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Date Posted: Fri March 01, 2013 4:03:58AM
Author: Fritz
Subject: Re: Thermostat Replacement is most likley NOT Problem
In reply to: Dave in NC 's message, "Thermostat Replacement" on Wed May 09, 2012 6:04:45PM

Gentlemen, THe Masked Rider is here to helpl...
First, I don't think its your stat that is causing the problem. Stats mostly do not cause the heating problem you are having The system Is most likely DIRTY and the cause IS,,, and now student,,, go to the head of the line, wait for it, wait, wait its coming. Its your Radiator. I will guarantee it. Its pluggggged up and just flushing it, will not fix it. It needs to be removed and a high pressure hose to BLOW it out. YOu may even need to plug on hole and fill it up with vinegar and plug the other end and bake it in an oven at 150 deg for 20 to 30 minutes... then pull it from te oven and flush it with a high pressure hose. This will only fix 2 out of 10... Sorry, no other way to fix it. I've heard one guy using a cutting tourch to cut the top off the radiator but the trick part is to line it back up to weld it back on. NOT an easy thing to do...
The easy thing is to just buy a new radiator, because our chances of fixing the old one is preety LOW. Sorry
Ove course I've only been working on these bikes since Mosses. O, and these radiators can be taken apart like car ones... If it plugged up,,,,, thats what one get for NOT using distilled water.
See ya later boys and girls

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