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Date Posted: 19:42:30 04/06/03 Sun
Author: Vanity ShowWood
Subject: Hangover will be the Third Reign of Vanity ShowWood

The scene slowly comes into view as Vanity ShowWood is at the RoboArena. He's actully walking about in the Robo Hall of Fame. There are a couple workers getting a picture of Dav Pinnick back in place and Vanity walks the halls. The newer enshrinements being of Xavier Channel and Seether. Vanity stops and begins talking to himself with the Intercontinental Championship around his waist.

One day soon I will be in this hall but I've got to win on Hangover...I need to be the World Heavyweight Champion again. It would be the third time i'd be going into King of the Forest as Champion but...I don't care. I need to be Champion again. I can't be held out of this Hall of Fame. I am the best heel ever in this company. Doctor Mangahaus ain't nothin on The Vain One. So in a couple days I am to face Latin Lover and "Shit Talker" Tyrone Walker for the RWF World Heavyweight Championship and Intercontinental Championship. Sure as hell I will come out of this match with a Title. It just better be the World Title...Then King of the Forest soon. This is always my time of the season. Nobody is gonna be able to touch me.

Vanity walks up and down the halls running his hand over statues and remembering the RWF he watched when he was younger and he comes back upon the new picture of Dav Pinnick on the wall

Why did you have to go and Die Dav. We had a great thing going. You make sure people don't screw me and I keep the Titles in the Penthouse. Since you left i've won nothing except this IC Strap here because some bitch held it. Something you'd never have stood for. Man..If you were still here nobody like Latin Lover could ever have become Champ. I'd be the Main Event Show Stopper. Instead i've been playing second fiddle to some bitch Latin Lover. Unbelievable. I am gonna destroy LL and that Shit Talker on Tuesday though. You just better be watching somewhere old man.

Vanity chuckles nodding towards Dav's picture and walks off out of the Hall of Fame and into the RoboArena and out of camera view...


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