re saying we have to let Sunnydale be destroyed to save the world!
Willow: I am sorry. It can be no other way.

Pause. The gang take this in.

Giles: I’m still unsure of my role in all this.
Buffy: You have the watch.
Giles: Yes.
Willow: It may be enough to change events. Not everything, but…enough.
Giles: I see.
Dawn: These three have my powers now, but I cannot be certain that all of you, or even some of you will survive.

Another pause.

Willow: If you can defeat Proserpexa then the mirror will be destroyed and my own powers will have returned to their former strength. Proserpexa’s corruption will have been destroyed and your reality will continue.
Buffy: I cannot return to change things. Any further tampering will cause your reality to break down. To return to the battle the four of you must use the mirror. You have my knowledge now. You know what to do.

No one says anything.

Dawn: I am sorry that I cannot do more. I will leave you alone now.

Pause. The gang look at each other.

Giles: (Takes a breath) We had better get on with this.
Buffy: (softly) Yeah.
Dawn: We’re gonna win, guys. (turns to Giles) And you’re not going to die!

Giles smiles sadly

Dawn: I mean it! In twenty years time I’ll still be laughing at you for kissing Andrew!

Buffy laughs and hugs Dawn.

Buffy: I love you!
Dawn: (hugging) Love you too.
Willow: (puts her arms around them both) I love you both!

Giles suddenly throws his arms around them all, as best he can. The others are now half laughing, half crying.

Buffy: You’re going to live!
Giles: To be mocked for kissing Andrew. I think the desperate nature of our situation is summed up when I say that I am looking forward to it.
Buffy: And I love you. We all do.
Giles: (hugs harder, whispers) Thank you.

Buffy breaks away from the group.

Buffy: (as cheerfully as she can muster) Okay! You guys ready?

They all go to the mirror and raise a hand, ready to touch it.

Buffy opens her mouth to speak, but Dawn stops her.

Dawn: No goodbyes.
Buffy: (smiles) No goodbyes.

With one last glance at each other for reassurance, the four touch the mirror at the same moment.

Screen fades to white.

A close up of Buffy’s right eye. Suddenly, her eye opens and she takes in a gasp of air. The screen pans out, and Dawn, Willow, Buffy, Faith, and Proserpexa are all back on the bluff, just as they left it.

Faith: B, you’re okay!

Buffy lifts up her shirt and sees the wound from the spear healing itself at an astounding rate. Faith lets go of Buffy and she, Willow, and Dawn all stand at the same time.

Proserpexa: You…you were dead. I killed you.

Buffy: Maybe, but I’m feeling just fine now. You guys?

Dawn: Better than ever.

Willow: Peachy.

Proserpexa: No…no! You destroyed my utopia! You ruined the perfect world!

Buffy: It’s nice to see that cold indifference has finally been replaced with unbridled fear. And now, I really hate to sound clichéd, but I have a feeling your time is up.

Proserpexa: I think you’re forgetting something.

Proserpexa smiles as she holds up the mirror.

Proserpexa: For someone who is so sure of their victory, I think you forget who still has the power. I’m in control. I can go back and do it over and over again until I get it right. I can make you die a hundred deaths if I chose.

Proserpexa raises the mirror in the air, as the entire ritual is about to start again.

Cut to Andrew, Spike, and Giles, who are in the wreckage of the shop.

Spike and Andrew are comforting each other over Giles’ death when they snap back into reality.

Spike: I have the biggest bloody headache…

Andrew: Uh…spending a whole other lifetime in a different world…that wasn’t some grief-fueled hallucination, was it? Oh, no, I’m not dead, am I?

Spike: No, we’re still here. As for Old English…

Giles lie motionless on the ground, Spike’s t-shirt covering his face. Spike moves his hand slowly over to the shirt, hesitant to remove it. His hand slowly makes his way to the shirt, hovering inches above it. Before Spike can remove it, he, Andrew, and Giles, all disappear from the building.

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