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Date Posted: Thu September 19, 2013 1:25:44PM
Author: doug of no fl
In reply to: WAYNE IN NJ 's message, "BIKE WON'T START WHEN COLD" on Thu September 19, 2013 9:04:34AM

Are your "air screw plugs" still sealed in the bottom of the bowls?? (front bottom of bowel) If they are sealed you can drill the plugs out and adjust the air screws to 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 turns out. If sealed and you unseal them screw them in to see where they were at (how many turns in to stop). If they were way off this could be your problem. If you are going to rebuild the carbs yourself, make sure you know how to, cause they can really get messed up if you do not know what you are doing. Give Carl Leo, 731-413-8666,or e-mail @ voyagerparts@bellsouth.net a call or click he can give you the best tips and instructions on what to use to rebuild them and what to look for. Do you have a way to sync them? He may also do the job for you or swap you for a set he already has rebuilt & tested.. He has done many of these and he is the BEST!!! He can get you the correct parts if you are going to do them yourself. Some of the carb kits for these do not have the proper parts in them to do this job right. If someone has been in there already you may want to look to see if they shimmed the needles and that could be what is wrong. or the floats are not set right. I think you have to reuse the original float hangars cause the aftermarket ones hang up the floats. Ck with Carl he is your best bet , He is retired now in Daytona Beach Fl. Kinda hard to find sometimes he may be out riding or fishing, But He will get on the right track.

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