- Get Behind the Lads! -- Fulham Man, Friday, March 28, 10:47:07am (host-78-148-190-194.as13285.net/
Are Fulham supoporters going to be vocal and really get behind the team tomorrow? It can't just be left to the Hammersmith End. Palace have very strong support and it needs to be countered. Often, vocal support is too docile. Tomorrow is a terrible time for the game but we need to be energised and give it everything we've got. A flat atmosphere would be disastrous. It's an important one off game that coul be FFc on the road to silverware. So come on, let's hear it. get behind the lads!
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- 75 Revisited -- Old timer long termed., Friday, March 28, 03:45:28am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
Re hash of the classic 75 song Fulham Fulham have you heard the latest Fulham Fulham we can be the greatest now we’ll show you this our big day the time has come for Fulham to March down Wembley way Fulham Fulham now finally made it Fulham Fulham the Cup we’ll soon parade it Craven Cottage we will make you proud the day FA Cup comes back to all the Fulham crowd Jedi spurs us on Willian still the best. We’ve got Raul and Rodrigo Muniz and they can do the rest Fulham Fulham the Cup is in our Hands oh you lucky people were the best team in the Land.
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- I heard the original in Hamburg on the morning of the final entering a hostelry...it got to me bad thinking of family no longer around who were instrumental in being a Fulham fan..cried like a baby....come on Fulham win tomorrow. (NT) -- Barney Travers, Friday, March 28, 06:39:40am (NoHost/
- Whats this jedi nonsense? (NT) -- Riverside Roger, Friday, March 28, 10:02:18am (NoHost/
- I love this song! Arguably better than Viva El Fulham - does anyone have a link to it? There used to be a 2010 European Tour video uploaded Youtube by a fan which had this song as a soundtrack, but it seems to have been taken down. Have never heard it since? Any ideas where it can be found?? (NT) -- Hugh Grant, Friday, March 28, 10:25:24am (NoHost/
- Whats all this Jedi nonsense? What does it mean? -- Riverside Roger, Thursday, March 27, 06:35:20pm (NoHost/
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- in response to AX - yes competitors will offer alternative offerings. but Shads/Sodexo have really gone for 'names' -- DOF, Thursday, March 27, 04:10:26pm (NoHost/
Shads Gamechanging moment might be 5 years late. But we are now on the verge of seeing if his plan for CC,the stand, pier project (non matchday) is going to succedd. And by percentanges this will fail too. Spurs closed down their new stadium cafe only months after opening. Fulham too have closed the Johnny haynes stautue cafe. Even Man Utd and Liverpool, CFC , Real Madrid. can hardly say they maximise their non matchday revenues. AND they have alot of footfall daily. Fulham do have alot of joggers, dogwalkers etc. But they mustn't OVERPRICE' the Riverside cafe now offer £3-4 coffees in a response to this. how much do FFC charge?
As AX sadi below. The vans in the park will be half the price. Tescos also is half the price as is the Riverside cafes new 'cafe'
So pricing will be crucial. Or even we (fulham fan) won't blindly pay double for a slightly better burger option just because its Fulham FC.
On a weekend walk, will I eat Crisp Pizza (£10ish ) or Fulhams pizza? I would if the pricing was close. But damn no chance i'm paying £15 for it.
£700 for the FFCSkywalk. You are basically paying £600 extra for the views at HT (15 mins) and yes top notch food. That can be had for £100 (tops). Who is going to pay this?
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Really glad so many are finally (with the release of new seats) trying out the New Stand. REally like to hear your views on our Clubs new £200M+ investment. -- Sam, Thursday, March 27, 03:14:03pm (NoHost/
Our question though is; Are you planning to try the new in house food and drink aswell?
£3 a pint on offer until 11.45 is still a good deal.
But how much will you plan to spend?
Will you try the hotdogs, burgers and candyfloss?
Is anyone trying out the Corporate offerings like Matchday plus on the 2nd floor or the Dugout in the basement?
What does the extra £100+ get you?
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- Never buy anything in the ground and unlikely to alter going forward! (NT) -- Waterboy, Thursday, March 27, 03:15:41pm (lanc-08-b2-v4wan-168332-cust3678.vm14.cable.virginm.net/
- Ive been in the riverside twice - once near the bottom of the upper tier - seemed fine, but views (obviously) no different to those you had from the old stand at about a quarter of the price. The second, i went quite high up (about 4 rows from back), and found the stand really, really steep. Can't say anything about catering as i rarely buy anything in the ground anyway as there are multiple other options locally with better quality and pricing. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Thursday, March 27, 04:16:16pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-lonb.forcepoint.net/
- I havn't bought anything inside the ground for years, Putney or Hammersmith have plenty of places before and after as well as various outlets in the Park. And a lot of us are on limited money so it does make a difference, why spend more than you have to? (NT) -- .., Thursday, March 27, 06:04:33pm (host109-146-133-10.range109-146.btcentralplus.com/
- Viva El Fulham revisited: 2025 Remix -- Tony Rees & The Cottagers, Thursday, March 27, 03:05:17pm (NoHost/
Down the Fulham Road we're burning with ambition, Shahid’s vision,Is make the Champions League! And if you see what a team we've got this season, You know the reason, We'll get there easily! But first we're heading down the Wembley Way,
To show the world that we can really play!
{chorus} Oh this year we're gonna win the cup, Viva El Fulham, And next year we'll be in Eur-ope, Viva El Fulham, Tom Cairney is a wonder that's for sure, Viva El Fulham, And Willian, well do we need say more? It's Fulham por favor
Shahid Khan used to hide behind his big ‘tache, But with his cash, We’re the greatest in the land! He'll be thinking of his Cottage by the river, When we deliver, That scoreline in his hand! We’ve got Rodrigo doing tricks and flicks, And Big Bernd Leno,In between the sticks! {repeat chorus}
There's Adama running at those packed defences, Attacks 'em senseless, Then plays the ball to Sess! And from Calvin at the back to Raul and Sander, And big Castagne, This team is the best! We'll keep scoring in the white and black,Our genius Silva - he'll never get the sack!{repeat chorus}
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- Not a bad effort, but will it catch on? (NT) -- Crafty Cottager, Thursday, March 27, 05:17:10pm (NoHost/
- Re: Viva El Fulham revisited: 2025 Remix (NT) -- Tell you Saturday Afternoon at around 2.15, Friday, March 28, 02:55:53am (NoHost/
- brilliant , well played Sir (NT) -- D block, Friday, March 28, 09:22:55am (NoHost/
- Riverside Stand -- DelBoy, Thursday, March 27, 01:47:51pm (NoHost/
opted for the riverside for this saturday (due to me not being able to see my daughters reserved seat in my account when tickets went on sale). Our seats are the hammersmith side of the stand but does anyone know if you can access the stand via the Bishops Park end, or is access split half and half depending what part of the riverside your in?
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- Same! seemed good for a one off and was only £10.00 more than usual seat (NT) -- Waterboy, Thursday, March 27, 01:50:40pm (lanc-08-b2-v4wan-168332-cust3678.vm14.cable.virginm.net/
- Pretty sure you can walk all the way from Bishops Park End 👍 -- Albert Swuare, Thursday, March 27, 02:07:46pm (NoHost/
- Yes, you can definitely enter from the Bishop's Park entrance. Have done so on more than one occasion. (NT) -- FFC in Brighton., Thursday, March 27, 02:31:06pm (NoHost/
- More ticketing nonsense -- Same Old Story, Thursday, March 27, 12:38:10pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-lonb.forcepoint.net/
What on earth are the club doing with the bournemouth tickets? Wierd that they've created such an extended stagger for a monday night game. Yes, i know its a small allocation and we'll probably sell out, but loyalty point increments of 100, each day? Really?
As for the final drops for members and 'supporters with a booking history' - these are 2 and 1 (respectively) working days before the actual fixture, so if the allocation does go down that far, how on earth are they going to get the tickets out to people in time? All seems very strange to me. Its almost as if they're making the LP system as clunky as possible so they can then say its not working.
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- Highest Attendance Since 1977 -- Jimbo, Thursday, March 27, 08:35:51am (cpc91486-slou5-2-0-cust1318.17-4.cable.virginm.net/
With half of P2 also going to be sold out shortly Saturday is looking likely to be the highest attendance at the Cottage since 1977.
Source: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://european-football-statistics.co.uk/attnclub/league/fulh.htm">https://european-football-statistics.co.uk/attnclub/league/fulh.htm</a>
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- Msg for SOS -- Zāl, Thursday, March 27, 12:34:45am (86-87-69-171.fixed.kpn.net/
Drop me an email if you are so inclined! 😜😜😜
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- Fulham documentary on Netflix?? -- Fulham have kept this under wraps., Wednesday, March 26, 03:05:03pm (NoHost/
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- Just Wondering. -- Fear of Music, Wednesday, March 26, 01:08:33pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
How big a game is this for Marco and the team?Have they one eye on Arsenal? Is the Palace much more Important for us the fans ?
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- Got to be number priority. Fear nobody left in the competition. Happy for an FA Cup final and 10th position (NT) -- Al, Wednesday, March 26, 02:10:57pm (NoHost/
- All games are equally important for me as part of the seasons campaign. (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Wednesday, March 26, 02:26:13pm (NoHost/
- It will always be Palace, we will finish 10th in the league as too many tough games left (NT) -- Waterboy, Wednesday, March 26, 02:31:28pm (NoHost/
- Actually can't believe you're asking this question...for avoidance of doubt, Palace. If we win the FA Cup, this season will never be forgotten. If we finish 8th, it will... (NT) -- dd, Wednesday, March 26, 02:47:50pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Oh dear oh dear.........Sit down (NT) -- GA, Wednesday, March 26, 04:17:21pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- FFS! Palace is. The FA cup ffs! This is what top flight is all about. Sorry OP this is not your finest hour, (NT) -- CB, Wednesday, March 26, 07:51:33pm (213-18-185-130.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Devil’s advocate: Europe is very important next year IMO. Far more likely to have Silva and Jedi not swayed if there is a job to finish. We get Europe from both routes of course. To win the FA Cup, we have to win 3 out of 3 games (barring replays). In the league we (probably) need around 15 pts from 9 games. Even given a tougher run I’d say that’s more likely than not losing once in 3 fixtures. Losing at Wembley at the expense of getting the points could be bad long-term, for the club. (NT) -- ASPT, Wednesday, March 26, 09:47:29pm (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
- You argue well until the very end. Neither Marco nor Jedi will be here beyond the short-term. Long-term, even FA Cup runners-up status registers. If you have a point, and I agree you may, it concerns the balance of advantage over the next season or two. (NT) -- b+w g., Wednesday, March 26, 10:01:56pm (
- Indeed, winning the FA Cup could launch us into the stratosphere given our location, history and upwardly mobile fanbase. Even Wigan, now back in League One and historically a non league club, smaller than Wimbledon, have a very healthy following after their 2013 'miracle'. Such deeds 'echo for eternity'. (NT) -- Rupert, Thursday, March 27, 10:30:43am (NoHost/
- I am not sure why you are so sure about Jedi since he has three more years on his contract . It would certainly be crazy to sell him for a thing like his transfermarket valuation , just gone up to £35m . He is about the best left back in the Premiership and on a long contract . The club surely must only sell for a truly irresistable offer . £60 -70m or so . (NT) -- alanos, Thursday, March 27, 11:37:44am (82-132-214-43.dab.02.net/
- You sound more like a money man than a supporter who lives for the big trophy. (NT) -- GA, Wednesday, March 26, 11:22:14pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- We have this question every year. There is no evidence from any club that participation in one competition is detrimental to participation in another competition. In fact, it would be easier to make the opposite point.. (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Thursday, March 27, 11:36:38am (NoHost/
- Transfer a digital match ticket -- David (Kean), Wednesday, March 26, 12:36:23pm (epso-06-b2-v4wan-167203-cust761.vm34.cable.virginm.net/
Can someone help me regarding how to transfer my digital season tickets on my phone to my son as I can’t go for a few matches due to surgery? Thanks.
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- Predicted line up for Saturday: Leno Castagne Andersen Bassey Robinson Lukic Berge Troare Pereira Iwobi Muniz -- Raul, ESR, Willian & Sess good sub options, Wednesday, March 26, 11:34:03am (NoHost/
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- Definately start with Muniz. Jiminez on in case there are pens (NT) -- ASPT, Wednesday, March 26, 11:45:34am (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
- Looks sensible to me, though not entirely sold on Pereira... (NT) -- d, Wednesday, March 26, 12:33:24pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Re: Predicted line up for Saturday: Leno Castagne Andersen Bassey Robinson Lukic Berge Troare Pereira Iwobi Muniz (NT) -- I wonder Marco may match up Palace with 3 atb, Wednesday, March 26, 12:56:51pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Might be worth holding Traore back so we can bring him on later in the game (and potential extra time) when space opens up (NT) -- Dixieandivor, Wednesday, March 26, 01:24:32pm (host86-183-79-200.range86-183.btcentralplus.com/
- If we play that team we lose Lukic and Berge got destroyed in midfield by Eze and Hughes and you got to think Wharton will be playing also we need an extra player in midfield to counteract there’s. If we win the midfield battle we win the game (NT) -- Button, Wednesday, March 26, 03:41:15pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Yes, I would save Raul for Arsenal (NT) -- RR, Wednesday, March 26, 08:38:26pm (regus.net/
- FAO : Hammersmithender re HE vs PE stats -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 26, 10:54:37am (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-lonb.forcepoint.net/
Apologies for the new post in response, couldn't fit in a reply, and the spacing required in an 'inside' message made the format really awkward,
714 home games in the period i'm covering, of which i'm reasonably confident 102 we were towards HE first half 597 towards HE with 15 not confident on direction.
So, say 102/699 = 14.6% of the time.
Of those 102, we have a W/L/D split of W - 39%, D - 30%, L - 31%
Of the 597 towards the Hammersmith End first half, we have a W/L/D split of - W - 46%, D - 25%, L - 29%.
So looking at those, we seem slightly more likely to win, if we kick off towards the Putney End in the first half, slightly less likely to draw, and then fractionally less likely to lose.
There would then be other factors which muddy this a bit.
- Figures include covid seasons. If you remove these, it improves both W rates as we were utter shite during Covid.
- Figures include premier league season where there was no away end - away fans were positioned down the side of the JH.
- The Putney End has fluxxed in terms of the makeup - some games its been Home and away, some games its been just away, others has contained a 'neutral' section. I haven't factored this in at all as there is no data source to enable me to do so. In short, it seems we do slightly better attacking the Putney end first half, not dramatically, but enough over a large enough sample to suggest its worth a point or two per season.
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- Your findings reflect those found in the Liverpool link, in that the advantage of kicking towards the home end in the second half is marginal. Another factor is that the away side is obviously kicking towards their fans which in an away game might be more advantageous to them than the home side. This shows that those who continually complain about the away fans allocation being too large have nothing to worry about. (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Wednesday, March 26, 11:48:59am (NoHost/
- thanks man. Always wondered that. I have to ask, memory or research? (NT) -- ASPT, Wednesday, March 26, 11:49:57am (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
- By the way, how on earth can you recollect in detail, 714 games in detail.? (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Wednesday, March 26, 11:53:52am (NoHost/
- A perennial wonder. Not sure how enviable that kind of memory is, but it's great resource for us lot, so I was only kidding at 10:55:00am (NT) -- b+w g., Wednesday, March 26, 12:07:22pm (host81-151-33-219.range81-151.btcentralplus.com/
- to be fair its only 699 (as i can't recall 15 of the sample). Not sure. I think it's my 'thing'. More hideously, i could probably describe about 85% of the goals in the sample in reasonable detail. For every glorious Diop 30 yard shot bending round the despairing dive of Roy Carroll at the Hammersmith End, there's a Mark Blake last minute own goal, nodded past a flat footed Stannard to gift Colchester a win at the cottage at the Putney End, so i think its probably a curse. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 26, 12:29:22pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-lonb.forcepoint.net/
- Slight typo isn't there when you say "102 we were towards HE first half 597 towards HE". Shouldn't it be "597 towards PE first half"? (NT) -- Club Stooge, Wednesday, March 26, 11:58:43am (host86-177-51-104.range86-177.btcentralplus.com/
- Reports linking Marco Silva with Juventus... -- G, Wednesday, March 26, 08:11:50am (NoHost/
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- Nessuna Sorpresa . Always felt on overseas top club would show interest. Would be tempting if so. (NT) -- CB, Wednesday, March 26, 09:25:57am (213-18-185-130.customer.gigaclear.net/
- As Igor Tudor was appointed the other day this is bull (NT) -- FB2, Wednesday, March 26, 10:32:26am (NoHost/
- Space filler - Serie A could never get Silva's competitive juices flowing - quite weak league relatively speaking - (NT) -- Rupert, Wednesday, March 26, 10:38:02am (NoHost/
- I would hate it slightly less If it was a straight swap with Motta. He seemed to draw most of his games at Juve last time I looked. He was lights out at Bologna. Quirky too. Perhaps slightly less pressure than Juve is his sweet spot right now. (Not that I think it’ll happen) (NT) -- ASPT, Wednesday, March 26, 11:54:17am (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
- Smells like it.The player Silva from Benfica? (NT) -- HemelRog, Wednesday, March 26, 01:22:09pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Palace -- Dave, Tuesday, March 25, 09:52:53pm (host81-151-11-80.range81-151.btcentralplus.com/
As long as you give them 15% that’s OK which comes to 4,271 and Fulham didn’t want them to have the whole end. So Fulham fans are in P1 and P2 will remain empty.
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- Seats for Saturday -- Al, Tuesday, March 25, 09:19:24pm (NoHost/
Bunch available shown in P2, bit weird thought Palarse would take full compliment.
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- The failure to build the Pier will be a problem! -- dfs, Tuesday, March 25, 06:36:52pm (NoHost/
Not speaking about the new stand . But actually speaking about that Pier which was mooted; but due to the backlash from the Rowers got shelved. And now the Cottage will face crowds of 29,000 in 1 weeks time when the Entire stand is opened##
But we have the same Access in and out of the Ground as we did when there was only 25000.
People will dismiss this. But the new much Lorded Everton Ground has become a laughing stock by at least Liverpool fans. As discovered during the Half Capacity testing event.
There is A bridge that fans need to go over And it is a Massive pinch point. Times getting in and out after games will be horrific!
Fulham adding 4,000 more fans per gameday. But no new access? A clear sign the Club and Supporters trust don't care!
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- Sorry, are you saying that you expect 4,000+ fans to arrive at home games by boat? That doesn't sound very likely. For a start, just think of all that congestion on the river! (NT) -- Block E, Tuesday, March 25, 07:51:18pm (host86-155-246-137.range86-155.btcentralplus.com/
- Good attempt at a wind-up, but ultimately a fail. You have to accept that Brentford will.always be a MUCH SMALLER CLUB than Fulham. Mid-table in the Championship is a SUCCESS for the Bees! (NT) -- dd, Tuesday, March 25, 08:15:48pm (NoHost/
- Re: The failure to build the Pier will be a problem! (NT) -- How many Access area’s to the Riverside Stand?, Tuesday, March 25, 08:32:12pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- There is new access for the Riverside. People in that stand now access the stadium via Bishops Park or the riverside walk from Hammersmith instead of Stevenage Road. (NT) -- Hampton White, Wednesday, March 26, 08:54:07am (NoHost/
- What a knob (NT) -- Jimmyhillbillies, Thursday, March 27, 05:19:07pm (77-76-83-95.static.unassigned.as8607.net/
- Watching England -- Ffc, Monday, March 24, 09:44:34pm (host86-182-232-96.range86-182.btcentralplus.com/
Marcus Rashford….
How bang average he is…..can’t cross a ball for 💩
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- Morgan Rogers was terrific though. (NT) -- GA, Tuesday, March 25, 12:09:08am (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- Would have watched England but it was too early for sleepers. (NT) -- Zzzzz, Tuesday, March 25, 10:47:32am (NoHost/
- Mind you, Tuchel's post match presser was very impressive. How did Ch**ki let him slip? (NT) -- MH, Tuesday, March 25, 12:28:20pm (180-150-112-239.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- I gave up watching international football years ago. Unfortunately England don't seem to breed elite talent, or the killer instinct required to deliver trophies. Favourable group stages and knockout draws in the last 2 competitions still didn't yield success and it's unlikely we'll get that type of luck again. (NT) -- Samuel, Tuesday, March 25, 02:42:24pm (NoHost/
- How did Bellingham not receive a red card? (NT) -- Jonathan Baines, Tuesday, March 25, 06:30:46pm (cpc1-basl12-2-0-cust735.20-1.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Watching England (NT) -- The chance went when Mancini schooled Southgate, Tuesday, March 25, 08:35:12pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- La arse -- Samuel, Monday, March 24, 09:22:46am (82-132-212-33.dab.02.net/
Game is now on sale to all STH, a bit surprising given where we're.
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- Raul -- Bobby do we need say Moore., Monday, March 24, 02:45:03am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
On target for Mexico again this morning will definitely start for me against Palace on Saturday Lunchtime. Really outstanding all round Centre Forward.
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- Chances still got to be scored, but what was the keeper doing for the first one, and as for the penalty, that's Sunday league stuff. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Monday, March 24, 10:05:40am (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- Re: Raul (NT) -- All round game has been excellent of late, Monday, March 24, 11:59:13am (NoHost/
- Lovely player but I would start Muniz against a physical CO.He was awesome in his last sub appearance as well.Bring on Raul later as he might be cream cracker Ed. (NT) -- HemelRog, Monday, March 24, 12:22:44pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Think it depends what physical condition he comes back in, might be a case of getting an hour out of him at full tilt to then be replaced at the silva standard 60min mark, or save him for last half hour after using Muniz to batter them for an hour. Either way, nice problem to have. He’s also been named player of the tournament, keeping a very good player in Gomez out the Mexico team. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 24, 02:22:49pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Muniz to start surely? As much as I’d like to win Saturday, If it’s game over on 60 minutes (either way) no point in risking him with big league games to come. (NT) -- bs, Monday, March 24, 03:08:59pm (NoHost/
- Personally, I'd start Muniz this Saturday. Palace are a strong and physical team so I think Muniz's hold up play is a better option. They really outmuscled us last time. (NT) -- Neil G, Tuesday, March 25, 12:38:51pm (NoHost/
- Personally, I'd be happy with whoever Marco Silva starts. 1) He's in a position to assess the fitness of the players; 2) He's picking the whole team ; 3) He's our actual Manger and not some armchair, Eddie Expert. (NT) -- Mark Latham's One Nation, Tuesday, March 25, 12:55:02pm (Host-By.DMIT.com/
- That Rayan Cherki just ran the game against England U21’s -- ASPT, Sunday, March 23, 09:37:42pm (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
A possible ‘one that got away’
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- I may be mistaken, but didn't he reject Fulham after an offer was accepted? (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 23, 09:43:45pm (NoHost/
- Re: That Rayan Cherki just ran the game against England U21’s (NT) -- Gave us the Spanish Archer., Sunday, March 23, 09:50:31pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- The BBC Gossip page are said that Cherki is favourable to go to Liverpool Bayern or Dortmound (NT) -- Jt20, Sunday, March 23, 11:20:01pm (NoHost/
- He's had a real break out year apparently. Right player, great deal, but player didn't want the move sadly, and looks like the decision means he'll be at liverpool or another champs league club next year (NT) -- jayffc, Monday, March 24, 12:57:21am (cpc88427-bexl10-2-0-cust971.2-3.cable.virginm.net/
- Was always a boy wonder, brilliant talent, questionable attitude, bit like hatem ben arfa who ended up at Newcastle, but found consistency this season. Lyon have been in financial trouble, hence they were looking at selling people like cherki and the other young winger we almost signed, nuameh. It is exactly they type of signing we should be after though, some will flop, but some should go on to be superstars, we have a really good structure for young players to thrive with great senior pros. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 24, 09:59:27am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Enclosure question -- Yeah11, Sunday, March 23, 12:53:00pm (
Everyone talks about the Hammersmith End being where the FFC hardcore are found, but I'm sure back in the day the Enclosure was more the spot. Is my memory off here?
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- My take was that the younger hard core were in the Hammersmith end and the older school of which my older brother was one, congregated around the half way line in the enclosure. (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Sunday, March 23, 01:08:44pm (NoHost/
- I think the enclosure became a bit of a trend - you had all sorts in there. Certainly a hardcore who got rid of QPR quick enough at the Pesch game. Some great wags (original meaning) in there - oppo players could turn to jelly; see Peter Smith. We created some decent noise, we thought. Could never hear the HE at all, they said the same about us! (NT) -- woodman, Sunday, March 23, 02:39:43pm (NoHost/
- At a slight tangent, the most striking memory I have of an oppo player being impacted then subbed by FFC "encouragement" was Sinclair at Leicester. May well have been a cup game at Filbert Street where Pesch was taken off and O'Neill played some lump from the back at the top to score against us. Felt like we had thrown the game away unnecessarily. Hopefully my memory has not bundled two Leicester games into one. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Sunday, March 23, 04:47:39pm (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- Twoooooooo! (NT) -- SD, Sunday, March 23, 08:24:31pm (NoHost/
- I was an enclosurite. I remember a league cup game against wolves (I think tony daley battered us that night) and it was one of Graham Taylor's first game after England. Some bloke was running around with a bag of turnips handing them out for people to throw at him. (NT) -- Jimmy Hill's Chin, Monday, March 24, 03:21:53pm (NoHost/
- Could be. I started on the actual Thamesbank terrace, from where all of us had to relocate when the Riverside stand was built. Many other Enclosureites would also have been people used to watching from the side and being able to switch at h/t towards the end we were attacking. From the side was also where all sorts got shouted out at opposing players who *could actually hear it* -- another generic difference from the H.End. So those kind of preferences came into it. (NT) -- b+w g., Sunday, March 23, 02:47:47pm (host86-163-250-40.range86-163.btcentralplus.com/
- Coming from some one who stood on the half way line in the Enclosure for thirty odd years, I will definitely say that was where the discerning hard-core stood!! (NT) -- GTS, Sunday, March 23, 03:40:34pm (NoHost/
- Will there be much of a "hardcore" soon with the prices all going up every season. Away games seems to get core following but then at £30 it's quite reasonable. Wolves at home in the riverside was something crazy like £105! (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 23, 04:39:16pm (NoHost/
- I loved the Putney End closer to the Cottage and players entrance an cheaper by half than the terrace. Then I was just 11 and pocket money spent on train from West Weybridge and turnstile. Older mate bought the programme. No pies or pints back then. (NT) -- CB, Sunday, March 23, 07:13:48pm (213-18-185-130.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Definitely G block in the JH back in the day with 5’6” me and the 5’4” old man there. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Sunday, March 23, 08:06:29pm (host109-157-203-157.range109-157.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: Enclosure question (NT) -- Remember enclosure battles with Palace a few times, Sunday, March 23, 09:14:36pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- The old man & grandad switched to the enclosure in 81/82. Got taken in the Hammersmith end before that . Probably one of the most eclectic mix of characters in there you could imagine. Actors mixing with a few local faces. We've never looked for trouble but seen a few visiting fans get a "warm"welcome in there. We were a bit more of a working class club back then (NT) -- TSW, Monday, March 24, 08:35:15am (NoHost/
- If the Neville’s can play for England, so can I ……the enclosures great chant (NT) -- See Gary Neville’s video ., Monday, March 24, 09:11:46am (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
- General point about old days, not just us...Home End symbolically the most territorial (for seeking to intrude on/defend) and the most important for sucking goals in and winning pens. Roofed lateral terraces: best placed for unnerving opposing players, as in the cases remembered above. Many a player rated the most intimidating from that specific point of view the 'Chicken Run' at Upton Park. (NT) -- b+w g., Monday, March 24, 11:03:59am (host86-163-250-40.range86-163.btcentralplus.com/
- If my memory serves me well, there was a narrow chicken run of sorts for supporters venturing from the station.. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Monday, March 24, 09:06:51pm (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- It would be interesting to know if we have prospered more from attacking the "home end" rather than the other end. My moments to remember spanning many years seem to be about 50/50. I doubt those stats have ever been recorded though. (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Tuesday, March 25, 11:47:00am (NoHost/
- www.lfchistory.net/Articles/Article/4262 This article provides an answer of sorts. (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Tuesday, March 25, 12:38:32pm (NoHost/
- Ive been intrigued by this so have done a back of fag packet summation, going through fixtures back to 88/89, - where my really good recall begins, and i reckon we have scored around 56% of goals at the hammersmith end in that time. I've excluded games i'm not sure about which is about 5% of the sample so there is a bit of margin for error. Interestingly, our best % seasons HE v PE came in the bottom 2 divisions, with 4 of the 5 where HE saw 60%+ of the goals coming in the 3rd or 4th tier. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 25, 05:24:17pm (NoHost/
- Going by the article I quoted, which relates to Anfield, where of all the home ends in the country, the home end would surely make a difference, the writer surprisingly found that there wasn't much in it. Your stats relate to goals scored by us, but what about games won? (NT) -- Hammersmithender, Tuesday, March 25, 07:08:14pm (NoHost/
- Lower attendee numbers in the lower divisions, but a higher percentage in the H.End? Maybe. Have to say how disappointing that your mental recall merely goes back 37 seasons and has a 5% margin of error -- the shame of it. (NT) -- b+w g. (95% error margin), Wednesday, March 26, 10:55:00am (host81-151-33-219.range81-151.btcentralplus.com/
- Comon Shad wheres that MP Training ground (doubling in size) upgrade?? -- Contra, Saturday, March 22, 08:23:55pm (NoHost/
Luke Harris ommitted from Wales (and have you seen their talent?)
Stansfield (sold) but still ommitted from ENG u21 squad
Bowie (also sold). Not in Scotland u21 sqaud
Only King in the u18s...
bleak times for anyone breaking through!
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- BBC Sport latest. “How 11th could mean Europe…can Seagulls and Bees mount European push.” -- Bad Boy, Saturday, March 22, 03:09:37pm (NoHost/
It reads like a who’s who of the media darlings and how they could make it into Europe…L’pool, Arse, Forest, M City, Newcastle, Brighton, B’mouth, CFC, Villa, and (gulp) Brentford, Man U & Spurs.
Obviously Fulham in 8th not worthy of a mention. Wassup.
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- I thought that when reading it. The scenarios they have (bournemouth finishing 7th and winning the cup) for it to happen are all applicable (and in some cases more likely to happen) to Fulham yet we’re not mentioned a single time. Really, really strange article (NT) -- Same old story, Saturday, March 22, 05:17:23pm (NoHost/
- I'm rather hoping that Man Utd get knocked out by Lyon, finish too lowly for qualification, and that Man City get appropriate punishment if their alleged financial iregularities are substantiated. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Saturday, March 22, 06:29:04pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- The media has a bit of a split personality when it comes to Fulham. Sometimes we get decent recognition, particularly with regard to Silva's impact and our style of play. But then on other occasions we've been unplayable but largely ignored by the press & pundits. I'm sure it feels similar for the fans of most clubs at one stage or another. There's no definable reason we'd be singled out. (NT) -- Samuel, Saturday, March 22, 06:59:49pm (NoHost/
- Not making an excuse for the writer of the article, but he DOES mention Fulham in one sentence, I think he focusses on other teams because he actually interviewed players from some of the other teams. Perhaps for whatever reason he didn't land an interview with a Fulham player? (NT) -- p, Saturday, March 22, 07:12:22pm (NoHost/
- Bizarre article. Whole thing focuses on English teams qualifying for in Europe but it’s predicated on Villa winning the champions league which would is surely the pinnacle and front page worthy news for a month of Sundays??? (NT) -- Confused, Sunday, March 23, 02:17:03am (cpc93828-hari18-2-0-cust1442.20-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Boring. The conspiracy theory against Fulham is so dull and pointless. The Top 6 get coverage and then some other teams. Most teams, like Fulham, are just incidental participants as far as the press is concerned. So what?! To think the likes of Brighton, Brentford, Bournemouth get more or more favorable coverage than us is just not true. The press is not interested in teams with small supporter bases period. Whatever. (NT) -- Mark Latham's One Nation, Sunday, March 23, 05:03:53am (Host-By.DMIT.com/
- One would suspect villa won't be winning the champions league + spurs/utd are playing so badly be hard to win europa. I would suspect Chelsea will win conference and Newcastle won't need that spot. I'd also fancy Brentford will finish top 8, they are scoring goals and winning home/away now (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 23, 12:49:59pm (NoHost/
- Heads up - -- Rupert, Saturday, March 22, 09:23:20am (NoHost/
Blackburn v Fulham from 84/85 being featured on Big Match Revisited this morning - around the start of the 'Flats on the Cottage' conspiracy - at least evidence of it on the pitch.
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- What channel is that on please? (NT) -- k, Saturday, March 22, 10:07:54am (NoHost/
- Re: Heads up - -- Rupert, Saturday, March 22, 11:40:37am (NoHost/
- Can watch replay on ITVX. Skip to 25:30. (NT) -- bs, Saturday, March 22, 01:38:54pm (NoHost/
- Looked Hesford up on Wikipedia. Had a long League career mostly at Blackpool and Sunderland. Played 7 times for England U21. Rhodesian born. Clearly a decent keeper. Died young at 54. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Saturday, March 22, 06:48:56pm (
- Think I had that on tape many years ago, did Hesford get a few snowballs thrown at him. (NT) -- Harry68, Thursday, March 27, 10:59:58am (cpc160099-nmal26-2-0-cust805.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Big George Foreman has left the ring. Age 76. -- Cloudy weather, Saturday, March 22, 09:03:32am (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
Another icon
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- Adrion Pajaviti -- The Man With No Name, Saturday, March 22, 08:48:51am (
Came on for Albania yesterday. According to Wikipaedia he's still a Fulham player on loan to a Kosovan club.
The word "Fulham" was never mentioned in ITV commentary but there were three players with a Fulham connection on the pitch.
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- It was mentioned repeatedly on BBC Radio 5 commentary. -- Deep Si, Saturday, March 22, 08:57:40am (cpc115930-epso6-2-0-cust535.6-3.cable.virginm.net/
- But on radio you miss the pictures and the wonderful banter between Sam and Lee. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Saturday, March 22, 09:05:44am (
Re: Adrion Pajaviti .. name the turn coat! four fulham lads on the pitch at the same time in an ENGLAND INT? (NT) -- there was actually 4, Saturday, March 22, 09:25:18am (NoHost/
- And Eze on the bench. (NT) -- HemelRog, Saturday, March 22, 02:05:02pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
Opinions are like assholes it seems true as ever! -- sfg, Friday, March 21, 08:24:13pm (NoHost/
Martinelli and Andre got Starts for Brazil yesterday.#
But Muniz and Andreas didn't even get a Callup.
should we bow to the know of whoever is Managing Brazil over Marco Silva?
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So this is the best XI England khan offer? -- Danagerous Dan, Friday, March 21, 08:05:11pm (NoHost/
Burn starts!!!!
and NON-HATRICK (spuned 3 get-able chances at CC) CF Solanke is KANES alternate?
The biggest question though isnt players. Its will the 'famous Tuchel PRESS' be in operation?
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- Write-up in the Danish press on Joachim's performance against Portugal last night... -- p, Friday, March 21, 07:21:46pm (NoHost/
“When Joachim Andersen empties his pockets at Hotel Marienlyst tonight, there's a good chance a Portuguese football icon will fall to the floor. The Dane kept Cristiano Ronaldo in a tight bind – and was supreme in most of what he did.”
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- Sharon Duce has come up on my Facebook 'People who you may know' feed this morning. The algorythms are connecting me to the stars this morning. It'll be Hugh Grant next week : ) -- Juana Aorta, Friday, March 21, 12:12:04pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
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- Check out Jimenez's 2nd for Mexico V Canada.... -- Juana Aorta, Friday, March 21, 09:29:32am (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
Think he scored similar in another recent international. But why not for Fulham?
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- Great free kick, not sure about the defensive wall! (NT) -- Henry, Friday, March 21, 09:48:02am (NoHost/
- He should be allowed to take them. I don't want to see Pereira attempting to score from a direct free-kick ever again (NT) -- JamieR, Friday, March 21, 01:39:46pm (NoHost/
- Re:Jimenez's 2nd for Mexico V Canada.... here’s a link: https://youtu.be/UwBmK5M-7W8?si=0cnZ_Gy3vulhYlUS (NT) -- MickyAdamsFamily, Friday, March 21, 06:27:56pm (NoHost/
- Pereira's crap at free-kicks. There, I said it... (NT) -- Truth hurts, Friday, March 21, 07:25:06pm (NoHost/
- Castange taking a breather from Belgium duty??? -- IPad, Thursday, March 20, 09:34:58pm (customer.lndngbr1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
Him and Robbo
Not on duty this week?🥴
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England may leave Twickenham over licensing restrictions Sky Sports News -- shads wet dream spooted, Thursday, March 20, 01:23:36pm (62-210-101-206.rev.poneytelecom.eu/
so will he put in abid?
jags fam?
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- Josh King watch -- f bloke, Wednesday, March 19, 09:42:08pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
Have been watching the England u 19 game to see how JK got on. Have to say yet another underwhelming performance from him. Clearly has talent but he hides in the attacking third traffic. He doesn’t work nearly hard enough to find pockets of space to help his team mates out - when England were in possession he rarely got beyond a stroll and therefore got very few touches. He was deservedly subbed off. Maybe he needs to play with more seasoned pros who can feed him in the tight spaces but that isn’t a given. I think TC needs to take him under his wing and coach him to to find those pockets of space to get on the ball more. But based on the last few performances I have seen from him I don’t think, despite his natural talent, that he is anywhere near first team ready and don’t think he ever will be unless he can considerably up his work rate to get on the ball more. When commenting on u 18s players I much prefer to focus on the positives and on those that shine rather than on those who don’t- but in his case I think the criticism is justified because he really does have the natural talent to make it and I am concerned that he may not fulfill that talent
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- Re: Josh King watch -- M.Tanfield, Thursday, March 20, 01:36:06am (lewi-30-b2-v4wan-168229-cust155.vm4.cable.virginm.net/
- Come on, it's a lottery at that age from year to year. Who knows what's going on. He hasn't featured recently for Marco, which indicates he's probably back to the drawing board somewhat. He's so young. Plenty of twists and turns to come. "Never will be (first team ready)"? Let's not villify a young lad before he's even started. (NT) -- There it is, Thursday, March 20, 03:03:05am (NoHost/
- Re: Josh King watch (NT) -- Looks real peardy and a good player to me, Thursday, March 20, 03:14:42am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Talent is only part the puzzle, attitude & dealing with adversity just as important. Still has time, it often isn’t a continual upward curve. Good management will help decide his best next step, maybe a champ loan to get regular minutes, get him used to physicality of men’s football and show he can’t let games drift past. One thing top players never do is let games pass by & hide from the ball even when not playing well, AP good example even when he doesn’t play well he never hides away. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, March 20, 07:40:46am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I expected him to play against Sporting on Monday. He's usually on the first team bench but rarely comes on. If he's not playing for the U21s then he's only training and playing practice games. I don't understand how that helps his progression. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Thursday, March 20, 08:41:33am (
- A season's loan is presumably next step for him -- was just too young this season. Re. f bloke's observations, on-pitch vision involves at least two things -- 1) where teammates are to be found for the best pass. 2) What space best to occupy/drift into oneself. JK shows clear signs of the former (plus the skill to execute), but maybe 2) doesn't automatically accompany it. In which case, a year with the first team to learn from is appropriate, after which get in those minutes and see. (NT) -- b+w g., Thursday, March 20, 09:44:15am (
- Skill to execute is fundamental but much of the rest involves understanding and following the coaches tactical directions. Finding the team mate involves the team mate being where he's supposed to be. We sent maybe a dozen kids out on loan this summer but none have impressed and made a case for a place in our first team squad. so there's something missing either in their ability levels or the way they're being prepared. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Thursday, March 20, 10:05:59am (
- But it’s also about attitude and wanting the ball, Perreira is far from perfect, but he works very hard to create angles and passing options. As OP says, does king work hard enough and have that desire to always want the ball. Always thought it was carvalhos great asset, in what he said and how he demanded the ball off senior players, he wanted to be ‘the man’, even if he lost it or had a poor game he’d keep demanding it and creating angles. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, March 20, 10:16:00am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- AP is an apt example indeed and your general point, like f bloke's, is taken. Particularly so as playing for England must highly motivating. You'd hardly not be trying your utmost. (NT) -- b+w g., Thursday, March 20, 01:09:34pm (
- Interesting what you say about Pereira, will watch him more closely next time because for large parts of this season I've been distinctly unimpressed, though prepared to admit my untrained eye may be missing something! (NT) -- k, Thursday, March 20, 02:37:19pm (NoHost/
- I guess it’s a tricky one, in that it’d impossible to predict injuries, if AP and ESR got injured he’d potentially be starting, or at least be coming off the bench for first team, there has to be a bit of ‘what if’ when it comes to managing players. I suspect if Wilson and/or Nelson were available he’d play more at U21s. Training with first team will be beneficial in teaching him how big the step up is,learning from Iwobi, Willian etc but agreed nothing like live game minutes. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, March 20, 09:59:11am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Can’t play every night.Played in Wales on Wednesday night. (NT) -- HemelRog, Thursday, March 20, 11:14:54am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Note I am not saying he won’t make it, he is certainly talented enough to make it. I am just saying that unless he improves certain aspects of his game, there is a real risk that we won’t make it - and that would be a waste of his talent. Last night England dominated possession and yet he probably had less than 10 touches of the ball. (NT) -- f bloke, Thursday, March 20, 10:37:25am (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Fulham v palace -- Rob, Wednesday, March 19, 06:10:53pm (NoHost/
Long shot but might anyone have a spare ticket for sale in the riverside stand for Fulham v Crystal Palace? Family sit in block RO2. Travelling over from the states and would love to sit close to them without paying a fortune using online re sale websites.
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- There was one seat in the riverside still for sale on the official website (NT) -- Hg, Wednesday, March 19, 09:19:57pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Fulham v palace -- Al, Wednesday, March 19, 11:18:09pm (NoHost/
- there are 5 tickets left in R17 (NT) -- ..., Thursday, March 20, 09:24:54am (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
- More tickets just released in Riverside "gold" section. Still the same price as the rest of the stand. (NT) -- Mark, Thursday, March 20, 03:13:22pm (NoHost/
- Top scran in the Riverside -- Steve Pound, Wednesday, March 19, 08:53:16am (brnt-06-b2-v4wan-169764-cust3825.vm7.cable.virginm.net/
Oil Marlow finally gets a Fulham shirt but as chef in the new Gourmet restaurant.
Solid Fulham family! Well done my son.
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- Shad Key -- Eerwah, Wednesday, March 19, 03:44:40am (customer.sydyaus1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
Marco Silva has already managed elite clubs. That makes him well aware of the pitfalls. Providing his contract with Fulham reflects the right structure and club custodian relationship, his best next move is stay and have a crack at lifting the elusive significant trophy that will make him a legend while satisfying personal pride and ambition by the achievement.
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- Re: Shad Key (NT) -- Ambition, after 58 years that word more than ever, Wednesday, March 19, 09:40:35am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Glass ceilings are an incentive to overcome. Ranieri with Leicester, Ipswich by Ramsey, Barcodes this week. Many more. Marco is genuine professional, sensible investment, status, support, respect and he will deliver. (NT) -- Eerwah, Wednesday, March 19, 10:49:50pm (customer.sydyaus1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
- Robinson -- Jungle J, Tuesday, March 18, 09:49:11pm (cpc124440-croy27-2-0-cust52.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
Jack Kelly just posted on Twitter that Jedi is not joining up with the USA for this international break.
Per ESPN: "Robinson will miss out due to an undisclosed ailment, this despite going the full 90 minutes last weekend against Tottenham Hotspur. "
Let's hope the undisclosed ailment is "really want to be 100% fit for the FA Cup game"-itis
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- 24/25 Year Old Reclamation Projects -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 18, 04:10:56pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Was thinking about Marco's comments about Sess in the post-match press conference. How he's still young, the priority has been getting him fit, how he's lacked playing time, etc. Started to wonder how he compares to ESR and Nelson, two other players around the same age who have had similar problems, but from whom everyone seems to expect more, as if they're more established players. I was surprised to find that, not only are the all almost exactly the same age, but that Sess is by far the most experienced player, both in terms of minutes played in all leagues, but also in top leagues (Premier League, Bundesliga, Eredivise for Nelson).
Age: Sess is 24 years and 304 days old. ESR is 24 years and 233 days old. Nelson is 25 years and 98 days old.
Playing time (all leagues): Sess has played 11,802 minutes of football across all leagues (Premier League, PL reserves, Championship, Bundesliga). ESR has played 6,912 minutes across all leagues (Premier League, PL reserves, Championship, Bundesliga). Nelson has played 3,390 minutes across all leagues (Premier League, PL reserves, Eredivsie, Bundesliga)
Playing time (top leagues only): Sess has played 6,208 minutes of top-league football (Premier League, Bundesliga); ESR has played 5,736 minutes of top-league football (Premier League, Bundesliga). Nelson has played 3,390 minutes of top-league football (Premier League, Eredivse, Bundesliga).
Given the difference in how each player is talked about and what has been expected of them this year, I would never have imagined that that was the case.
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- Sessegnons goal record is far superior to Nelson and Traore yet he has not been considered until 2 months until the end of the season, it's an odd one (NT) -- Waterboy, Tuesday, March 18, 04:24:44pm (NoHost/
- It is odd. The perception of these three players at the start of the season was that ESR & Nelson were stars coming off injury-hit seasons who just needed to find regular playing time, while Sess was an injury prone player whose top-level career was potentially over. ESR was sold for 30m, Nelson touted as 20m+, Sess struggling to find a home for free. Sess had all last season out and, as a full-back, is in a less prized role. But that magnitude of difference in perception seems strange now. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 18, 08:15:08pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Despite a couple of moments sess has 70 odd prem games and to be honest not been very good (for us previously or spurs). ESR similar amount in prem has shown he can do it at one of the top clubs in Europe. Nelson, mainly due injuries, just hasn’t ever had enough games to show if his moments can make him a consistent prem player. I’d also question where he plays, not good enough defensively as a LB, doesn’t influence games enough as a wide attacker. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 18, 09:22:15pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Last bit there applicable at Spurs, but not at all so far in his return here! Very small sample of course. (NT) -- b+w g., Tuesday, March 18, 10:32:57pm (
- Small sample definitely, but if you look at the one season before this that ESR & Sess each had a full Premier League run they are very close: e.g. 8 goal contributions for Sess to ESR's 12, but each with Expected contribs of 8. Sess' time in the Championship FAR out did that of ESR at Huddersfield. Sess' & Nelson's respective times at Hoffenheim are about equal whereas Sess' best PL season is much better than Nelson's. I think we're seeing over-expectations of ESR/Nelson and under- of Sess (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 18, 11:10:00pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- If the 18/19 season is the one you are referring to in terms of the 8 goal contributions, its also worth pointing out that, at the time, (throughout that whole season) he was 18 years old. He was also being played as an inverted right winger for much of it, which seemed to destroy his confidence. Phil Foden, a year older, in his breakthrough season, got 7 contributions. For a team that beat everyone, every week. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 19, 10:18:41am (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- Problem is where do you play him, at LB Rob is our best player, rarely misses a minute. Left side attack, our game is based on that forward coming inside to provide space for Robbo to bomb on and cross, if sess plays there, given his left foot, it hinders that. He’s never looked confident cutting in from right. He deserves more minutes, if nothing else he knows how to score, but where is a conundrum. If he can show aggression & confidence like v spurs he can be a solid prem player still. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 18, 04:40:07pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Talking of age. Jiminez is exactly 10 years older than Muniz.Almost to the day. They are turning 34 and 24 in May. (NT) -- Really, how interesting. Really, how interesting.., Tuesday, March 18, 04:47:18pm (82-71-26-54.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- (Clears the interest bar for me, set admittedly at a low height on matters FFC). Now seems pretty likely they'll add up to a 20 goal/season CF between them, in both cases adding other value too. As disastrous staffing decisions go, not very. (NT) -- b+w g., Tuesday, March 18, 11:38:23pm (
- Completely understand that Jimenez has been extremely good value (what did he cost? £5m?), but no one seriously think's he's the answer? Yes, he's been a bargain, but for want of a better phrase, he fannies around a lot in front of goal, when you just want someone to put their foot through it. For me, centre-forward position is the weakest link in the Fulham team and the signing of a better centre-forward in the summer could really see us kick-on. But then I'm a humble fan, so what do I know? (NT) -- G, Wednesday, March 19, 10:29:58am (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Re: 24/25 Year Old Reclamation Projects (NT) -- Left side midfield, wing back in a 5 ?, Wednesday, March 19, 09:45:51am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Shame he left us when he was good (NT) -- Old Fulham boy, Friday, March 21, 10:34:26am (host81-159-118-99.range81-159.btcentralplus.com/
- Silva... -- --, Tuesday, March 18, 03:18:09pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
TBR Football understands that Fulham are ready to open talks with Tottenham Hotspur managerial target Marco Silva over a new contract.Marco Silva’s current deal has just over 12 months left to run and his performance at Craven Cottage has impressed many on-lookers, including a number of clubs.
The West London club are now keen to offer him an extended deal to avoid the risk of him being free to leave Craven Cottage in the summer of 2026. However, one major issue with any club wanting Silva is his sizeable release clause which TBR Football has previously revealed is in the region of £8 million.
Silva’s clause was one reason why West Ham United did not pursue a deal and TBR Football is told that Spurs chief Daniel Levy would be highly unlikely to pay such a figure for any target.
Despite the sizeable clause being in place, Fulham want Silva, who Postecoglou called ‘outstanding’, to commit to a new deal and ideally keep it in place and make it even more robust. TBR Football can reveal that whilst Fulham do feel somewhat well protected from Premier League interest we understand that Silva’s clause is massively less should a foreign side come calling for his services.
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- Worst part about this season. Every time we win, the heart gets excited about Europe, but the stomach worries about losing Marco. Every time we lose, the stomach hurts to be losing out on Europe, while the heart rejoices that maybe this knocks Marco's attractiveness to other sides. Its going to be like this right to the end of the season. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 18, 03:25:52pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Not convinced release clauses make a difference. If you spend 100-150m in a summer on players surely passing on a manager you want for 8m makes no sense, given they’re a huge part of if those players then succeed, it’s 3m per position in the league. It’s agent games/clickbait, if a club with 500m+ turnover want a manager they’ll go and get them, if there’s a release clause or not (unless it’s obscene). Appoint the wrong one and pay out will be far more when they’re sacked. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 18, 04:49:21pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- According the press, Silva has been trying to leave for a couple of seasons. He's been linked with Westham, Spurs, Saudi and Sporting. Until Fulham, his career was a little erratic, so I guess it was an easy presumption to make that he would quickly jump ship. But he appears content at the moment and is still reasonably young for a manager. He has time to realise his ambitions. It's down to the chairman to match Silva's vision for the club which might be enough to keep him beyond next season. (NT) -- Samuel, Tuesday, March 18, 10:42:47pm (NoHost/
- Watching the U21's -- Gary Elkins, Tuesday, March 18, 01:47:46pm (NoHost/
Next month the U21's are home to City, First v Second,
Is it at Motspur Park or The Cottage?
If its at Motspur Park can you just turn up on the night or do you need a ticket in advance?
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- What is going on here. -- Hg, Tuesday, March 18, 01:36:04pm (NoHost/
The club are now releasing tickets for home fans in our cup match against palace. They claim it’s due to phenomenal demand, which it’s not as we will obviously have less home supporters than we would in a league match due to palace having more tickets, so if this was always an option why not give st holders a chance to buy their seats in those blocs if they wanted to.
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SCRATCH THAT! U////////////////S///////////////////////////A it aint! -- dfs, Tuesday, March 18, 01:24:07pm (NoHost/
NO summer Series for FULHAM FC this summer
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- This is surely a good thing right. Can’t imagine any manager would think flying to the other side of the world to play on plastic pitches is a good thing for pre season. It’s just a money making jolly (NT) -- Hg, Tuesday, March 18, 01:45:41pm (NoHost/
- In this ear of strict FFP-related crackdowns, aren't "money-making jolly's" a good thing? Also raises FFC profile on the global stage with attendant commercial benefits? But then maybe I'm just an ignoramus... (NT) -- Dufus, Tuesday, March 18, 02:50:23pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- I'm not convinced about the second part of your argument (in terms of the first, yes, any way to make money is good, but only if its not offset by injuries, fatigue, and disruption incurred by the trip) Commercially, for a club like fulham i can't imagine a trip like this would particularly raise our profile, we've done these kind of trips before without experiencing a surge in our 'brand' or overseas support. Interest is either enhanced by success, or by association with certain players. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 19, 12:28:23pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- Crystal Palace ticket transfer -- Albert, Tuesday, March 18, 01:23:55pm (NoHost/
I can't use my Crystal Palace ticket, but can't seem to transfer it. Has anyone managed this yet?
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- Luc De Fougerolles -- Al, Tuesday, March 18, 11:28:46am (NoHost/
Anyone got news on him, looked a superb prospect last year
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- John Fraser -- Jonathan Baines, Tuesday, March 18, 09:39:19am (cpc1-basl12-2-0-cust735.20-1.cable.virginm.net/
What a Fulham Fix - a true hero of our 1975 Wembley cup run Hull, Forest, Everton, Carlisle, Birmingham and then onto Wembley to play Wet Spam. I remember a retort from Alec Stock after the game when Peter Mellor apologized for letting the goals in, both through his legs and both from Alan Taylor, but I won't repeat it here!
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- Has a great memory, but one small error, it was a Wednesday not Tuesday never to be forgotten night at Maine Road, I was there... like most who don the famous white jersey, seems a lovely fella to boot... (NT) -- Rupert, Tuesday, March 18, 10:42:16am (NoHost/
- I was also there and *that moment* (that needs no naming) remains unforgottable, though I could only have guessed the day of week. Therefore impressed, albeit if Same Old Story had been up and running he'd be able to recall both starting elevens, the referee's name, what he'd had for lunch and more. And like anyone there that night would rate it very high indeed in the all-time stakes. Getting to Wembley was such a hugely big deal then, for fans even of the grandest clubs. (NT) -- b+w g., Tuesday, March 18, 09:37:17pm (
- Re: Has a great memory, but one small error, it was a Wednesday not Tuesday never to be forgotten night at Maine Road, I was there... like most who don the famous white jersey, seems a lovely fella to boot... (NT) -- Probably the night of my life., Wednesday, March 19, 09:53:20am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Mellor said "sorry I should have kept my legs together". To which Stock replied " Shame your mother didn't either". (NT) -- Cottage Cheese, Tuesday, March 18, 02:18:29pm (NoHost/
- Peter Mellor (and John Lacy) used to coach us at Wandsworth School up at Richardson Evans playing fields on the Kingston by-pass. I once nutmegged Peter when he was in goal and he said "that wasn't funny". I replied that it wasn't funny at Wembley either. (NT) -- Jamie, Tuesday, March 18, 11:44:58pm (host109-155-195-242.range109-155.btcentralplus.com/
- U 21s -- f bloke, Monday, March 17, 10:22:14pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
Just watched most of the u 21s game on line. Have to say Lemar Gordon and Terrell Works continue to be a lot of fun to watch
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- Lanquedoc looked different class to me. Great skill, determination and intelligence. After he came on everything good came through him and we dominated. Turned the game round. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Monday, March 17, 10:26:58pm (
- Re: U 21s (NT) -- Watched 1st half only looked outclassed, Tuesday, March 18, 10:14:20am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Someone mentioned next round is away in Europe, anyone have details? (NT) -- Al, Tuesday, March 18, 01:35:25pm (NoHost/
- Re: U 21s (NT) -- U21 game of 2 Halves.how many making first team?, Wednesday, March 19, 09:58:17am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Who leap frogged over Sess in goal celebration? -- CB, Monday, March 17, 07:33:39pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
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- Muniz. The guardian has an excellent photo of it on top of their match report: www.theguardian.com/football/2025/mar/16/fulham-tottenham-premier-league-match-report (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 17, 07:54:22pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
My friend that is a classic photo and will be used in years to come. Plaudits to the snapper. (NT) -- CB, Monday, March 17, 08:05:53pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Its impressive isn't it!? I don't know much about photography, and know technology has advanced, but to capture that exact moment in such perfect focus has to take some skill. Both goalscorers, one leapfrogging the other, both well-loved young players, with two completely opposing expressions on their face, one scoring a goal of such incredible importance to him. If I were a child again, it'd probably be up on my wall. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 17, 09:07:12pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- photography is not that difficult when you point a modern camera at the action and fire off 100’s of frames a second. Picking out the right frame to use is probably the skill nowadays. (NT) -- bs, Tuesday, March 18, 04:54:05am (NoHost/
- Re: Who leap frogged over Sess in goal celebration? -- Tom, Tuesday, March 18, 12:13:57pm (aputeaux-554-1-16-26.w86-249.abo.wanadoo.fr/
- If the worst was to happen and Silva leaves...who could we possibly get? -- Worried, Monday, March 17, 05:01:00pm (NoHost/
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- Definitely Liam Rosenior, 100% trust me on this one. (NT) -- First black manager to crack it., Monday, March 17, 05:15:04pm (82-132-233-86.dab.02.net/
- Brendan Rodgers. Marcelo Bielsa (NT) -- El Pato, Monday, March 17, 05:17:27pm (NoHost/
- How about we steer away from this weeny mentality of ‘let’s enjoy him while we can ‘. Unless of course you don’t have faith in the Club hierarchy to bring in the next Right Person ? I happen to think that whilst he is backed and there are still attainable levels to which he can take us ( assuming he remains backed to the full), then the bond that currently exists will keep him here longer (NT) -- Mickey, Monday, March 17, 05:30:47pm (82-132-215-143.dab.02.net/
- More importantly, where would he go? No top European clubs need a manager, as for the prem, outside of spurs, I can’t see any openings this summer. Even with spurs it’s not nailed on Ange leaves, if they win europa no way he’s leaving. Then it would be silva, Iraola, maybe glasner ans then a whole raft of European coaches, I’d be surprised if silva goes anywhere soon. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 17, 06:10:07pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I see 4 scenarios: (1) we win the Cup & he leaves to a truly big club with his stock the highest it will be with us; (2) we qualify for Europe via the cup or league, no truly big club comes in, and he sees a European run key to his next move; (3) no Europe either by cup or league but the club invests as it has done and he sees next year as HIS year; (4) no Europe and no investment by the club so he runs to a middling "big" club like Spurs. Scenarios 1 & 4 aren't particularly realistic. He stays. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 17, 06:30:32pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Parker's doing a good job at Burnley. (NT) -- Club Stooge, Monday, March 17, 05:35:07pm (NoHost/
- Such a difficult predicament to be in. I suspect his replacement won't be a necessarily familiar name such as those already mentioned. But unrealistic options would be Ancelotti or Klopp. Whoever it is needs to maintain the DNA of our game which has always (except for Parker) been fluent attacking football played the right way. (NT) -- Samuel, Monday, March 17, 05:36:22pm (NoHost/
- If Silva moves to Spurs, he's obviously less intelligent than I think he is... (NT) -- k, Monday, March 17, 06:12:55pm (NoHost/
- Well I can only see a handful of clubs that are more attractive than us in the premiership right now. Those that have had poor seasons below expectations and likely to be wanting an other change. Man Utd / Man City !?! / Spurs. Now overseas ?? I know our owners will do all they can to keep him within the limits allowed. (NT) -- CB, Monday, March 17, 07:14:00pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Silva's choice: 1) Stay at Fulham and be a Premier League manager, probably for as long as he likes. 2) Go to basket-case Spurs, get sacked within a year (probably after being pummelled at home by someone like Wolves), rock up at somewhere like Norwich and have a few seasons of Championship drudgery before drifting out of the game... (NT) -- Mystic Meg, Monday, March 17, 07:22:07pm (NoHost/
- I'm not going to try to read Marco's mind but it just might be that he's happy with his project at FFC and wants to see how far he can take us. To me that's as likely as him being desperate to take his chances at a "bigger" club. How settled is he in England? Would his aim be one of the big Spanish or Italian clubs? We've no way of knowing but it would be bizarre if the club was actively sourcing his successor. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Monday, March 17, 07:23:17pm (
- What Marco has got out this group is incredible, you would need another progressive manager, possibly one who was unlucky at another club like Marco. (NT) -- Waterboy, Monday, March 17, 09:30:01pm (NoHost/
- Roooooooney is currently a free agent. By law of averages he's got to get it right at some point! (NT) -- Neil G, Tuesday, March 18, 12:09:19pm (NoHost/
- Palarse looking like a sellout, excellent -- Al, Monday, March 17, 04:43:47pm (NoHost/
If you can believe the seat map looking like a sellout for this game. Shame it's the early kick-off.
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U21s streamed live on ffctv and free -- Sports direct, Monday, March 17, 02:47:22pm (customer.lndngbr1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
Nice work Jim
Hopefully win and semi is abroad
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- Matt Law and John Percy from the telegraph -- Silva, Monday, March 17, 02:38:19pm (NoHost/
"But sources have cast doubt on Silva’s future at Fulham past this season, believing he and the club could be heading for a parting of the ways.
Ange Postecoglou, Manager of Tottenham Hotspur, embraces Marco Silva, Manager of Fulham, prior to the Premier League match between Fulham FC and Tottenham Hotspur FC at Craven Cottage on March 16, 2025
Like Iraola at Bournemouth, Silva is contracted to Fham until the end of next season and it has previously been reported that the Portuguese has a £6 million release clause.
It remains to be seen whether or not Fulham would demand the full clause to let Silva leave, or whether Tottenham, or another club, would be prepared to pay it.
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- What a ridiculous thing to say. Why would we insert a release clause into his protracted contract negotiations only to let him go for less or nothing mid contract? (NT) -- Same Old Story, Monday, March 17, 03:01:40pm (NoHost/
- Yep the ever reliable Telegraph the broadsheet equivalent of The Sun. (NT) -- HemelRog, Monday, March 17, 03:06:46pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Absolute tosh. May be convincing if they got the size of the release clause right. It's actually £8 million. (NT) -- BS spotter, Monday, March 17, 04:12:31pm (NoHost/
- It's inevitable Silva will move on as he's clearly ambitious and talented. It's not a comfortable thing to accept, but Fulham will always be a stepping stone for that calibre of manager. Hopefully he'll remain and continue to develop the squad until his contract expires leaving the club in an attractive position for an ambitious replacement . (NT) -- Samuel, Monday, March 17, 04:19:18pm (NoHost/
- Losing an ambitious Head Coach should not be the problem. Not having a system of continuity in coach recruitment would be a problem. Brighton have a very good model that I hope we copy. That would take the anxiety out this innevitable situation. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Monday, March 17, 04:29:09pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- He will probably try to take Muniz for peanuts , which is why he doesn’t seem to mind him playing mostly only half cocked . It’s the World Cup next year . We need to offer Muniz a stonking pay deal to extend . He will want to get into the Brazil team . (NT) -- alanos, Monday, March 17, 05:35:24pm (82-132-213-217.dab.02.net/
- Muniz displays moments of undeniable ability but the irregular nature of those glimpses arguably justifies a cautious and considered approach to his contract status. He can often be anonymous in games too. (NT) -- Samuel, Monday, March 17, 05:54:13pm (NoHost/
- Ah, the conspiracy broadens. Once it was just the Saudis, Israelis & Levy conspiring to destroy the world (and Fulham with it). Then came the Brazilians. And now Marco has joined with his strict instructions that Muniz play only at 50% effort. What are you going to do alanos when in the ordinary course of business Muniz signs a new contract in the next 18 months? Dust off the wotsits from your belly, wipe your keyboard clean (or chuck it out) and open the curtains and windows? One can only hope. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 17, 06:19:39pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Codswallop Al he was brilliant on Sunday. (NT) -- HemelRog, Monday, March 17, 09:54:15pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Media love-in with Newcastle is nauseating. -- Rupert, Monday, March 17, 01:53:50pm (NoHost/
No mention of who's bought them this bauble.
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- Rupert, envy isn't a nice trait. (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, March 17, 02:35:27pm (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- Of course they might respond that without MAF's money we would still be in the lower divisions playing in front of a stadium with an 8,000 capacity. (NT) -- GTS, Monday, March 17, 04:18:24pm (static-customer-assignment.goskope.com/
- We were only ever a 'top flight club' for 9 years of our history before Al-Fayed arrived, we spent most of our time either in the second or third divisions for the other 80 years. (NT) -- .., Tuesday, March 18, 10:40:08pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- A big if but should we get to the semis of the cup it looks like it could be the Easter weekend according to previous years so Chelsea could be moved? -- Dirk Diggler, Monday, March 17, 01:26:17pm (NoHost/
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- Muniz -- Ted, Monday, March 17, 12:57:19pm (host81-131-162-108.range81-131.btcentralplus.com/
My word, what a substitute performance from Muniz! He won EVERYTHING in the air, and absolutely BULLIED their defence. A smart finish too for the goal. Imagine if we could get a performance like that every week from him. Reminded me of Mitro in his prime...COYW
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- First World Problem... -- GTS, Monday, March 17, 11:12:59am (static-customer-assignment.goskope.com/
Is it just me? But I thought I would enjoy myself this morning watch the FFC highlights of yesterday, especially enjoying Gentleman Jim going crazy when Sess scores....but all I get is crowd noise and no commentary. Any thoughts anyone ?
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- Was GJ doing the commentary yesterday? Someone on here said he hadn't been well recently (NT) -- Halfmooner, Monday, March 17, 11:18:18am (4e69c8b4.skybroadband.com/
- For me - much prefer it without the commentary - just wished we could have that option all the time (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 17, 11:58:32am (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- 1st Half commentary was over a phone as no link!! 2nd Half lnk restored and just to say I love Jim's commentary and passion. I can't think why any Fulham fan wouldn't? (NT) -- CB, Monday, March 17, 12:12:53pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- (Let's not make this a test of fandom FFS.) Main complaint arises if you have audio only and he spends extended periods on general chat, leaving no clue whatsoever what is happening on the pitch. (NT) -- b+w g., Monday, March 17, 03:53:40pm (
- Because, if i'm not at the game, i want to listen to a commentary that describes the match, not someones passionate sometimes hysterical reactions to it. I have no problem with anyone liking the style, but for me it doesn't deliver. And, as per b&w's comment, i'm fairly content my fan credentials are pretty intact. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Monday, March 17, 04:40:08pm (NoHost/
- Didn't really want to create an argument lol !....But either way there is no commentary on the highlights, just a shame as I would have enjoyed the commentary when Sess scored. (NT) -- GTS, Monday, March 17, 12:58:19pm (static-customer-assignment.goskope.com/
- Crystal Palace tickets - open to booking history? -- Ted, Monday, March 17, 10:23:50am (host81-131-162-108.range81-131.btcentralplus.com/
Does anyone know if/when the Crystal Palace tickets will be open to those with booking history or go on general sale? I'm just looking for a single ticket.
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- Diop vs Andersen -- HE, Monday, March 17, 10:18:03am (lewi-28-b2-v4wan-166893-cust665.vm4.cable.virginm.net/
Andersen gets a fair amount of criticism, there was a point in the game where it was pretty clear why he gets the nod in the starting line up.
Leno passed the ball to Andersen in the RB position. Tottenham applied the press, Andresen slipped inside then launched a ball to Robinson on the left wing.
Diop in the same situation tends to make a hurried pass forward that gets intercepted by the opposition midway in our own half.
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- My point about Anderson isn’t if he is a good player or not, he clearly is, just the nature of that type of transfer; due PSR implications and if it was the right strategy. He is a fantastic ball player and arguably the best passer at the club (maybe with TC), but there are also moments which diop would probably do better at than Anderson eg wolves at home. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 17, 12:02:54pm (82-132-220-141.dab.02.net/
- Re: Diop vs Andersen (NT) -- Defend first Diop better defender must play Palace, Monday, March 17, 12:49:37pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Diop vs Andersen (NT) -- Making Palace favourites. Wish it was away, Monday, March 17, 12:54:18pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Good to see the Guv @ cc -- Chilly weather, Monday, March 17, 09:50:03am (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
SK must have enjoyed that.
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- BBC bang on about a possible Tottenham penalty, but not Rail or even show the shove on Willian -- Typical, Monday, March 17, 01:15:37am (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
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- They also forgot to mention that the same player earlier in the half, threw himself to the ground in a blatant dive, (NT) -- TheRealStantheMan, Monday, March 17, 08:52:10am (cos2-07-b2-v4wan-171693-cust230.vm10.cable.virginm.net/
- Perhaps Rail’s exaggerated swan dive worked against him. Have seen penalties given for much less. Shirley’s challenge was worse IMHO but Bergvall had already dived once before (NT) -- Andrew in Bath, Monday, March 17, 09:27:56am (NoHost/
Re: MOTD2 host banging on about Spurs not playing for 18 days ..'So why didn't them Play their best players from the Start'.. and also Why didn't MOTD2 show that comical missed bycicyal kick from Periera?? afterall they showed Solankes comical misses (NT) -- sfg, Monday, March 17, 09:42:24am (ik085228.ikoula.com/
- Can someone put Rooney out of his misery? Sadly the King's English is not his first language so surely someone needs to take him to one side and encourage him to get more Media training or give up. (NT) -- old codger, Monday, March 17, 09:56:28am (0543ba4b.skybroadband.com/
- The Sky deal has opened a window for clubs the media dismiss as 'unfashionable'. Long may it continue. Bournemouth v Brentford on Saturday - traditionally a League 2 or 1 fixture at best. Bet Sky and the BBC loved that. (NT) -- Rupert, Monday, March 17, 10:59:59am (NoHost/
- MOTD2 bias -- Mike, Monday, March 17, 12:37:49am (host86-133-10-168.range86-133.btcentralplus.com/
Just watched MOTD2, during five minutes of analysis after the game Fulham were hardly mentioned, nothing about the two well taken goals from our substitutes.
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- Alternative club nicknames -- Somerset White, Sunday, March 16, 09:45:41pm (nail-04-b2-v4wan-166353-cust1388.vm26.cable.virginm.net/
Over the years I have read some funny alternative club nicknames on here.
The Bitters (QPR), the bin dippers (Liverpool), Walham Green Dog Track (Chelsea).
What others are there?
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- The Barcodes (Newcastle) (NT) -- FFC in Brighton., Sunday, March 16, 09:59:27pm (NoHost/
- Wendies, Lids, Vile, Makems (NT) -- flum, Sunday, March 16, 10:16:14pm (NoHost/
- A few months ago someone referred to us as the "Barbie's". Not sure why but presumed it was to do with our away kit that we never wear. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 16, 10:33:04pm (NoHost/
- Hounslow Chokers. Bentford (NT) -- Ted, Monday, March 17, 11:44:11am (NoHost/
- Tesco Bags - Brighton & Hove Albion (NT) -- (White man) In Hammersmith End, Monday, March 17, 02:48:57pm (epso-06-b2-v4wan-167205-cust713.vm34.cable.virginm.net/
- MoM -- Gary, Sunday, March 16, 08:36:54pm (host31-51-137-1.range31-51.btcentralplus.com/
Thought Pereira had one of his best games today in a Fulham shirt! Andersen looked a lot more solid & Jiminez works so hard up top.
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- Re: MoM (NT) -- Berge or Shirley., Sunday, March 16, 08:51:05pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Jiménez, really? (NT) -- ., Sunday, March 16, 08:58:29pm (
- You can certainly see why Berge got regular player of the season with his previous clubs..Fulhams sweet 16..cracking player. (NT) -- Barney Travers, Sunday, March 16, 09:02:21pm (NoHost/
- Re: MoM (NT) -- Raul Jiminez great work ethic good game., Sunday, March 16, 09:17:33pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Agree with Andreas. He's been very good the last few games, showing real strength and defensive chops even while continuing to play quite high. For me its either Andreas or Muniz. The argument for Muniz is that we wouldn't have won but for his 30-odd minutes on the pitch. Still I think Andreas shades it. (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 16, 09:48:58pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Andreas was also my MoM, worked hard and great desire to show he is at one with the team and fans, (NT) -- Henry, Sunday, March 16, 10:15:44pm (NoHost/
- He was MOM. (NT) -- Mark Latham's One Nation, Monday, March 17, 12:23:13am (Host-By.DMIT.com/
- Berge but then Ryan made my year 💪 (NT) -- Button, Monday, March 17, 12:26:25am (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: MoM (NT) -- AP proper player the odd simple lapse kills me, Monday, March 17, 02:29:44am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Big Buzz around the Ground this Afternoon -- Road to nowhere, Sunday, March 16, 07:46:04pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
Palace going to be in the Home area’s.Happening time and time again.
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- Spurs Fans in D block today, one kid even walked in with spurs jacket on. (NT) -- D block, Sunday, March 16, 07:55:14pm (NoHost/
- Re: Big Buzz around the Ground this Afternoon (NT) -- In Family Section JH., Sunday, March 16, 08:05:01pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Most of us at some time or other have sat with home supporters when playin* away. Get over yourself. (NT) -- Zzzz, Sunday, March 16, 09:28:22pm (32.84-31-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk/
- No buzz where I was but if a palace fan things they can just rock up and sit in the home end with no repercussions they are sadly mistaken (NT) -- Button, Monday, March 17, 12:32:04am (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Nothing to do with being hard football is a emotional game and having a away supporter jumping up and down infront of fulham fans celebrating isn't the best of ideas and if the club are trying to keep the supporters safe i commend them. We want a great atmosphere and a enjoyable experience there is going to be alot of young children going who could be the future of our club (NT) -- Button, Monday, March 17, 11:57:18am (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Quick summary -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 16, 06:40:45pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
Really tight game, the stats are almost identical for both teams, just one of those games where first goal was going to win it and luckily we did. Still not sure either way with regards the pen for them, I thought it was fair to stick with on field, although I’d have been screaming for it if it was Fulham. Bit of class in a game which lacked some final third quality came from our bench. Actually think Perreiras role was underrated in the first, great touch and played the extra pass to someone in better position, finish was top draw. Ryan’s finish also superb, was urging him to square it, but managed to generate great power with a short backlift on his wrong foot, fair play for him to have the confidence to take that on. Disappointed by Traore, thought it was set up for him and 2 or 3 times he just let udogie run off him, luckily it came to nothing, but wasn’t happy with his lack of off the ball effort.
Individuals, thought Muniz was superb; great mix of physicality and technical ability, whilst having just enough pace to keep defenders honest. Thiugjt willian looked like he hadn’t been away, still oozes class, even if it feels he has lost that half a yard to get inside and get a shot in. Berge good game again, thought Bassey was excellent, that power to throw Romero to the floor was brilliant and Robinson looked to be getting a bit of form back with some barnstorming runs, like his a old mate Willian coming back helped create the outside space again.
Onwards and upwards, almost every game we play is tight, can really go either way, can’t see that changing, it really is going to be small moments which determines if we scrap and fight our way to 6-8th, and probably Europe, or it peters out a little to 10th. Same with the FA cup, fingers crossed some palace players come back with knocks (think they have more going away than us), it’s just gonna be a question of who takes their chances, a bit of luck and possibly set pieces.
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- Personally thought both our and their penalty shouts were definitely pens, though understand why VAR didn’t get involved. Muniz was indeed terrific when he came on and perhaps it’s my imagination but he looks to have bulked up a bit. Either that or he’s just putting himself about more. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Sunday, March 16, 08:16:46pm (host86-184-144-110.range86-184.btcentralplus.com/
- Sit in the Putney end, ours were pens there’s were not, bassey shielded the ball didn’t play the man, he played him (NT) -- Bergvall should of been booked for a dive earlier, Sunday, March 16, 08:33:31pm (host31-54-151-194.range31-54.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: Quick summary (NT) -- I think Andersen done a Stone., Sunday, March 16, 09:28:38pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- It was a typical one for us, dominant but lacking in chances and cutting edge. 2 good goals and never really looked like using which were positives, negatives are Iwobi looks to have tired out and he was our only other scorer we could rely on (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 16, 09:47:44pm (NoHost/
- Agree with all of that and would also give Andersen a shout for a very solid game. Thought exactly the same re Willian and the cut in and shoot., shame but still an asset. Muniz's finish was top drawer. (NT) -- WayneKerrins, Monday, March 17, 12:36:25am (pool-108-2-117-254.phlapa.fios.verizon.net/
- Being selfish.. -- Greenpole, Sunday, March 16, 06:35:47pm (82-132-234-120.dab.02.net/
Enjoying the Newcastle winning but selfishly doesn't this negatively affect our conference league chances?
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- Not if they finish in the Top 6 as they'll qualify for Champions or Europa League (NT) -- Magic Matt, Sunday, March 16, 07:01:07pm (97e211ab.skybroadband.com/
- or the opposite maybe? Newcastle would be in Europa automatically? So conference would be down one place? Also any English team in the CL goes through next round could mean a fifth CL place? Not totally sure and I doubt even those at eufa do either. (NT) -- bs, Sunday, March 16, 07:03:48pm (NoHost/
- Newcastle are a cynical bunch of barstewards, but they're desperate to win. Good luck to 'em. (NT) -- Observer, Sunday, March 16, 07:51:36pm (NoHost/
- He's on of our own -- The Piano Man, Sunday, March 16, 05:07:27pm (Host-By.DMIT.com/
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- Muniz -- JamieR, Sunday, March 16, 05:00:09pm (82-132-213-93.dab.02.net/
What a barnstorming performance that was when he came on. You have to admire how Silva has managed him and Jimenez - getting good returns out of both of them, with Muniz continuing to develop. Lovely to see
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- Imagine how good he could be if he was trying. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Sunday, March 16, 05:05:44pm (
- He was a monster when he came on. With a player capable of bullying the way he does, who also has a ridiculous skill of scoring from really difficult positions, he could end up one of the best in the league. I love the Raul and Muniz tandem, but think it might be time to flip it around, starting Rodrigo. (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 16, 05:07:29pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
There are certaintainly some very clear signs of him becoming a striker who can 'bully' central defenders, in a similar way to how Mitro used to, especially in our Championship winning season and he is quite happy to come back and help with defending where his aerial prowess and ability to lay the ball off to a teammate. (NT) -- Ted White, Sunday, March 16, 05:10:54pm (host86-164-118-81.range86-164.btcentralplus.com/
- should have added .... is a massive plus for us! (NT) -- Ted White, Sunday, March 16, 05:16:09pm (host86-164-118-81.range86-164.btcentralplus.com/
- Agree, was saying during the game, very Mitro-esque... (NT) -- t, Sunday, March 16, 06:11:53pm (NoHost/
- Romero going off made a huge difference. (NT) -- GA, Sunday, March 16, 08:56:43pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- About as perfect as a sub performance as you can have. He would be close to my motm even though he was only on for 30 mins. (NT) -- Hg, Sunday, March 16, 05:13:03pm (NoHost/
- Re: Muniz (NT) -- I thought Raul done well too., Sunday, March 16, 06:33:19pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- It was written in the stars.....Sesssss..... -- Jamie, Sunday, March 16, 04:20:37pm (NoHost/
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- Sess is still only young. I'm sure if Tottenham were interested we'd listen to offers in the region of £30 million. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 16, 04:27:21pm (NoHost/
- Pleased for him (NT) -- Ra's al Ghul, Sunday, March 16, 04:41:37pm (NoHost/
- Seas is looking like the player he was before his wasted time at Spurs. (NT) -- Observer, Sunday, March 16, 04:48:00pm (NoHost/
- He needs to play right wing so that he can cut in and I think he recapture the form that made him so good all those years ago. (NT) -- Too Many Daves, Sunday, March 16, 06:30:57pm (unn-149-50-209-163.datapacket.com/
- WTF is it with this Ref? 2 pens and countless free kicks not given -- Al, Sunday, March 16, 03:26:58pm (NoHost/
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- let down? u21s monday night -- sfg, Sunday, March 16, 12:59:17pm (NoHost/
Was under the impression the Match would be streamed live
but with only 1 day until the game. No news of any coverage.
Anyone know if this game will have 'live video'? 7pm kickoff
If we had known, zero coveage we might had taken up the 'free match ticket offer'. But just thought it was too cold to make the effort.
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- Fulham squad only half v good? the otherhalf not called up and Ready to play Palace in the Cup? -- Sam, Saturday, March 15, 02:54:41pm (NoHost/
strangely TNTs been bigging up Fulham ahead of the televised game on Sunday.
Yet HALF the squad don't get Internationally called up.
Amongst the cries of fowl play with the Early FA CUP tie
Got us thinking who was going to be left at MP this next week to train with Marco. Surprsingly its ALmost a full XI
Leno and Benda, Tete Diop Cunnca Sess
Traora Reed Cairney Willian Nelson Godo
ESR Muniz..so 14 left, 2 unfit
another 10 gone and Wilson who would had been away. in rehab
Can see half the starting lineup for the Cuptie. Fully rested and playing the full 90/120 with the other half
made up of returning International callups all playing half the game and being subbed in/out.
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- Spurs -- Mickey, Friday, March 14, 05:11:59pm (82-132-236-202.dab.02.net/
Will we especially exploit their right hand side defensive limitations ? FBs ‘tucking in ‘ has not done them many favours . Not forgetting the spaces that regularly exist behind their forward players . Their own fans are perplexed that Ange is still at the helm, considering his overall record and his tactics . So how best to set up against them, conventional back 4 or retain 3CHs to cover their attacking threat ? I would certainly like to see Iwobi wide left to combine with ESR and Robinson , as per certain games early season . What I wouldn’t do though is consider starting Reed for Lukic( too off the pace and reckless) . So for me 3-4-3 with Iwobi -Jimenez - Traore ( if only !) or possibly Sess ( or later Willian), though I fancy Iwobi would then have to switch to Right side
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- Is Adama back? If so, I'd favour us reverting to the 4-3-3 from the start of the season: Leno; Robinson, Bassey, Andersen, Castagne; ESR, Berge, Andreas; Iwobi, Raul, Adama. Fight fire with fire as opposed to shaping ourselves to combat their attacking intent. Attack left with switches to Adama right. If Adama's not available, then maybe the 3-4-3, though I think Robinson's less effective in that. (NT) -- eganonoa, Friday, March 14, 08:41:17pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Why dont you contact me anymore?We were like brothers! (NT) -- Rollerball, Friday, March 14, 10:43:44pm (host-92-19-12-201.as13285.net/
- Chelsea game -- FB2, Friday, March 14, 03:00:59pm (NoHost/
Do we think will be moved to (Easter) Sunday @7pm for TNT sports? Can it be Bank Holiday Monday?
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- Someone is having a giraffe. -- old codger, Friday, March 14, 02:24:34pm (unn-138-199-30-197.datapacket.com/
England squad- Jordan Henderson ??????. The mind boggles.
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- It was a big surprise, but maybe Tuchel has watched a few Ajax games this season...Have you? (NT) -- GA, Friday, March 14, 03:15:00pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- Does it not just underline how limited we are in the non-attacking central midfield area? We're back in a bit of Lampard/Gerard territory at the minute. With Mainoo/Gomes/Wharton injured or not playing regularly why not add an old head whose style of play isn't all about energy. As Cairney has shown us there's value in an old-head steady-eddie who can help you keep the ball. Wasn't that long ago that we'd have thought it crazy not to include a linchpin of a club like Ajax! (NT) -- eganonoa, Friday, March 14, 03:28:59pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Picking that donkey I am flabbergasted Tuchel must be a double agent and he is here to destroy the England team . Ajax just got completely destroyed by Lyon it is like giving Cairney an extra year because he is good in the dressing room . I am fuming he has lost me with this squad Rashford 🤦♂️ Henderson 🤦♂️. Where is Gibbs White and Hudson Odoi they are 3rd in the league . Sack him now (NT) -- Button, Friday, March 14, 04:33:49pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- People still watch England games? (NT) -- Fkev, Saturday, March 15, 08:12:16am (
- Palace tics now on sale to members - when are they likely to sell out? -- Hammersmith Harold, Friday, March 14, 01:06:43pm (NoHost/
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- Palace, lots of tickets available, surprised. -- Al, Friday, March 14, 12:30:05pm (NoHost/
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- Dan Burn -- Henry, Friday, March 14, 09:30:15am (NoHost/
Seems Dan Burn may be called up by England, if so, such a great reward for being a good dedicated player, who has worked hard to get better.
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- Wonder if he'll be playing right-back? :o) (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Friday, March 14, 09:39:15am (NoHost/
- Agreed but he’s a dirty so and so. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Friday, March 14, 02:33:46pm (82-132-220-214.dab.02.net/
- Re: Dan Burn (NT) -- 👍, Friday, March 14, 03:01:19pm (NoHost/
- He's one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet... (NT) -- TT, Friday, March 14, 06:19:14pm (NoHost/
- Tottenham - AZ Alkmaar -- Scout, Thursday, March 13, 11:14:44pm (NoHost/
Fulham should buy the AZ Alkmaar winger Ibrahim Sadiq. Very impressive, pace to burn.
Last player we bought from AZ was pretty handy!
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- Palarse -- Wilson MacDonald, Thursday, March 13, 10:16:41pm (host81-141-98-136.range81-141.btcentralplus.com/
I've got my ST seat, but want to buy two more & reassign to friends of mine. It tells me that they don't meet the criteria. Can I just buy them anyway & then give them to them later?? Just interested what others have done
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Massive weekend of Football begins now -- sd, Thursday, March 13, 08:46:58pm (NoHost/
COMON Copenhagen!
lets kick Tosin and his mates out of Europe tonight##
then on Sunday lets
Wallop those Angel singing Ange Pog Robbie Williams Warmongering Hat wearing clowns and GET our top 6 ambitions back on track!!
lets go,,, we all drinking Calsberg tonight
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- Arschnal -- Riverside Roger, Thursday, March 13, 01:17:32pm (NoHost/
What is our allocation for the Emirates and how likely is it to go to Members?
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- Bernd Leno saves two penalties against Man Utd...tumbleweed... -- dd, Wednesday, March 12, 03:07:01pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
Donnarumma saves two pens against Liverpool...BBC goes into overdrive, writing articles such as 'Why is Donnarumma so good at saving penalties?'
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- I mean it might be that prior to the two respective shootouts, Donarumma saves 1 in 4 on average, and Leno averages about 1 in 8? Considering BL is behind the average, despite his OT heroics, 'why is he so good at saving penalties' wouldn't have seemed a sensible point of analysis, surely? (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 03:27:12pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- Yes and also the two Leno saved were crap penalties. Of course he went the right way andI'm pleased he did! But Donarumma's were much more impressive (NT) -- JamieR, Thursday, March 13, 12:39:20pm (
- LOL! Media's job of brainwashing you is done! Yes, if a Fulham goalkeeper saves a penalty it's a crap penalty. Priceless. (NT) -- There are none so blind as those who cannot see, Thursday, March 13, 12:50:56pm (NoHost/
- What are you on about? They were both terrible pens, both just off centre, as long as the keeper went the right way, it was a save. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Friday, March 14, 03:33:08pm (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- Those were poor penalties by prem standard, but poor judgement as to which way to dive would have lost that benefit. As indeed the poster you are almost replying to says. (NT) -- b+w g., Friday, March 14, 03:40:00pm (host86-163-250-40.range86-163.btcentralplus.com/
- Spookily very like outrshoot out at The Theatre Of Dreams. Ony difference our pens were far superior IMHO (NT) -- Al, Wednesday, March 12, 03:38:33pm (NoHost/
- IIf we win the cup, we will be treated just the same next season. Incredible considering our overall consistency since gaining prem status since 2001 compared to many others. All our great achievements are regarded as fortunate for some reason or other. Maybe we should propose to build a 100k seater Stadium next door (across the Thames physically) to get more attention. Who needs it? (NT) -- CB, Wednesday, March 12, 07:21:24pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Unfortunately we'll never receive the positive coverage some other clubs attract. Football is a tribal sport and it's bias manifests even in the supposed impartial operations of media. Fulham will always largely suffer from the mediocrity label regardless of what we achieve. Leicester won the PL and who really bothers about them outside of their fans? But clubs like United, Westham and Everton are regularly brown nosed for failure. (NT) -- Samuel, Thursday, March 13, 11:41:35am (NoHost/
- Different situations and circumstances. Champions League last 16 vs FA Cup.... (NT) -- GA, Thursday, March 13, 04:06:54pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- Seems like we really very good at penalties, shame about the cousers!!!! -- al, Wednesday, March 12, 10:12:03am (NoHost/
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- NFR -- Andrew in Bath, Tuesday, March 11, 11:31:57pm (NoHost/
BBC news had a segment about ManU’s new stadium - had absurd CGI created images - absurd in that the scoreboard showed ManU leading the opposition 3-0!
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- They've naused it up as has only now been realised, but was obvious to anyone before sales started.. I'm OK as got mine and one for my non ST Dad. If I was a putney end ST holder I'd be going mad. -- Wolfie Smith, Tuesday, March 11, 07:56:48pm (host86-161-28-150.range86-161.btcentralplus.com/
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- Mitro -- Samuel, Tuesday, March 11, 07:51:48pm (NoHost/
I had a good exchange with Henry over the striker situation. I'm not an academic or even vaguely familiar with stat analysis, but appreciate the numbers favour our current options. But (perhaps I'm wrong) stats for any given player can drastically change depending on the quality of support.
For what it's worth, I still think we'd have been more effective, yielding more points, had Mitro been leading the line this season. I get that there's a cloud over his departure which can sometimes blur objectivity. But Mitro was, in my opinion, a phenomenal forward who possessed so many strengths, many of which are absent in our current duo.
Do you think we would have had a more successful season with him. Or is Raul a more complete package?
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- Would have been more successful with Mitro this season without a shadow of a doubt. Raul seems a lovely fella, but he's no Mitro. It could have been us, not Forest, right up there this season... (NT) -- dd, Tuesday, March 11, 08:31:05pm (NoHost/
- Meant to add, people bang on about Tim Ream, but in his way Mitro believed in Fulham FC more than Tim Ream ever did. Always think Mitro's misdemeanor at Old Trafford was largely attributable to his depth of feeling for the club. People talk about the manner of his leaving, but he knew he couldn't really ever play in the Premier League again because referees would have it in for him... (NT) -- dd, Tuesday, March 11, 08:34:22pm (NoHost/
- Great fan of Mitro wish he had never left but I think the wages offered were why he left and you cannot blame him with a wife and kids. (NT) -- Going, Tuesday, March 11, 08:44:05pm (NoHost/
- I don't care if he was on £1 or £100,000 a week - he refused to play for the club. Cardinal sin which is why he can never step foot in Craven Cottage again - however grateful we are for what he achieved. (NT) -- Rupert, Wednesday, March 12, 09:06:30am (NoHost/
- Being an unprincipled greedy bar steward isn’t the greatest example for your kids.He was earning enough to support a hundred kids anyway.And nope I wouldn’t. (NT) -- HemelRog, Wednesday, March 12, 10:13:33am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Err. He wasn't exactly Bob Cratchit, slaving to keep his wife and kids from the poorhouse. He was on 100k a week or thereabouts. He already had more dosh than most earn in 10 or 20 lifetimes (NT) -- MH, Wednesday, March 12, 11:17:28am (180-150-113-29.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- I’m not saying we wouldn’t have been better, I’d say it’s debatable and I can see both sides, but my point is mitro fee - Raul + Muniz fee is circa 30m, that ain’t bad business and we have to sell to reinvest to improve. Would Muniz have developed like he has if mitro was still here? He’s our long term 9 if he keeps improving. As we know, all a moot point, he forced a move out, it was himself who decided we had no choice but to evolve a team without him. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 11, 10:03:05pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I have no doubt that he engineered his exit, so no disagreement on his motives for leaving the club. I think the failure to replace him is more of an issue for me. In my opinion there's an obvious weakness in the team and that's our striking options. Raul is a very decent player as a back up but I've always thought that we needed to invest in a proper replacement for Mitro; a nailed on starter. I'm not as sold on Muniz as others might be. I don't think he'll ever be a force in this division. (NT) -- Samuel, Tuesday, March 11, 10:35:54pm (NoHost/
- Not going to pick up on anything else in your post, but you're overstating the value of the transfer. It's detailed in our books as a net profit on player registration (ie, fee minus remaining amortisation) of a fraction over £30m. So in reality, your sum above should be more 'Mitro fee - Raul+Muniz fee is circa £17m. Still an important £17m for reasons i mention below (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 10:24:23am (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- Weird discussion. Mitro left because he refused to stay - the option of keeping him didn't exist. What is statistical fact is that the club have managed the situation so that we aren't scoring fewer goals. Would we be better with better players - er yes. Can we afford better players - maybe. Is our recruitment good enough - I reckon so but obviously could be better. Even the trolls can't be bothered with this. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Tuesday, March 11, 11:30:20pm (
- How many of the penalties scored would he have missed ? Personally think we should never have let Ronnie Rooke go! (NT) -- CB, Wednesday, March 12, 09:28:15am (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- I'll just point out an aspect i've mentioned before. We would probably have failed FFP without the money received from Mitrovic. We had to sell him or Palhinha that summer. So it is quite possible that, whilst Mitrovic still wanted to go, we weren't quite as against it as we drummed up in the press. Its something we've seen before (Malbranque, Saha) when a fan favourite has ended up leaving. Remember how Saha supposedly threatened to deliberately miss chances during the Man Utd saga? (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 10:30:37am (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- Cup tickets -- FFC, Tuesday, March 11, 07:21:07pm (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
Due to an incredible initial uptake and unprecedented demand, the Club will be extending Season Ticket Holders’ reservations by 24 hours, giving supporters until 5pm on Wednesday 12th March to complete their purchase.
In addition, a period of exclusivity for displaced Putney End Season Ticket Holders will be introduced, whereby Putney End supporters yet to purchase will have first choice of un-purchased Season Ticket Holder seats from 10am on Thursday 13th March.
The Member on sale window will be pushed back to 10am on Friday 14th March, before any remaining seats become available to supporters with a booking history at 10am on Monday 17th March.
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- Talking of Pundits ... -- Long Termer, Tuesday, March 11, 04:48:56pm (host109-154-184-207.range109-154.btcentralplus.com/
Near enough is good enough
Did anyone catch the 'Final Score' preview of our Brighton game. The female pundit Rachel Brown Hinnis whilst extolling the progress that both teams have made, said that "Fulham would deserve their first European adventure" !!!!
Actually would be our 4th I think So much for research and professionalism
Check it out - - BBC red button (I player) --<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0028xyj/final-score-red-button-08032025">https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0028xyj/final-score-red-button-08032025</a>
Around 24.5 minutes in
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- See i'm not one to moan about media getting stuff wrong generally, but this really bloody grates, considering its not exactly that long (less than 15 years) since we were in a european final. Literally anyone being paid to commentate/analyse football should know something as basic as that. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 04:54:56pm (NoHost/
- She actually seems to admire the fact that the Jason Mohammad remembers when Fulham were in the Championship. And he remembers it because he 'was there' when we beat Villa at Wembley in 2018-19. He was a year out, which is forgiveable, but they both seemed to miss the following 2 relegations and 2 promotions. Not sure that counts as building year on year. It is ridiculous, there are probably about 20 million people in the country more qualified to talk about football. (NT) -- Pablo, Tuesday, March 11, 05:21:11pm (host86-128-172-252.range86-128.btcentralplus.com/
- Unfortunately, I think the standard is getting worse and worse. The BBC really is pathetic these days and is obsessed with the big boys as much as Sky. (NT) -- Beano Reader, Tuesday, March 11, 08:26:04pm (NoHost/
- I'll join in the pile on - introducing the game on MOTD last weekend, Gary Lineker said Brighton were facing Fulham "at Craven Cottage". Looked very different if so, in fact there was no Cottage and the ground looked like it had been painted blue... (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 05:00:53pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Give her a break FCS! At least she seemed to support us. Poster must young I mean under 40 to need to................. (NT) -- CB, Tuesday, March 11, 07:37:30pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Go back to the CB radio. Any halfwit with a modicum of knowledge of this year's Premier league could have uttered those words, possibly thrown in Bournemouth too. As a pro it's her responsibility to give meaningful input, not just the bleedin' obvious. Oh and by the way the poster is 75 (62/63 start and veteran of over 2500 FFC matches.). (NT) -- Long Termer, Tuesday, March 11, 08:49:54pm (host109-154-184-207.range109-154.btcentralplus.com/
- I don't care if she supports us or not. If she is unaware that we have had 3 previous european campaigns - but epecially if she is unaware that we were in a final less than 15 years ago, then her level of knowledge is insufficient for the job she has been given. I wouldn't want a car mechanic who didn't know how to change a tyre, working on my car, or an accountant who can't do decimals doing my taxes. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 05:52:11pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- As she has never played mens professional football she has no place on there (NT) -- Waterboy, Wednesday, March 12, 12:01:29am (NoHost/
- The woman we had to suffer on Saturday when we got the BBC Radio London commentary instead of Jim was appalling, needing time to identify the players at first and having a delivery pausing at odd moments in a sentence, later being really shouty. I know some do that to try and make out it's uber exciting but it always grates badly. (NT) -- .., Wednesday, March 12, 08:29:51pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Wow, talk about not reading the room. Does ANYONE like the pundits? -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 03:30:04pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
Match of the Day should show fewer Premier League highlights and more analysis, says BBC chairman Samir Shah.
The BBC has a deal to show highlights of top-flight matches until the end of the 2028-29 season, with Match of the Day broadcast on Saturday evenings and MOTD2 on Sunday evenings.
Shah told the Sunday Times, external that many fans had watched Premier League goals and action before Match of the Day is broadcast.Shah said the show "should not be built around highlights".
He added: "It should be built around analysis and examination of the match to give viewers a deeper insight." Although the BBC is politically independent, its chairperson is appointed by the government. In his role as chair of the BBC's board Shah is charge of upholding and protecting the BBC's independence and ensuring the BBC fulfils its mission to inform, educate and entertain.
Match of the Day celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2024. It is hosted by former England striker Gary Lineker, who will step down at the end of this season.
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- I don't know a single person who watches MoTD for the punditry. I know of a fair number who don't watch it, because of that reason. As you suggest, its completely about face thinking. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 04:37:44pm (NoHost/
- I ACTUALLY watch MOTD primarily to see highlights of the other games I HAVEN'T been to. This guy's thinking is so flawed, it's laughable... (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 05:03:50pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- There are Youtube analysts eg Adam Clery - who are far better analysts than anyone on BBC, ITV, Sky or Amazon - Really find it difficult to watch much in the way of televised football these days - England matches being an exception since I am interested enough to want to watch but not so interested that a bad performance/result hurts in the same way as a bad Fulham performance/result. - and as such the commentary doesn't grate as much (NT) -- f bloke, Tuesday, March 11, 05:33:03pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Under this article on the BBC there was (and may still be), a poll you could vote on. At that time the results were pretty much the opposite of what they were proposing. 46% wanted less punditry and more highlights, 46% wanted it unchanged, and only 8% wanted more punditry and fewer highlights. (NT) -- Blackeye Blockhead, Tuesday, March 11, 05:35:03pm (NoHost/
- And they wonder why everyone is cancelling license fee (NT) -- Waterboy, Wednesday, March 12, 12:06:31am (NoHost/
- United States men's national team star Antonee Robinson as told ESPN he is ignoring speculation over his future and wants to play in European competitions with Fulham. He needs his own song told ESPN he is ignoring speculation over his future and wants to play in European competitions with Fulham. -- Here's to you Jedi Robinson,Fulham loves you......, Tuesday, March 11, 02:52:43pm (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
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- Spare adult and under 21 ticket for Spurs game, face value if anyone is after these, if interested post email in reply and I'll drop you a message -- Ockendan, Tuesday, March 11, 12:14:46pm (NoHost/
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- Age groups -- f bloke, Tuesday, March 11, 12:14:41pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
Apologies for starting a new thread but I would like to respond to a Henry post below re the age groups. I have seen JK about 15 times live or on stream for both Fulham and England age groups. He definitely has the raw talent to make it at our level - my issue with him, even at age group level, is he doesn't get on the ball enough to impose himself on games - he does really good bits from time to time but that is it, he is ESR/Ruiz like in that way.. I would also say the same about the u 16s Seth Ridgeon who is equally talented but also fails to impose himself enough - both are immensely frustrating since they are invariably the most technically able players on the pitch but that is not always reflected in the impact they have. Interesting that the u 21s don't play as well when JK plays. I think the coaching staff can help here since the issue is more work rate and desire than skill levels. it will be a real waste of considerable talent if nether push on with us. I have only seen the u 18s 2/3 times this season but I would say that this years 1st years are not of the same standard as previous years – with some drop off from our this and last year’s 2nd years. In terms of pipeline – over the last 15 years or so, our academy has only produced Elliott and arguably Spence who are EPL proven although MO’R, Fab and Sess may get there, but they are not there yet. Only 1% of academy graduates make it in the EPL and most of those are with the big clubs with Arsenal having a particularly good run at present. As such getting a player to come through and make it with us at the EPL level more often than every 2 to 4 years would really be bucking history
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- Was your opinion which I referred, thanks for padding it out. Was once a believer in PSR, player wages had spiralled so much it needed controlling to keep fan prices down. However, there are so many secondary negatives, including Arse, CFC, city etc now hoovering majority of best young talent to improve PSR numbers, it’s created a moat around the 300m+ revenue clubs. Used to be saints, palace etc producing talent, big teams would just buy ready made, now they’re doing both, leaving crumbs. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 11, 01:06:58pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Josh King, apparently has had his own locker in first team changing room since start of last season. Apparently this is unusual, but an indication that he was gradually being “groomed” for the big time. So far very little evidence that he’s under Marco’s microscope. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, March 11, 01:08:44pm (NoHost/
- Club saying on the official that tickets in home areas SOLD out for Crystal Palace...(pending unused season ticket holder seats being released later tomorrow) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 12:07:06pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
Damn. As a member was hoping to get a sniff of this one, but may have to be quick...
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- The idea of being a member is that you get a reasonable chance of getting a ticket for the popular games but it doesn't seem to work out that way. (NT) -- White Eagle, Tuesday, March 11, 12:15:52pm (host86-163-27-165.range86-163.btcentralplus.com/
- I still think there will be a lot of unused season ticket seats, the pricing in the riverside especially will have given people the opportunity to try different areas in the ground. Even in the JH, where i got an adult and junior ticket for a third of the price the same seats will cost against Liverpool. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 12:49:31pm (NoHost/
- Re: Club saying on the official that tickets in home areas SOLD out for Crystal Palace...(pending unused season ticket holder seats being released later tomorrow) (NT) -- You would think a lot of members have STH friends, Tuesday, March 11, 04:54:06pm (NoHost/
- Here's the notes from the latest FST meeting as it was mentioned on here the other day... -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 11:34:25am (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
Won't comment on the to-ing and fro-ing about FST open letters and fan engagement, but re. the any other business at the end of the doc - why on earth should we even consider giving Tim Ream a testimonial?? He's done very well out of FFC, do people know how much footballers earn these days - it's not the 1980s!!
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.fulhamsupporterstrust.com/news/2025/03/notes-from-our-february-meeting-with-fulham-fc/">https://www.fulhamsupporterstrust.com/news/2025/03/notes-from-our-february-meeting-with-fulham-fc/</a>
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- Or Tom Cairney for that matter (though at least he's still with the club!) (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 11:35:31am (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- I have been banging on since the summer for a joint testimonial, and surely it would be for charity... of course, further lining the pockets of incredibly rich Premier League footballers would look ridiculous. TC and the American D-Ream are two of the most popular players who have ever donned the famous white shirt, so something ought to be done, players fly off all over the place for pointless internationals, wheras this would be something that actually matters. (NT) -- Rupert, Tuesday, March 11, 11:59:38am (NoHost/
- I once had a fairly friendly chat with Carmelo re amongst other things ticket prices and the deliberate demographic change in the fan base. He is naturally friendly and not at all confrontational in nature. He also indicated that those issues were well above his pay grade. Clearly he was primed by AM to be the bad guy in the meeting although AM couldn't help himself at the end re the Manu comment (NT) -- f bloke, Tuesday, March 11, 12:22:09pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- From notes of a previous meeting, I got the impression that the club would not want to host a testimonial game as they don't make any money out of it. (NT) -- Beano Reader, Tuesday, March 11, 12:45:36pm (82-132-212-73.dab.02.net/
- Have to say in my view that's fair enough - also why should fans fork out to donate to charity? According to some sources, Tim Ream and Tom Cairney's combined net worth is around £20 million, can't the each pick a charity and just make a donation? (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 12:48:58pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Can't disagree with that - premier league players are handsomely paid. However, the impression I get is that Fulham would not host any event unless they make money out of. In the past, I can recall charity games at CC. Doesn't make club money, but does get positive publicity. (NT) -- Beano Reader, Tuesday, March 11, 01:01:55pm (82-132-212-73.dab.02.net/
- As a Fulham fan of more than 40 years, fully understand your point, but is putting on a game at the Cottage now a much more expensive undertaking than it would have been in the 80s or 90s. Also, I'd question exactly how much positive publicity a charity game would get? A question of degree I suppose...(on a different, but related point, Shahid Khan has invested a total of £787 million into Fulham according to some sources, personally don't believe he owes us anything) (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 01:19:09pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Yep, a charity game would depend on profile of it with regards to publicity etc. As for Shad Khan, I think he owes making Fulham as affordable as possible to the fanbase. Remember that he described himself as a ' custodian' . I am also sure he would recoup a large amount of his outlay if he decides to sell up. (NT) -- Beano Reader, Tuesday, March 11, 01:27:14pm (82-132-212-73.dab.02.net/
- Personally, think Khan is an investor for the long term, plus he has his son involved. I think he has big plans, is willing to be patient, and will eventually pass it on to Tony Khan. Think it's conceivable that FFC will be owned by Khans for the next 20 years.... (NT) -- k, Tuesday, March 11, 01:42:31pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- My concern would be who he sells up to, when he does. If he's going to want to recover his outlay (as any sensible businessman should), then someone is going to have to stump up 3/4 of a billion for a mid sized club, with no realistic ambition of recovering that outlay within a lifetime. So, someone either utterly benevolent and looking for a toy, or someone who may have be casting their eyes more on the locale than the team occupying it. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 02:23:49pm (NoHost/
- Genuine Q - are there any property developers on this site? If the cost was eg £750m - will it be possible to do a development on a site of that size with panning restrictions on the JH stand [and the Cottage?] and still make a sizeable return? Are we protected against the property speculators due to the likely sums involved? Would welcome any view out there that is much more informed than mine (NT) -- f bloke, Tuesday, March 11, 02:49:02pm (host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- I'm no developer, but you've got to think that at those costs to redevelop the Cottage, to ffind somewhere else to play, there's not going to be much in it, especially as football clubs appear to be a bit of a money pit. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Tuesday, March 11, 02:56:25pm (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- just some quick back of fag packet googling reckons you could (if flats were the order of the day) put about 1000-1200 on a site the size of craven cottage (roughly 13k sqf). At £1m - £1.5m a go there probably is money to be made. Not sure about other, commercial uses as there are so many variables. So it might be possible to make money out of the site, but there would be a pretty hefty amount of hassle (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 04:35:31pm (NoHost/
- There's no shortage of billionaires these days, who could afford to lose on their investment. My concern would be as to how they accumulated that level of wealth. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Wednesday, March 12, 03:55:39pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- O have defended Fulham on ticketing and pricing etc up to now, about the only one, but the FA Cup quarter final has turned into the fiasco everyone predicted... -- Rupert, Tuesday, March 11, 11:29:54am (NoHost/
Fulham is a big club now, and needs to start thinking like one. Hamburg flew off the shelves, they were gone in about an hour... many at the Crystal Palaca match will be wives, girlfriends, grandads, once a year or even once a decade attendees, while loyal members are gonna miss out... why not season ticket holders first, members second, then season ticket holders can buy more and we see where we are... it is not rocket science, heads should roll...
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- Arsenal tickets -- Mickey, Monday, March 10, 06:32:13pm (82-132-215-89.dab.02.net/
on sale as of this Thursday and finally Loyalty Points quite rightly being taken into account !
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- Buying tickets -- Dave Little, Monday, March 10, 06:00:01pm (NoHost/
Advice please. My season ticket is in the Putney End so I cant buy that one as it has been given to away fans. The online booking system shows that there are only about 10 seats in the Riverside Stand available. When I click on these it says that I do not have the rights to buy them. Any thoughts?
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- Are you logged in to your account? Tickets sold very quickly this morning, surprised they didn't allocate another seat elsewhere for Putney end ST holders to buy if they wanted, seems very unfair. (NT) -- Wolfie Smith, Monday, March 10, 06:16:19pm (94-30-83-200.xdsl.murphx.net/
- I have justed sorted my issue with my child's ticket complete nightmare only took 6 hours. I emailed them in the end using this email address tickets@fulhamfc.com (NT) -- Button, Monday, March 10, 06:18:07pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- "Season Ticket Holders can purchase up to four tickets". I only seem to be able to buy one. How can I purchase the others? Thanks in advance (NT) -- El Pato, Monday, March 10, 06:35:06pm (NoHost/
- Re: Buying tickets -- IF ONLY I WAS A COMPUTER GENIUS, Monday, March 10, 07:03:50pm (NoHost/
- Re: Buying tickets -- IF ONLY I WAS A COMPUTER GENIUS, Monday, March 10, 07:05:05pm (NoHost/
- It took me 20 minutes to book my season ticket seat for the Palace game. The website needs sorting. (NT) -- Crafty Cottager, Monday, March 10, 11:20:00pm (NoHost/
- Brighton -- fulhamoldfart, Monday, March 10, 05:27:10pm (cpc160099-nmal26-2-0-cust468.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
was there lots of fights after the Brighton game see a fella on tik-tok banging on about why do people feel the need to fight at football matches after getting the train from Brighton Saturday
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- big queue outside the ticket office this morning cup fever has broken out !!!! -- fulhamoldfart, Monday, March 10, 04:27:34pm (cpc160099-nmal26-2-0-cust468.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
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- Re: big queue outside the ticket office this morning cup fever has broken out !!!! (NT) -- Big Queues at 14.30, Monday, March 10, 04:32:38pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- what anti Khan wafffle are you on about ? (NT) -- fulhamoldfart, Monday, March 10, 05:24:50pm (cpc160099-nmal26-2-0-cust468.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: big queue outside the ticket office this morning cup fever has broken out !!!! (NT) -- Still Queuing at 16.30, Monday, March 10, 05:53:27pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Arrived at CC at 1115 queued until 1.30pm. They stopped selling more than one ticket to S/Ts at about 11. Ticket Office staff did well but whoever thought of 4 tickets per person has no idea!! (NT) -- Going, Monday, March 10, 07:37:53pm (NoHost/
- Re: big queue outside the ticket office this morning cup fever has broken out !!!! (NT) -- Still Queuing., Monday, March 10, 08:55:37pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Supporters Trust notes -- Viva El Fulham, Monday, March 10, 03:26:20pm (NoHost/
Wow! The Fulham board really do hate the fans.
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- BBC site (Opta stats) Most Substitutions in 1er this season out of 135 -- Bad Boy, Monday, March 10, 02:36:00pm (NoHost/
Most @130 is Brighton, 128 Southampton & 3rd is FFC with 126
Fewest is Palace 99, Man C 89 & Everton with 83
Brighton have actively involved their plethora of wingers (lucky them) ditto Bournemouth and together with FFC feature in top 4 for sub goal involvements.
How much more effective might we have been with Nelson & Wilson being injury free and in the mix?
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- FFC have recorded 11 goals by subs with Muniz & Wilson 4 each are top scorers off the bench. Most of us guessed that our small squad would come back to haunt us. If only Reiss & H had been available regularly who knows how much more effective might we have been with offensive substitutions? (NT) -- Bad Boy, Monday, March 10, 02:43:55pm (NoHost/
our small squad??? doesn't every team have only 25 player squads? ARE you saying FFC have named less than 25 players? If so, are we the only team to name under 25? (NT) -- harry wilson not replaced?, Monday, March 10, 02:55:49pm (NoHost/
- Out of 25 four are offensive options without too much game time to date…. Maybe give Sess, King & Willian a bit more game time? Vinicius wtf. Unlucky with Wilson & Nelson. The forward players we have available are now being over played. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Monday, March 10, 03:14:12pm (NoHost/
- The one I’m not quite getting is Willian, he’s looked sharp to me, don’t know why he’s only getting a handful of minutes, surely if you’re gonna sign him then play him a bit more. Wilson, Nelson, Traore may all be back soon and then Willian won’t even make the bench, I’d have started him one of the last few games, or at least got half hour out of him. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 10, 04:49:07pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Need more quality, I’d move on reed &TC, but it’s not small, there are 24 senior first team players + Josh king, managers don’t want bigger squads than that. Any team will suffer a little when you get 3 wide players injured at the same time, BHA did earlier in season, as did palace early. Arse have fallen off a cliff with 3 injuries to attacking players. We have nobody pushing from age groups to come in and freshen things, or silva isn’t prepared to take a punt on any. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 10, 03:16:12pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- King and Godo being obvious examples, and Sess to an extent. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Monday, March 10, 03:28:49pm (NoHost/
- Our age group quality is poor, godo has had a mediocre loan spell at L1, king has shown flashes, those who know more than me say he wasn’t a nailed on star at age levels. We don’t have any loans at champ level or good foreign leagues, we have senior team then age groups and nothing in between. I suspect PSR is partly to blame, all the top teams see youth as a cash cow and are hoovering up all too young talent, our pool has dried up hence we looking further away for talent. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 10, 04:45:46pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Josh King is more than good enough.Has played for England at every age from U15 to U19.Seems some rate him very highly. (NT) -- HemelRog, Tuesday, March 11, 12:42:51am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- The PSR point is missed by many - its a very easy offset in the accounts - nick all the youngsters, then sell them. re King, i've heard very differently from a few people outside the club (scouts/agents) that he is regarded as a top tier talent. But that's by the by, overall, i think your point is right - for a championship side, what we have coming through is ok, for a premier league side, not many look close to being ready. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 10:06:47am (NoHost/
- crazy if this is true -- Sam, Monday, March 10, 01:55:49pm (NoHost/
Just seen on X that Palace have put 7000 seats for the Cup Tie on sale today at 10am.
£1 u16s
and £30 for Adults
Apparently their Owners will pay any differnece!
and this news after the FST just issued notes revealing Ali Mac and Shad refused to pay half our fans tickets prices at OT
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- Those notes are a bit mad. Clearly no relationship there. And AM comment on the Utd price situation is pure sarcasm, mature way to act. (NT) -- woodman, Monday, March 10, 01:58:00pm (cpc158567-haye26-2-0-cust402.17-4.cable.virginm.net/
- Palace also removed concessions for seniors at the start of the season. (NT) -- Observer, Monday, March 10, 03:08:46pm (NoHost/
- The putney end holds under 6000 seats so that is the max BUT there will be a buffer between home and away fans, which will probably account for 1000 seats. (NT) -- red kev, Monday, March 10, 11:27:35pm (NoHost/
- Putney end since wheelchair platform & TV studio no longer holds the 7100 it once did.Its now around 6000 & Palace apparently only have blocks P3-P7 which would be the 15% (approx 4000) they're entitled to . Not sure where 7000 is coming from? (NT) -- Blaps, Tuesday, March 11, 05:37:04am (NoHost/
- For what it's worth, looks like the parts about on-sale date and prices aren't accurate according to this morning's announcement on the Palace website (link inside) -- The Doctor, Tuesday, March 11, 03:19:05pm (host86-178-70-178.range86-178.btcentralplus.com/
- usual nonsense with the ticket offce -- View from the Riverside, Monday, March 10, 12:01:33pm (static-84-9-58-207.vodafonexdsl.co.uk/
Good news for season ticket holders who get to buy their season tickets for the Palace game in a window.. only they phone line is switched off and I don't see how you do it online... nothing is joined up at CC.
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- From Friends of Fulham site - "Answering my own question! To secure your reserved seat, please ensure you're logged into your OneFulham account, and go to your profile section on fulhamfc.com/tickets, your Season Ticket seat will appear as a 'reserved ticket'." (NT) -- Wolfie Smith, Monday, March 10, 12:06:51pm (94-30-83-200.xdsl.murphx.net/
- The new online ticketing system is absolute sh*te. (NT) -- Neil G, Monday, March 10, 12:24:00pm (NoHost/
- Having the same issue can't get my sons ticket he is a season ticket holder and is u13 it doesn't show up on my account to purchase it and i can't get through to ticket office complete joke. Can anyone help (NT) -- Button, Monday, March 10, 01:44:08pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: usual nonsense with the ticket offce (NT) -- Queuing at the T/O from Haynes gate at 14.15., Monday, March 10, 04:31:19pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- "Season Ticket Holders can purchase up to four tickets". I only seem to be able to purchase one. How can I get tickets for others? (NT) -- El Pato, Monday, March 10, 06:32:51pm (NoHost/
- Breaking News -- Tina Weymouth., Sunday, March 09, 08:05:30pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
Rumours Circulating on Mitro?
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- Tests for an abnormal heart beat, and just back from injury. Not having much at the moment. (NT) -- red kev, Sunday, March 09, 08:13:29pm (NoHost/
Re hes probably faking it like he did with his achilles when he wanted out here?.......... reason : he must bee sick of getting zero credit / praise /mention out there. hes been scoring loads on par with Rondalo. yet never gets mentioned. even won the league yet all they bang on about is sicknote neymer bensmer, sado mana and cristinao!! lol (NT) -- mitroWHO??, Sunday, March 09, 08:35:48pm (NoHost/
- Vaxxed (NT) -- Fkev, Monday, March 10, 09:19:27am (NoHost/
- ...waxed and ready to climax (NT) -- Karen Putitinme, Monday, March 10, 09:33:41am (NoHost/
- Far better than being vaxxed ;-) (NT) -- Fkev, Monday, March 10, 09:39:31am (NoHost/
- I'm all three and coming for you (NT) -- Karen Putitin, Monday, March 10, 02:03:06pm (NoHost/
- Isn't he a really good friend and admirer of 'Novac the Novax'? (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Monday, March 10, 02:12:35pm (NoHost/
- You do realise you can admire someone, and be their friend, and not share their exact opinions on everything don't you? (NT) -- Same Old Story, Monday, March 10, 02:39:26pm (NoHost/
- I bet my assumption is nearer to the truth than FKev's. And would you even have replied to my post had you not first engaged the English side of your being? (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Monday, March 10, 04:33:58pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- Probably not, because i may not have been aware, for example, that Djokovic has never been 'anti vax', and that as part of a tournament he sponsored during the outbreak, he literally set up a vaccination tent for those who wanted it. His point, which was of course covered extensively in the media (it wasn't, i'm being droll), is that he didn't think forced, mandated vaccinations were right. The fact that we're in a place societally where thats even up for debate is strange to me. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 10:11:32am (NoHost/
- Sounds like a great public relations gesture for a very popular Tennis Champion. Were people generally buying it? But what about the New Years Eve party Mitro had with his friends in the 2nd lockdown, and the fact that Serbia had the 4th worse vaccine uptake in Europe. Even Russia had more vaccines! If I'm a betting man the odds are on Mitrovic probably not having the vaccine and that his heart condition is not related to that factor. Might even be the opposite to that factor! (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Tuesday, March 11, 01:24:49pm (aztw-28-b2-v4wan-166609-cust826.vm26.cable.virginm.net/
- I'm not sure. I know several who used the facility personally. It was 6 months before the enusing Australia party. Can't comment on uptake as most who i know had the vaccine initially. My understanding on the party was that it wasn't really a party, but an orthodox christmas celebration between 2 close families rather than the all night rager it was suggested. No idea on Mitrovics vaccination status or heart cause issues. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 02:28:50pm (NoHost/
- Yes true?, but is FKev's insinuation that Mitrovic's current health problems are related to him having the vaccine true or not? (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Tuesday, March 11, 02:58:27pm (aztw-28-b2-v4wan-166609-cust826.vm26.cable.virginm.net/
- Absolutely no idea at all. A report in mens health in late 2021 stated that 60% of professional players had not had the jab, so it seems slightly more likely than not that he wouldn't have had the vaccine just by pure rule of average - rather than linking it to his relationship with a tennis player whose vaccination status at the time was also unknown and not the international news story it became a few months later. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, March 11, 04:45:43pm (NoHost/
- I don't think Djokovic is as altruistic as you paint him. If you have reasons not to take the vaccination as an elite and incredibly fit athlete, then you would hardly be so ambivilent if you applied the same concerns to older relatives, friends etc. As that elite athlete and incredibly sucessfull sportsman you would be a very attractive role model for other athletes/sportspersons. Add the compatriot element too (That's obviously big for you too) then why wouldn't Mitrovic be so influenced? (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Wednesday, March 12, 11:27:44am (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- Again, i have no idea. I don't know Djokovic or Mitrovic personally, or, seemingly as well as you do, as you have managed to draw complete conclusions as to their motivations, inspirations and characters, despite now being in ownership of the fact that 60% of premier league footballers were unvaccinated. a clear trend amongst a cast of thousands. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 03:40:21pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- As for altruism, who knows? It is again, a fact, that no other tennis player has donated as much as him (tens of millions) and amongst his donations include millions on ventilators for covid patients in the worst hit areas of serbia, further millions for the national health department, further for hospitals in Italy during the worst phase of the pandemic. Add in Australian wildfire donations, flood relief in eastern europe, and yes, you do get the sense he's a guy who has no care for others. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Wednesday, March 12, 03:44:28pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/
- You are conspiracy theory loon. If we followed your logic, hospitals would be overun when the statistics just confirm you're barking mad. (NT) -- Mark Latham's One Nation, Monday, March 10, 04:17:01pm (Host-By.DMIT.com/
- Wish him well - in hindsight went at the right time - we made a few quid - he was key final piece of the jigsaw in 2018 as we faced a QPR style future - played on one leg in extra time in 2020 and was involved in both goals - even Joe's legendary free kick followed his distracting influence - 2022 championship enough said - shame he destroyed his legacy and can never grace the Cottage again - even as a visitor. (NT) -- Rupert, Monday, March 10, 11:58:20am (NoHost/
- Points -- Jt20, Sunday, March 09, 07:34:24pm (NoHost/
Honestly do anyone here positively think we will A finish in the top 10 and B get anywhere near 50 points this season? We our remaining schedule I can only see a possibility of maybe a few results left in this club.
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Re: Points.. to my mind the season ends whenever the FA Cup run does... Marco will use that (cup run) to get players to kept focused and battling for places. But if we go out of the Cup. Players will see it as job done and be thinking of their summer holidays. (NT) -- DOF, Sunday, March 09, 07:54:17pm (NoHost/
- Re: Points (NT) -- A extended cup run would help with league results, Sunday, March 09, 07:59:13pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Of course we can. We can beat Spurs, they have some players back now but still play kamikaze Ange-ball, Bournemouth were ripping them to shreds today. Arsenal looks spent, anything' possible. Liverpool will obviously be very tough. Away games against Bournemouth and Villa will probably define whether we have any chance of Europe - having lost yesterday we probably need 4 points from those, maybe 6. Unlikely but you never know! (NT) -- JamieR, Sunday, March 09, 08:49:46pm (
- I've always said 10th every time it comes up so I'll keep the faith and stick! Although it looks bad with Palace and Brentford catching up (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 09, 09:28:49pm (NoHost/
- Re: Points (NT) -- Palace could be the Fly in the ointment (twice), Monday, March 10, 02:30:44am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Is it me being old fashioned or does a commentator have to really scream when they are commentating on a goal or a near goal chance! -- Fulham Russ, Sunday, March 09, 06:21:03pm (NoHost/
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- No it’s not just you. Can’t stand him. He almost has a coronary if it’s Mo Salah! (NT) -- bs, Sunday, March 09, 10:26:44pm (82-132-239-241.dab.02.net/
- Commentators and touchline manager antics are the focus of coverage these days. Oh and the celebrity in the crowd. (NT) -- MH, Monday, March 10, 12:35:34am (180-150-113-29.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- I thought perhaps it was just old farts like me that don’t appreciate it. Everything has to be so ‘emotional’ these days. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Monday, March 10, 08:26:00am (host86-184-144-110.range86-184.btcentralplus.com/
- It's Peter Drury, he's awful. "There's a tidal wave on the Thames" was fantastic - perfect, because it was actually a once-in-a-lifetime magical experience for a club like us and he found the words to match it. But now every goal is described in a similar register and he has turned into self-parody. Agree it really is ridiculous and intrusive, just want him to STFU. Commentators are like refs and wicketkeepers - you know one is good when you're not noticing them (NT) -- JamieR, Monday, March 10, 11:37:00am (
- It's a good point and always occurs when one of the 'media darlings' score - really irritating. I really do think the TV companies would prefer the 'also-rans' didn't exist. We're seeing it happen in Rugby League - the ECB wouldn't mind the likes of Leicester, Derby and Sussex going to the wall - they don't get enough - er - social media hits you see. (NT) -- Rupert, Monday, March 10, 12:02:45pm (NoHost/
- Europe …..do you really want it ? -- Mickey, Sunday, March 09, 11:19:25am (82-132-222-238.dab.02.net/
For me I’d certainly take nothing less than Europa League , but would you trust the Club to equip the Squad sufficiently well quality -wise , so as to not lessen our PL progression . I’ve always maintained we are nowhere near deep enough to compete on both fronts with the schedule it would bring . Look at their bench options yesterday compared to ours , accepting our injuries played a part . I asked a few weeks ago how much longer we were going to rely on Reed and TC to see out games ; you had an example yesterday of late recklessness from one of them , ‘unlucky ‘ as it may have been . We are def ‘growing’ the quality of the squad , but imho we are still on the trajectory of putting one together capable of introducing more challenges than improving top half finishes . As for Brighton , they have more ‘strings to their bow ‘ than us , in how they play , nor just in quality . Are we really going to outperform at least 2 Teams currently above us , and if so what and how to recruit this summer ? Finally it’s somewhat sickening a Team like Forest look more amd more nailed on for a CL place with a game plan based on low/mid block , low possession and crucially very few mistakes . You just know that their Owner will deliver them the squad required for next season , by hook or by crook .
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- Why did BHA just spent 200+ in the summer and have all these options, because they brought young players, developed them then sold for profit. The khans put far more in financially to FFC than Bloom has at BHA, if we keep signing players like Anderson, cast, Berge, good solid, but won’t make profit, prem players then we won’t be looking up much. The real successful transfer market clubs (palace/BHA/ even forest now) are less manger led and more centralised to a long term strategy. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 11:38:13am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
a different 'model' at other Clubs. FFC with will be run for the benefit of the owners remit. STAY in the PL while (now) generating the lions share of the Revenue oursellves. Which conflicts with having extra UEFA games with means the PIER wont be operational for those days. We will always sign older/proven players why? the HOF is TK and he lacks the know of other real HOFs to unearth GEMS. That said Silva will want progress and to keep him they will allow all his profits to flow back to him. (NT) -- FST loyalist, Sunday, March 09, 11:48:51am (NoHost/
- Again I asked recently where are our younger gems plucked from the Championship or similar leagues ? It’s easier to source proven PL players , but I can’t imagine Silva would reject eg a Wharton, Lacroix or Munoz type . If we are going to lessen Silva’s input , then we Have to have those in place who can spot such talent ……. (NT) -- Mickey, Sunday, March 09, 11:51:52am (82-132-222-238.dab.02.net/
- It does appear to be a scouting issue. We very rarely unearth a top level gem and even when we invest in younger players like Muniz and ESR they're mediocre at best. We've had a few championship standouts like Sess and Fabio but the step up proved too much. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 12:03:07pm (NoHost/
- I agree, but this isn’t scouting issue, BHA do stats more than anyone, everyone knows about almost everyone now, it’s a question of is our strategy correct. We have signed, Robbo, tosin, palhina, tete, all absolute gems, but we moved away from that a bit, maybe the relegation has scarred us, but we had it right, last window we reverted to safety first. Minor tweaks which are easily changed though, let’s not forget we are in a great place to kick on with good signings this summer. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 12:53:55pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- The weakest aspect is that, Josh King apart, there are no players in the academy who look to be EPL quality. Certainly not now or any time soon. Most EPL clubs seem to have several. We send ours out on loan and they don't do remotely well enough. I reckon we'd need four or five extra prem quality recruits to manage European football. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Sunday, March 09, 01:35:08pm (
- Agree. In higher level European football we'd need 3+ readymade pros just to be able to compete on all fronts. And what do you do with that bigger squad if you drop out early? This season we've been hampered by the League Cup exit denying Sess, Cuenca, King, Godo (I.e. our young core) game. If we are to get into Europe, I'd be happier with the Conference League so that we can use that to blood in these guys + 2-3 other young players (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 09, 01:46:38pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Think that is a valid question, I suspect some of it lies again with PSR and how big teams are prioritising youth teams. Arsenal, Chelsea, city etc hoover up so much of the very best talent now, 10 years ago they weren’t as bothered as could buy themselves ready made players, now they see it as profit for PSR as well as adding to first team. Palace have a couple, but not like the days of Moses, Zaha, AWB, further evidence PSR is putting a moat up around the big teams. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 03:29:18pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- You're correct that the difference is in the depth of squad. They've been in the Premier League since 2017/18! All this "we need to be like Brighton and sign young players" stuff ignores that until 20/21 their big signings were almost all in the 24-27 range. Then, once the platform was created they were able to go for the likes of Caicedo and move to the next level. We're 3 years in, where Brighton were in 19/20 when their biggest signing was Adam Webster (24). We're in the right place. (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 09, 01:36:19pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- No reason to believe there would be an appetite to use FFP room. I think, sadly, that Europe could be dangerous for us. I think Silva is key to our future (although yesterday wasn't his finest hour). If he went the same squad would be 6 places lower. (NT) -- WayneKerrins, Sunday, March 09, 02:55:48pm (pool-108-2-117-254.phlapa.fios.verizon.net/
- Agree PSR isn’t where we are at, move to being self sufficient and also spending on a stand has seen to that. Europe can be dangerous, but exciting and opportunity for revenue and attract higher calibre players, not sure many thought we were ready under Roy. Silva is v.good; but wages normally tell the story and we are about where we should be, BHA thought disaster when potter left, they’ve never looked back. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 03:42:05pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Based on what?He is a perfect fit for us but far from faultless. (NT) -- InThe Bog For Th Penalty Rog, Sunday, March 09, 04:02:18pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- I think there's a danger if we don't make Europe. I think we certainly lose Robinson in that case, and maybe even Marco. I'd like a modicum of Europe (I.e. conference league) just to show progression. (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 09, 04:48:13pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Whilst I'd find the prospect of playing in Europe again very exciting, my head tells me that one look at the bench yesterday proves that Europe would be a risk. Also I don't agree with Henry's point that a season in Europe would definitely attract better players because at that stage we would simply be a pretty stable mid-table club with occasional forays across the water. How did winning the league and playing Champions League help Leicester? (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Sunday, March 09, 05:24:51pm (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- We have several out, yet our bench still had 5 with 100+ prem games & Cuenca who is class. We will have more revenue, more money = better players. Did you really ask, how did winning the league help Leicester?! What’s the point if when you win anything the first thought is, we are gonna struggle after this. Leic fans have had the best period in their history, you think they’d swap it for 10 seasons of finishing 10th? They’ve been mismanaged since, that’s the cause, not being in europe. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 05:37:19pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Yes I really did ask and you are answering a different question - this thread was predicated on risk not fans' preferences. You say 5 of the bench had 100+ games between them - well 3 of them had 100+ years between them too. In any case one suspension and three injured has to be expected at times in a busy season. One them, Willian, probably would not have been signed had it not been for injuries. You may not have read it, but I have already said Europe is an exciting prospect. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Sunday, March 09, 07:32:52pm (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- You asked, how did winning the league and playing champs league help Leicester. They achieved the ultimate goal, any issues have been caused by management since, not because of those achievements. We wouldn’t have the same squad, we’d have 10s of millions extra revenue guaranteed, meaning we could spend that on improving. We have had 2 proper European seasons ever, just think grab those opportunities with a weakened league, they don’t come often. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 08:05:09pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Would never want conference league, the standard of teams in there is so poor (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 09, 03:50:29pm (NoHost/
- This is why I want conference league. Another opportunity alongside early stage League Cup and FA Cup to give our younger players - Benda, Cuenca, Sess, King, Godo, Muniz - and those without guaranteed starts - Diop, Castagne (if we sign an excellent RB), Adama (if we sign another great winger) - more playing time to develop and greater incentive to add more young players to the squad. Keep players happy and sharp, let young players develop. Would be great for us. (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 09, 04:52:00pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- We go pear shaped after an internatioal break, Can you imaging this squad of availables coping. Not desperate to scrape in just to please the fans for the buzz of it. Keep bloody saying we are not equipted but bloody near if are owners are bothered. (NT) -- CB, Sunday, March 09, 07:37:57pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- To the 14 year olds…. -- eXecutionEr, Sunday, March 09, 11:11:59am (NoHost/
…. yesterday, on the back row, directly behind the goal. Don’t sing: ‘he’s big, he’s black, he plays at centre back, Isa Diop’.
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- Where I think the game was lost -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 09:29:31am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
Sure the second half we didn’t offer much, but they hardly did as well. Where we lost that game is that first goal conceded, it’s what is separating us from say where forest are. Whilst they dig in, stay concentrated and just do not let a team score, we sometimes have a flaky response more akin to a team with less experience and leaders.
Sure the second goal is tough to take, but it’s a bit unlucky and can happen to any team. Bassey yeh he’s blocked a little, he is the big strong CB, if he wants to be a top player he has to be stronger; get across and if not then make sure the ref knows he’s being fouled, he does neither. People ask how are forest where they are compared to us, well today was a microcosm, both nothing games, with few chances, rbey pinch a 1-0, we throw a 1-0 away and lose 2-1. Not all games are gonna be littered with chances, bur when these tight tactical ones come round if we want ti change a good season to a brilliant season we need to be stronger in the big moments and not concede soft goals. Most stats are fairly middling, but we have 4 clean sheets, 17th in the league, wolves have more. If you have to score 2 almost every match to win a game, it’s almost impossible for us to push on, there doesn’t seem to be the stubborn, thou shall not pass attitude to defending that some teams show.
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- And we never look like scoring more than 2, think it was Brighton at home last time. Glad Raul got to 10 and possibly Iwobi will, everyone else is woefully short in terms of chipping in and helping out (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 09, 09:51:07am (NoHost/
- I haven't posted here for a few years but do on occasion read the forum. I don't really understand all the technical and tactical facets of the game and perhaps (naively) over simplify otherwise complex issues. However, I thought at the time, and still do, that the failure to replace Mitrovich and wasting nearly £30 million on ESR will cost us European football next season. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 09:54:05am (NoHost/
- What is the rationale behind saying, we’ve scored more goals than when mitro was here, our CFs are both regularly scoring, therefore the problem is at the CF position? ESR has been ok I’d say, 30m isn’t pennies, but it’d also not a mammoth fee anymore, Anderson cost the same, I’d give him a 6/10 so far and it’s a position we did need someone in at, I still think he’ll turn into a good signing for us, he’s young enough to keep improving. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 10:08:29am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I don't disagree with your observations about Anderson and ESR, although in regard to the latter I feel it was always suspicious (to me at least) that they had agreed to sell their messianic Golden Boy. With respect to the striker debate, do you think we would be in a better position had we kept Mitro? (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 10:22:10am (NoHost/
- Bit of a moot point, given he forced a move out, we weren’t looking at selling. We need to be realistic, we need to sell for profit and reinvest to stay competitive. I don’t think it’s made much difference on the team, in that Raul/muniz do things mitro cant and vice versa, so we have a net profit of circa £35m by selling mitro and replacing with those 2, therefore it was good business. We are doing well, let’s not forget that, for me mitro leaving isn’t why we aren’t doing better. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 10:40:19am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I disagree that it's a moot point because the circumstances surrounding Mitros move has nothing to do with replacing his skillset and that's the fundamental issue. I would suggest his record breaking championship season and the multi faceted package of attributes that made him arguably one of the most feared and tenacious strikers to face sets him worlds apart from what we currently have. Forest are experiencing similar success with Wood. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 11:00:36am (NoHost/
- Our CFs have 15 from 28 starts, mitro’s best ever was 14, with numerous mediocre seasons, champ is not a relevant comparison. So in goals/mins ratio similar. Mitro better passer, header, but slow, poor discipline, picking up injuries and wouldn’t have run in behind like muniz did v wolves. All 3 have are strengths/weakness, but for net 35m was good business to move him on. He was a good prem CF at best, our current 2 are similar ilk, he was never a top 6 CF despite 1 v.good half season. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 11:25:53am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- There are so many variables that it's difficult to assess the impact on stats alone. Mitro performed under more restrictive circumstances, he had to search and forage for opportunities to a greater extent than those on offer to Jiminez and Muniz who often miss gilt edge chances. Mitros physicality, tenacity and arial domination were also great assets that we no longer benefit from. I only mentioned the championship season because breaking records is always relevant, particularly as a striker. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 11:49:18am (NoHost/
- We’re scoring to our XG, we aren’t less clinical. There’s romanticism with mitro due memories, but offensively we aren’t much different, stats are impartial to emotion and prove this. Physical, tenacious (debatable given he defo offered less pressing than Muniz/raul), aerially yes for sure, but he was slower, didn’t offer any threat in behind, was getting injured, questionable attitude & discipline (why did he take pens?), for net 35m was better in some aspects, worse in others. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 12:48:10pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Arsenal academy is best in England, producing nwaheri’s, myles-skelly, Obi (moved to Utd), they’ll play lots of games for England. Even if ESR doesn’t I think he’ll be like iwobi, a good prem player, even if he never kicks on to be an elite player that’s ok. They also sold due PSR, they were tight and nketiah/ESR sales given them loads of room now, n.castle sold minteh, CFC Gallagher, sales now from all clubs aren’t always due how good players are, a lot is now due PSR. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 09, 10:56:50am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- DIOP - why did you not do the basic thing and kick the ball out for a corner, the player absolutely done him on the line and that is what created the inevitable risk of the slightest contact being a penalty! -- Fulham Russ, Sunday, March 09, 07:23:20am (NoHost/
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- ESR -- Al, Saturday, March 08, 05:20:00pm (NoHost/
Game just seems to drift on past him. Had about 2 minutes when he got involved and looked good. Shame, as I am sure there is a very good player in there. Guess The Arse had worked that out hence the sale.
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- Will he ever play a full 90 mins ??? He must be fit by now FFS (NT) -- Ffc, Saturday, March 08, 05:24:23pm (host86-154-110-145.range86-154.btcentralplus.com/
- Nice and tidy player but we purchased him for more than that..the forward run at Goodison that led to the goal seems a lifetime away (NT) -- Barney, Saturday, March 08, 07:03:20pm (NoHost/
- Both Ear and Berge should be running with the bal more.......Lots of empty spaces to push in to today, but they were far too cautious. (NT) -- GA, Sunday, March 09, 12:15:15am (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- And he speaks like a Jamaican for some odd reason (NT) -- Fulham old fart, Sunday, March 09, 10:05:34am (cpc160099-nmal26-2-0-cust468.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Considering ESR's almost messianic status amongst Arsenal fans and his strong relationship with the manager and staff, it always seemed suspicious that they agreed to sell their Golden Boy to Fulham. Arsenal already knew what we're finding out at great cost. They had our pants down. (NT) -- Samuel, Sunday, March 09, 10:12:11am (NoHost/
- And why does he have a double chin in March ? Is he fit (NT) -- View from the Riverside, Sunday, March 09, 02:23:46pm (NoHost/
- Got what we deserved second half was 💩 -- Button, Saturday, March 08, 05:07:40pm (NoHost/
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- Deserved a point. (NT) -- Hodds Sutton, Saturday, March 08, 05:20:05pm (croy-25-b2-v4wan-169464-cust2015.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Got what we deserved second half was 💩 (NT) -- Evened out Solomon last minute Steal 2 years ago, Saturday, March 08, 05:38:59pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- MS has to take most of the blame he’s tactically inept and can’t see when we need help hopefully he spurs take him (NT) -- optimystic, Saturday, March 08, 05:51:51pm (NoHost/
- But didn't we make Brighton look average? So not that crap mate. (NT) -- CB, Saturday, March 08, 05:53:41pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- What a load of shit. We did enough to gain a point at least. Took the lead. Disappoining that we weren't able to deal with them loading up at the back for their equaliser. Last minute minute penalty conceded by a sub is a cruel way to lose a game. (NT) -- FFC in Brighton., Saturday, March 08, 08:40:01pm (NoHost/
- 1 shot on target and you think we deserved something from the game😂😂 . Second half we were pony and kept passing and giving the ball away outside our box . Our defenders need to clear the ball properly put there foot through it and clear it up the pitch. Also signing no one in Jan is coming back to bite us (NT) -- Button, Saturday, March 08, 11:22:03pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Harrison Reed -- Ffc, Saturday, March 08, 04:58:37pm (host86-154-110-145.range86-154.btcentralplus.com/
Brains of a rocking horse …..
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- Five minutes added time score in the 98th (NT) -- CanonAxe, Saturday, March 08, 05:00:48pm (NoHost/
- A little unlucky in that he hadn’t realised the attacker was there, but a tad rash. Thought we sat back too much 2nd half as if playing for the draw. Yes we nearly got a point against a good side, but we showed first half there was nothing to fear in having a go. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Saturday, March 08, 05:02:47pm (host86-184-144-110.range86-184.btcentralplus.com/
- We had 1 shot on target, it's too much pressure every week to hang on to odd goal leads or draws (NT) -- Waterboy, Saturday, March 08, 05:03:10pm (NoHost/
- Re: Harrison Reed Always been a liability (NT) -- Old Firm, Saturday, March 08, 05:05:23pm (mx-ll-223.204.223-22.dynamic.3bb.in.th/
- Played poorly but IMHO the Ref was a bit of a homer. Many fouls unpunished. (NT) -- Al, Saturday, March 08, 05:17:35pm (NoHost/
- What are you lot on about? He couldn't even see him. Those penalties should never be given as penalties. They need to change the rules. We had a couple like that involving BDR a couple of years ago. (NT) -- RTRO, Saturday, March 08, 05:56:04pm (NoHost/
- Minteh is incredible -- eganonoa, Saturday, March 08, 03:52:46pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
One of the most impressive players I've seen play against us this season. Bassey and Robinson both struggling with him.
They're not quite Bournemouth and Villa -- the two scariest sides beyond the top dogs we've seen in my opinion -- but they are up there. Some fantastic players.
On our side, I'm really impressed with Andreas. He seems to have gotten stronger somehow. Obviously Iwobi also. But we just can't seem to get Berge or ESR on the ball enough. They are closing down space, particularly towards the left side, really quickly.
Class goal from Raul & Iwobi. 20 goals in all competitions now between Raul and Muniz!
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- Personally think they're massively overrated, but hey ho (NT) -- Diving all over the shop too, Saturday, March 08, 04:16:51pm (77-174-15-131.fixed.kpn.net/
- 1 shot on target, can see where we need to be spending in the summer (NT) -- Waterboy, Saturday, March 08, 04:31:06pm (NoHost/
- Yep players that can create something. Or did our forwards miss loads of chances? (NT) -- Jim © (The Devon IP), Saturday, March 08, 05:34:28pm (host86-171-24-234.range86-171.btcentralplus.com/
- Spot on, Jim. Pointless even discussing it with Waterboy, my dog has a better understanding of football. (NT) -- Spencer, Saturday, March 08, 07:23:34pm (NoHost/
- Exactly! (NT) -- eganonoa, Saturday, March 08, 09:47:52pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Waterboy and Brentford Button. (NT) -- Looking for a circus Rog, Sunday, March 09, 01:33:24pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
Traore out injured? how long for.. -- Honest!, Saturday, March 08, 03:32:44pm (NoHost/
missed this .. any mention of how long he's out?
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Antonees confidence levels -- £60M player spotted REAL MADRID?, Saturday, March 08, 03:26:28pm (smtp49.teamdaikhub.com/
balls skills gonez up a few levels this past season
dribbles at will, brings balls down with ease
now two footted too.
only fault is at times falls alseep when defending.
Marcos genius move was to make him Captain. Results have improved when hes got the Armband compared to Leno and TC
like Bassey just missing his goal. and maybe when he gets one Goal will get alot more?
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- Club Commentary -- .., Saturday, March 08, 03:08:31pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
I've just got it, is there no Jim & Jamie today? So far it's a woman who's been talking about the Cup result and stats not the match. She doesn't seem to have much idea who the players are, keeps pausing before she names them. I wonder if she's a last minute stand in? Still waffling about previous results not what's going on.
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- Starting Lineup Leno Diop Andersen Bassey Castagne Andreas Pereira Berge Robinson Smith Rowe Jiménez Iwobi -- CB, Saturday, March 08, 02:40:09pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
No start for Willian again, I'd like to see him have the first 60 mins instead of the last 20/30
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- Forest beat City -- JamieR, Saturday, March 08, 02:33:35pm (
Fair play to Forest, they are probably no longer catchable. Assuming Chelsea and Newcastle will also make Europe we will need to finish above two of Brighton/Villa/Bournemouth to make eighth. Don't think we can really afford to lose today
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- Bag drop -- Ockendan, Saturday, March 08, 09:09:07am (NoHost/
Anyone know if there's a bag drop storage facility at the Amex today??
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- Team today -- Henry1879, Saturday, March 08, 08:54:11am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
Tough one today, they’ve won 5 on the spin, including beating Chelsea twice, since they lost 7-0 to forest. They’ve definitely become a bit more circumspect and expose their defence less by picking hinshlewood and baleba in front of their back 4. Lamptey is banned and don’t think veltman is fit so not sure who they’ll pick at right back, might be an area we can expose. They have a hell of a lot of firepower, attacking options everywhere, assume they’ll start rutter, minteh and mitouma behind pedro or wellbeck, all got pace and score goals. Assume we’ll play quite deep, look to hit on the counter, their individual defenders don’t match the quality of their forward players.
I’m gonna assume Traore isn’t fit, with that in mind back 4 picks itself (assuming silva still doesn’t fancy diop, although personally I think it would be a good game to use his extra mobility for). Midfield is tough without lukic, do we go brave and pick Perreira with Berge and ESR further forward, think it’s the right choice, reed hasn’t played enough to talk about starting. So that leaves the forward options, Iwobi, despite going off the boil, is still a nailed on starter with no traore, at very least he offers good defensive cover. I’m inclined to pick Muniz with his superior hold up and physicality. Guess the last choice is sess or willian in the other wide attacking role, I’d like to see Willian. We feel light on options, could really do with Traore on the bench at least, with all this is mind, despite our brilliant record, I’d take a point all day, which will keep us in the top 8 picture.
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- Palace manager Glasner saying Mateta should be back for the Fulham game... -- p, Friday, March 07, 03:46:04pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
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Good to earr (NT) -- Wall ie, Friday, March 07, 03:52:38pm (NoHost/
- Seems like a stitch up (NT) -- SW, Friday, March 07, 06:54:36pm (cos2-04-b2-v4wan-171525-cust1783.vm10.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Palace manager Glasner saying Mateta should be back for the Fulham game... (NT) -- Excuse me a word in your Shell like, Friday, March 07, 07:21:47pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Saw Mateta in the pub last night. I said ' Do u fancy a pint mate ? ' He said , 'No thanks, I've got one ear' (NT) -- I'm here all night, Friday, March 07, 11:14:29pm (maid-09-b2-v4wan-169800-cust2795.vm41.cable.virginm.net/
- Palace -- JamieR, Thursday, March 06, 03:18:04pm (
Club's info says Palace will be getting P3-P7 but no home supporters in the Putney End - so how does that work, P1 and P2 will be left.. empty?
I don't understand the policy of letting ST ticket holders buy 4 extra tickets before anyone else, especially when during the same window Putney End season ticket holders seemingly chucked out for no reason will be trying to get seats somewhere! Surely one seat per season ticket holder would make more sense.
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- Someone cheer me up please -- eXecutionEr, Thursday, March 06, 02:44:11pm (NoHost/
Struggling to remember any lunchtime (this even earlier FFS) televised home matches we’ve won. Any relatively recently?
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- Last FA Cup win at 1230, Craven Cottage, was v Hull 29/01/2017. 4-1, Sess, Martin, Aluko, Johansen (assist TC) (NT) -- Superfly, Thursday, March 06, 06:56:59pm (NoHost/
- The same season, in the previous round, we won 1-2 at Cardiff, which was an 11.30 am kick off (NT) -- El Pato, Thursday, March 06, 08:15:35pm (NoHost/
- And the manager of Hull City was ? (NT) -- ????, Thursday, March 06, 09:50:23pm (
- Re: Last FA Cup win at 1230, Craven Cottage, was v Hull 29/01/2017. 4-1, Sess, Martin, Aluko, Johansen (assist TC) (NT) -- 2.30 k/o, Friday, March 07, 09:14:17pm (NoHost/
- Re: Someone cheer me up please (NT) -- Would’ve been better at Selhurst., Friday, March 07, 07:17:43pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- How many players will pull out of these upcoming international fixtures ?. I would assume quite alot -- Button, Thursday, March 06, 02:12:43pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
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- Palace confirmed -- Hg, Thursday, March 06, 12:37:17pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
Saturday 29th. 12.15 ko tine. Decent ticket prices too.
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- We are giving P3-P7 to Palace and no home supporters in the Putney End (NT) -- Jungle J, Thursday, March 06, 01:01:49pm (cpc124440-croy27-2-0-cust52.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- What a crap time 12.15 kick off the players will be half asleep early kick offs = rubbish atmosphere and the American, Nigerian and Mexico players will be jet lagged as they usually get back on Fri evening (NT) -- Button, Thursday, March 06, 01:02:59pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Club are nuts agreeing to this ko time half our players.wont be back till 2am the same day from usa,Mexico, Brazil. (NT) -- The tactician, Thursday, March 06, 01:13:46pm (host86-185-127-39.range86-185.btcentralplus.com/
- Conflicting sell dates for STHs: From today ( ie 6th March ) and conversely from Monday 10th March (NT) -- Mickey, Thursday, March 06, 01:14:04pm (82-132-229-243.dab.02.net/
- Re: Palace confirmed (NT) -- Friday the Better option evening Cottage Buzzing, Thursday, March 06, 01:29:30pm (NoHost/
- Feared we would get the first game as punishment for knocking Manchester United out.ted (NT) -- Rupert, Thursday, March 06, 02:02:34pm (NoHost/
- Brighton park and ride mill Lane or Brighton racecourse -- Wolfie Smith, Thursday, March 06, 07:32:11am (host86-161-28-150.range86-161.btcentralplus.com/
... Has anyone used either before before? Usually get the train down but always a nightmare getting back on a train ar Falmer. Is the park and ride any quicker? Thanks.
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- Comparing our three-man central midfield over the last three Premier League seasons -- eganonoa, Wednesday, March 05, 06:13:08pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Interesting discussion below on the merits of Palhinha and Berge and how our system has changed to make a destructive midfielder less important. So far this season we're scoring at about the same rate as we were last season, but we're conceding less, even as Leno hasn't performed as well and we're otherwise more-or-less equal in terms of defensive ability in our backline. With apologies in advance to our resident troll MWKent/Fact/Gibberishman, I thought it might be interesting to some to see how our midfield has changed statistically over our three seasons in the Premier League.
In 2022/23 our primary midfield was Andreas as attacking mid, Palhinha as defensive mid, and Reed as a box-to-box partner for Palhinha, with some backup from Cairney and Lukic. In 2023/24 our primary midfield was Palhinha, Andreas and a 50/50 split of either Cairney as a second attacking midfielder, or one of Lukic or Reed partnering Palhinha as a more box-to-box type. This season we've chopped and changed more, sometimes playing Berge/Lukic as defensive midfielder with two attacking mids of ESR and Andreas, sometimes playing ESR/Andreas as an attacking mid, Berge as a defensive mid, Lukic as a box-to-box partner for Berge (with some limited backup efforts from Cairney and Reed). Looking at per 90 minute and %age stats in defending, possession, progression, creating and scoring you can see how we've become much less reliant on pure defending by being better able to keep possession and progress the ball, all while not impacting our midfield's ability to score and create goals.
1. Defending: Our numbers overall are significantly down in this area, most likely a combination of both lower defensive skills without Palhinha and less need for those defensive skills. Our numbers of players tackled are significantly down (6.19 per 90 in 22/23, 6.92 in 23/24, 5.41 this season) as is our %age of dribblers tackled (44% => 55% => 39% today). Our aerial duels skills are more-or-less the same (51% success in 22/23, 48% in 23/24, 47% in 204/25) but we're winning less aerial duels (3.18 => 2.29 => 2.15) because there appear to be fewer of them. Similarly we have made fewer block (3.87 => 3.32 => 2.52), blocked shots (0.66 => 0.76 => 0.59) and blocked passes (3.21 => 2.55 => 1.93). Interceptions (2.13 => 2.37 => 2.22) and clearances (2.92 => 3.13 => 2.81) are more-or-less the same.
2. Possession & Progression: We've replaced more defending with significantly fewer turnovers and so much better ability to progress the ball, in particular because of a much better ability of our midfielders with the ball at their feet. Our pass completion rates have skyrocketed (78% in 22/23, 81% in 23/24, 86% this season) as have our long-pass completion rates (56% => 55% => 63%). Meanwhile, we have seriously cut out mis-controls (4.16 => 3.61 => 2.63) and dispossessions (3.31 => 3 => 1.22). Our progressive passing has improved a bit (11.29 progressive passes per 90 for 403.71 yards and 9.59 passes into the final 1/3rd in 22/23, 12.61 passes for 487.5 yards and 9.11 passes into the final 1/3rd in 23/24, and 14.37 passes for 487.63 yards and 11.56 passes into the final 1/3rd today). But it's our carrying that has really improved (3.5 progressive carries for 149.13 yards and 2.89 into the final 1/3rd in 22/23, 3.18 carries for 176.24 yards and 3.34 carries into the final 1/3rd in 23/24, 4.59 carries for 232.89 yards and 4.52 carries into the final 1/3rd this season). The only thing that hasn't improved is our switching of play, which Palhinha was the key to and has dropped off since he left (1.76 switches per 90 in 22/23, 0.87 in 23/24, and 0.62 this season).
3. Creating & Scoring: All this possession and progression appears to have the biggest impact in reducing the need for our midfield to defend and respond to turnovers rather than making us a lot more creative, but the ability of Berge, Lukic and ESR to carry the ball better than Palhinha, Reed, Cairney and Andreas appears to have had some impact at the business end. To that end, our midfield is making marginally fewer passes into the penalty area (1.97 in 22/23, 2.26 in 23/24, 1.89 today) and completed crosses into the penalty area (0.68 in 22/23, 0.47 in 23/24, 0.44 today), but is carrying the ball into the penalty area a lot more (2.89 in 22/23, 3.34 in 23/24, 4.52 in 24/25). The end result appears to be slightly improved creation. While key passes (3 in 22/23, 3.89 in 23/24, 3.89 today), expected assists (0.29 in 22/23, 0.32 in 23/24, 0.32 today) and assists (0.26 in 22/23, 0.37 in 23/24, 0.26 today) are more-or-less steady, our midfield is making many more shot-creating actions from live play (4.76 in 22/23, 5.5 in 23/24, 6.19 in 24/25). Meanwhile, our goal scoring from midfield has held steady in terms of both expected goals (0.36 in 22/23, 0.29 in 23/24, 0.31 today) and actual goals (0.32 per 90 in 22/23, 0.24 in 23/24, 0.3 today).
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- And to be clear, those numbers derive only from the overall numbers provided by our core midfield players each season (i.e. Andreas, Palhinha, Reed, Cairney and Lukic in 22/23 and 23/24; Andreas, ESR, Berge, Lukic, Cairney and Reed in 24/25). So I'm just isolating our midfield contribution here. (NT) -- eganonoa, Wednesday, March 05, 06:34:58pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Interesting. Thanks for that👍 (NT) -- MH, Wednesday, March 05, 09:11:25pm (180-150-113-29.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- Thanks indeed for this. For context....We've let in 6 less than last season after 27, despite losing JP and Leno seeming less special. Clearly fewer *tackles* haven't spoiled things. (How often did Bobby Moore tackle?) And we've scored one goal more, without the bump-up of two 5-0 wins in December, so a more steady, convincing route. You show how quite a lot has changed going forward, which also is intriguing -- as well as promising as it still looks like work in progress. (NT) -- b+w g., Thursday, March 06, 12:34:25am (
- If only posters could be honest and admit they are adverse to long reads and statistics, instead of using insults. That's a great analysis of available data and helps us to understand that developing a successful team is far more complex than signing a 25 goal a season striker. Although ESR has not always performed, he is that player who can carry the ball forward into the box. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Thursday, March 06, 07:54:30am (host86-160-162-193.range86-160.btcentralplus.com/
- Spot-on last two sentences from you there. Previously you refer to insults, now removed, I also allude to. (NT) -- b+w g., Thursday, March 06, 08:22:08am (
- Thanks. Yes, there's a commentator on the Guardian who always posts uber-detailed match reports. They're too long for me most of the times, so I often skip them. But I appreciate that he does them and most definitely don't insult him for doing it. ESR has definitely had an impact. Three areas: (1) replacing the goals we used to get from Pal and Reed and don't with Berge and Lukic; (2) the carries and lack of miscrontrols and dispossessions (3) assured passing at near Cairney levels. (NT) -- eganonoa, Thursday, March 06, 01:05:43pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Pretty much adds stats to what we see week in week out. The progressive carries we see much more of- Iwobi and ESR are great at this, along with others. The switching of the play you put down to Palhinha, but i wonder if Tosin topped the bunch on those, his long passing was impressive (when he wasn't standing there thinking he was better than Beckenbauer). There's a few areas that we can improve- perhaps the biggest being goals from MF the powers that be will be only too aware of this. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Thursday, March 06, 09:25:42am (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- To be honest, I always thought our midfield would play more attractive, attacking, possession-based football this season because there is no Palhinha (who was undeniably immense). However, he is very well suited to a system where the team does not have the ball much, e.g. Forest. We have progressed beyond that and thus rely less on a ball winner to break up opposition play. As good as he is, I'm not surprised by his lack of game time at Bayern. Lukic and Berge both carry the ball very well. (NT) -- Neil G, Thursday, March 06, 11:53:16am (NoHost/
- Sean Davis goal against Blackburn 2001 -- Ed, Wednesday, March 05, 08:50:23am (NoHost/
Does anyone know where I can get some high res video footage or pics of the Sean Davis goal and celebration against Blackburn in 2001 (you all know the one I mean 😉)
One of my favourite Fulham goals of all-time and thinking about getting a tattoo designed of it
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- I've created artwork for it if you're interested. Link is here: https://www2.cultzeros.co.uk/product/sean-davis-at-blackburn-rovers-2001/ (NT) -- coulio, Wednesday, March 05, 12:27:05pm (NoHost/
I mean this in the friendliest way. But bro' please don't do it. I love Fulham too, but you can show your love in other ways. Lots of studies showing tatoos have all sorts of negative impacts on life chances. Maybe talk to someone about why you feel the need to ink yourself... (NT) -- The Dalai Lama, Wednesday, March 05, 12:50:06pm (host81-133-110-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
- Have a chat with David Beckham- he'll sort you out. (NT) -- Rupert, Wednesday, March 05, 01:21:54pm (NoHost/
- Talking of Sean Davis I saw a headline in the local news I never expected to see - So Solid Crew comes to Bexhill-on-Sea. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Wednesday, March 05, 01:34:01pm (host86-184-144-110.range86-184.btcentralplus.com/
- Put Hms on your Hampton and when you vet excited you have Hammersmith end (NT) -- Ekw, Wednesday, March 05, 01:54:26pm (host86-167-76-12.range86-167.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: Sean Davis goal against Blackburn 2001 (NT) -- What a Steal., Thursday, March 06, 12:47:26am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- I know who has the boots he was wearing when he put the ball in the Blackburn and Sheffield Wednesday net✊🏻. Me. (NT) -- Jimmy Features., Thursday, March 06, 05:18:21am (NoHost/
- 5th penalty -- Andrew in Bath, Tuesday, March 04, 09:57:29pm (NoHost/
Given that Leno is the god of goalkeeping, king of keepers, supreme of the shot stopper, who was our 5th penalty on Sunday had it been necessary?
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- Jose fonte -- Klm, Tuesday, March 04, 06:20:05pm (
Oh deary me..
Rember him?
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- Berge -- Middle White, Tuesday, March 04, 11:51:13am (NoHost/
What an excellent game he played on Sunday.
One point - there was a video of him training & shooting at Motspur Park I saw & his shooting then, from a free kick was deadly.
This was underlined for me by his penalty on Sunday.
So why not change his match brief encouraging him to shoot, when the situation arises?
Could be a potent addition to our offering.
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- Been wondering the sam all season. He scored an absolute screamer against us for Burnley. (NT) -- Al, Tuesday, March 04, 12:24:58pm (NoHost/
- If he started scoring goals on a regular basis, would just about make him the complete midfielder, then you can guess what happens next! (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Tuesday, March 04, 01:16:16pm (NoHost/
- That's an £80m midfielder right there. His passing numbers (posted below) are absurd. Right now FBREF has his No 1 statistical comparator over the past 365 days at Matic. Matic with goals would be just absurd! (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 01:32:35pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- He will never be an 80m player due to his age, which is why I have issues with our transfer strategy given that’s how we should be looking to generate income long term, player sales. Same as why Robbo wouldn’t fetch that value, only some of their value is derived from how good they are now. He’ll end up being a really good mid table prem CM, nothing wrong with that, but that’s where he’s at, how whole career his talent never been in doubt; but he’s never gone on and regularly scored. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 03:57:01pm (82-132-221-49.dab.02.net/
- Shame to write off the fella at the tender age of just 27. Palhinha was 2 yrs older when we flogged him off for a princely sum. Amidst all the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the time, really, how much do we miss him now? Berge (and Lukic) arrived largely unheralded and now have repaid us in spades. Some things you can’t put a price on. Innit? (NT) -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, March 04, 05:00:22pm (NoHost/
- Who’s writing him off? He’s a good prem CM, who’ll never be worth 80m. Young players, even if they haven’t achieved as much, are worth far more money, just look at the biggest prem transfers last 5 years. You think caicedo was better than palhina when CFC paid 100m for him? Or why they paid £50m for lavia based on half a season. We can either hope the team stays together, or we understand the reality of who we are, the need to sell and reinvest, best sellers are 20-24 y/olds innit. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 05:26:41pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Yeah wait for it Muniz is 22 , so we should sell him for a princely £28 m so you and your mates can earn a commission . Because we need to invest . You were the handle saying it’s too late to get Muniz a new contract because Fulham are a little ickle club and can’t risk his wages necessary to keep him . Then we spent £90m on three players we hardly even needed . (NT) -- alanos, Tuesday, March 04, 06:54:23pm (82-132-212-14.dab.02.net/
- It was me arguing with you that we shouldn't be extending Muniz immediately upon a good run of form and that a club our size cannot hand out extensions whenever a player does well. We must maximize good contracts and extend players when their stock isn't the very highest. I'm sure Henry agreed with that, as I'm sure many others do, because, beyond the looney minds of conspiracy theorists or those who understand football through Championship Manager, it's hardly a radical position. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 07:15:29pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Contracts is tricky as nobody really knows anything bar the people involved. However I agree don’t reward short term form with a new contract every time, I believe with 2 years left this summer that will be a time to offer an extension, don’t want to get to 18months left. Long term club interests aren’t always aligned with fans/manager, need more Muniz, less Anderson type signings. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 07:49:03pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Of course he should have been offered a massive pay rise ( to around Mitro level when he was here) after scoring 9 in 9 , in return for a longer contract . That way he would be incentivised to carry on in the same manner . Otherwise you encourage rival clubs to try to get him on the cheap by offering sign on fees . All he has to do is ‘forget how to score ‘ and then remember again after he moves . (NT) -- alanos, Tuesday, March 04, 11:23:29pm (82-132-214-92.dab.02.net/
- You live in an alternative universe. We have Muniz contracted until June 2027. Why in all god's name would we increase his salary to "Mitro level" in March 2024, more than 3 seasons before his current deal runs out, on the basis of a bunch of goals scored in his first ever scoring spell for the club!? What's that, a 1300% increase based on nine matches!? (NT) -- eganonoa, Wednesday, March 05, 12:56:47am (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- But he’s done well this season without a new contract and I’d say a new big long term contract can have the opposite effect and cause complacency and not motivate to keep going and show it wasn’t a flash in the pan. Rashford, ozil, a.Sanchez obvious examples where they got their big contract then switched off. TBH it’s not something I’m overly excited about either way, as long as we don’t let it run down past 18 months then we are golden. (NT) -- Henry1879, Wednesday, March 05, 07:13:53am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Going to stick my neck on the block here and say Berge is better than Palhinha. Or at the very least, as good as. Palhinha was a beast, don’t get me wrong, but Berge has much more to his all round game. An exceptional piece of business to bring him in. (NT) -- Spencer, Tuesday, March 04, 04:49:50pm (cpc115930-epso6-2-0-cust526.6-3.cable.virginm.net/
- I’m gonna have to disagree, this is surely recency bias. Palhina scored goals, covered ground enabling us to play more attacking players, won the ball back more than anyone in Europe. Berge is a class footballer, but from the outside is mentally the same as palhina. We are better team as we have better players elsewhere and silva is a brilliant coach, but I can’t agree as an individual Berge is better than palhina. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 05:33:08pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Palhina what a wasted talent. Top 4 prem player. He found his mojo with us and this division. But sadly like so many has almost disappeared. Cash/allure more appealing than self-satisfaction with so many. How happy is he? We could do well financially out of Berge sadly. Berge does his job well but nat a Palhina yet? (NT) -- CB, Tuesday, March 04, 06:59:14pm (213-18-174-131.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Disagree. Different player. Passing range & ability to carry & operate in tight spaces are miles ahead. But he's nowhere near the defensive destroyer. To me that makes Berge a superior player today & and worth what we sold Pal for. If he added goals he'd be worth even more. I don't think he will though. I think his future is us putting more of the ball through him but continuing to restrain him in the final 1/3. I like the Matic comparison. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 07:25:10pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Pal tried more things, scored goals, long range, headers, all sorts. Had a win at all costs, sheer will &desire others fed off, covered ground far better than Berge. Whoscord has berge our 9th best player this season, 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 MOM. Matic was a fine player, but now he’s an immobile DM in the French league. Berge is quality, but same way Muniz wasn’t ever League1 as some claimed, Berge hasn’t approached what pal did for us. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 08:17:42pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- You could argue that the way we play football now, more possession and control and playing on the front foot, there'd be less to do for someone like palhinha. In the same way he doesn't have much to do for Portugal or bayern as they don't need a cleaner upper. On that basis, berge suits our current style more. I prefer berge with the ball, I preferred palhinha as a scoring threat. (NT) -- Jim © (The Devon IP), Tuesday, March 04, 09:15:51pm (host86-171-24-234.range86-171.btcentralplus.com/
- Not sure I agree, feel we are at our best now when we let teams have the ball, we struggle when teams sit deep and we play with more possession, we put in more crosses and lots of long balls and thrive with chaos and end to end, like CFC away. Berge is a v.good prem DM, pal was above that, pal nailed on in our best prem XI, surely people don’t put berge in that yet. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, March 04, 09:26:28pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Completely agree. It's stark if you compare Berge this year vs Pal last. Berge is progressing the ball 195 yards per 90 to Pal's 178, with a league-leading 89% long-ball completion rate (Pal 62%), O.92 key passes/90 to Pal's 0.43, 4.85 passes into the final 1/3rd vs 3.20. He's carrying the ball 67.5 yards/90 vs 35, miscontrolling 0.18 vs 0.97, and winning 67% of aerials vs 56%. Pal leads in volume of tackles (3.43 per 90 at 68% success vs 1.17 at 70%) & shots (1.5 per 90 to 0.12) (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 10:08:16pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- All of this is consistent with their career numbers, except shots (where Berge's been better overall) and carries (where Berge's been even better). Pal's destroyer capabilities cannot be denied. But we're clearly better without him than with him, including defensively. Last season we conceded 1.61 goals per game; this it's 1.33, and that's with a drop-off from Leno (Andersen replacing Tosin's been a bit of a wash). We're doing better with more control of the ball and Berge's a big part of that. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 10:13:49pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- You have to take formation into it though. We didn’t need to play with two dms when palhinha played, and we never played with two dms and 5 at the back when he was with us either. (NT) -- Hg, Tuesday, March 04, 10:42:03pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
- I think, beyond the occasional five at the back, the system that we've played this year have been very similar to last. For about 50% of last year we played with two inside forwards (Cairney and Andreas) and this year we've done the same (ESR and Andreas). Then we played the more traditional 4231 with Lukic/Reed pairing Pal, just like we do now with Berge and Lukic. (NT) -- eganonoa, Wednesday, March 05, 12:17:34am (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- I think goals scored are on a par and I think goals conceded are less this season, so the 'two DMs' isn't really having a negative effect. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Wednesday, March 05, 01:51:28pm (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- Wow very interesting. (NT) -- HemelRog, Wednesday, March 05, 08:03:42am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Penalties -- Looking forward, Tuesday, March 04, 11:34:24am (cpc147916-mapp13-2-0-cust970.12-4.cable.virginm.net/
Is it actually an advantage to take a shoot-out at the end in front of your own fans? Does anyone know if there any stats on this? I just wonder if it's more nerve-wracking with a stand full of of people behind the goal whom you might let down than it is with a stand full of people who are against you. I think I'd find it easier at the other team's end, but then I have no idea what it's like to be a professional footballer! Or does it not make any difference at all?
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- Summer transfer window -- Question, Tuesday, March 04, 10:52:19am (NoHost/
A new right back if Tete leaves? A few wingers, cm to replace Reed.
Do we really need a striker?
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- Tete, Traore and Raul all out of contract so it's not impossible they will all stay. Need goals goals goals!! Can't rely on Bassey to score, should be more from our wide players and midfield (NT) -- Waterboy, Tuesday, March 04, 04:04:43pm (NoHost/
- Club options on Adama & Raul. Surprising if don't pick them up. Have 19 goals in 30 starts out of our two No. 9s. Unless we sell Robinson or someone else for a huge sum, we aren't investing heavily there. We have an option on Vini (which probably we don't pick up), Nelson is gone from loan, and Tete probably leaves (albeit his injury maybe makes it hard for him to find a good contract elsewhere). Expect us to focus on those positions (i.e. winger, 3rd forward, right back). (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, March 04, 05:23:14pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- I said he will start scoring because he has been getting into dangerous positions going forward.Absolutely not any reason he can’t chip in with a few. (NT) -- HemelRog, Wednesday, March 05, 08:08:23am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- All depends if we get into Europe. We'll need much more depth if we do. (NT) -- The Pragmatist, Tuesday, March 04, 05:14:32pm (
- We bid for Bright Osayi-Samuel of Fenerbache on the last day of the transfer window, which was rejected, but there was a rumour we then set about negotiating with him to join for free when his contract is up at the end of season. Would make sense, Nigerian mates are here, lived in London, has pace. (NT) -- esteban, Tuesday, March 04, 05:39:57pm (166-1-120-7.fwnetworks.co.uk/
Raul's important part in our victory at OT! -- Ted White, Tuesday, March 04, 09:54:24am (host217-46-46-136.range217-46.btcentralplus.com/
Apparently there is a video clip on 'X', which clearly shows Raul indicating to Bernd, by stretching his arm out to the left, at the last moment, which way to dive before he saved Lindelöf's penalty. The belief is that after playing and practising with him at Benfica, he could tell by his body language during his run up which side he was going to put it.
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- Here is the link - https://x.com/i/status/1896700828041507101 (NT) -- Ted White, Tuesday, March 04, 10:28:05am (host217-46-46-136.range217-46.btcentralplus.com/
- I am amazed that the BBC never noticed this, given how many cameras they had but well done Raul and Bernd! (NT) -- Mike T, Wednesday, March 05, 08:18:50am (82-132-214-115.dab.02.net/
- Maybe Joachim can help in a similar way, if needed, against Palace! (NT) -- John D, Wednesday, March 05, 11:20:28pm (NoHost/
- Palace tickets -- Fulham steve, Monday, March 03, 09:06:44pm (NoHost/
Does anyone know when the Palace tickets go on sale for season ticket holders
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- Can't sell tickets until they know when the game is (NT) -- Waterboy, Monday, March 03, 10:02:44pm (NoHost/
- Re: Palace tickets -- Jay, Tuesday, March 04, 07:16:09am (NoHost/
- "Matches to be played between Friday 28th March and Monday 31st March" so presumably it's not yet been decided who plays when and which games are televised ? Still the best part of a month to go to be fair. (NT) -- FFC in Brighton., Tuesday, March 04, 07:44:43am (NoHost/
- Looks more like peak Sunday viewing to me. 430ish I’ll go for though not ruling out some ridiculous time like 7pm Sunday (NT) -- bs, Tuesday, March 04, 12:17:57pm (NoHost/
- Shearer apologises to Bassey for not naming him Man of the Match... -- dd, Monday, March 03, 08:16:28pm (NoHost/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/alan-shearer-man-utd-fulham-34788632">https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/alan-shearer-man-utd-fulham-34788632</a>
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- What a load of cobblers, he gave it to Bruno because he plays for Man Utd. No other reason. (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Monday, March 03, 09:08:41pm (NoHost/
- Personally I thought Shearers commentary was quite biased towards man u and pilut it down to Newcastle losing 6 points to us! (NT) -- Cutler22, Tuesday, March 04, 12:04:18pm (customer.sfiabgr1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
- Shearer is a w*nker as my seven year old son used to say in 1995! (NT) -- Jonathan Baines, Tuesday, March 04, 12:41:11pm (cpc113716-basl12-2-0-cust1678.20-1.cable.virginm.net/
- Our Ryan. -- Al, Monday, March 03, 04:03:48pm (NoHost/
Very surprised when Sess came on an played wide right in front of Chestnuts, thought he did really well and certainly gives us another option.
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- If you watch the replay of Marco when Sess was through on goal you see him crouching down, a devilish smile on his face, seeing his cunning plan about to pay off. If he'd shot across goal that was going in either directly or off Raul. So close to an excellent plan, perfectly realized! Either way, now that Marco is seeing Sess as a tactical "tool" vs just a backup left back I'm expecting that we will see a lot more of him. Love Sess. But love even more seeing how Marco fixes players. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 03, 04:10:07pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- In Sess' last season with us Parker played him inverted at a time you could see Sess's confidence drain away week by week -that move just about destroyed his confidence - I have rarely seen a regular starter look as lost as he did during that experiment. Now that was some time ago and Silva is a far better manager - so I wouldn't see it just yet as anything other than an interesting experiment worthy of a try (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 04:46:29pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Chestnuts? (NT) -- G, Monday, March 03, 05:52:05pm (NoHost/
- Ok, looked it up Castagna is Italian for chestnut. Very droll (NT) -- G, Monday, March 03, 05:54:18pm (NoHost/
- Except he is Belgian. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Monday, March 03, 06:41:20pm (NoHost/
- Bucket loads of Italians in Belgium. I believe the biggest per capita diaspora. They moved in droves after the war to work in the mines in Wallonia. I wouldn't be surprised if he's of Italian heritage given where he's from in Belgium. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 03, 06:46:08pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- But his name is not Castagna it's Castagne - a French word which means chestnut. He was born in Wollonia the French-speaking area of Belgium - so why have you embarked on this Italian escapade? In any case, those of Italian descent make up only around 4% of the Belgian population. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Monday, March 03, 09:29:36pm (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- Castagne doesn't mean chestnuts in French. The word for chestnut in French is Châtaigne. Until G posted it above I had no idea Castagne was Italian for chestnuts, so I'm only speculating based on my knowledge of the very many people of Italian heritage in Wallonia having lived in Belgium for a good number of years. Having said that, a quick search indicates that the name Castagne likely originated in Poitou in France and that "Castagne" does not exist in Italian (rather it is castagna). (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 03, 10:00:25pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- The Italian for chestnut is castagna, the plural (chestnuts) is castagne. Wonder if he is Italian origin. Or it's the French fight thing, though weird to have a surg surname relating to aggressive things. Oh, and French chataigne would be the same origin as castagna/castagne. (NT) -- Travelex (half Belgian!), Tuesday, March 04, 04:32:24am (cpc104102-brig22-2-0-cust617.3-3.cable.virginm.net/
- We looked more dangerous with Sess and ESR on. More creative. Although defensively we were very good going forward we were awful until ESR finally tested the keeper. Muniz had little service or support and Traore and Iwobi were not muchof a threst. (NT) -- Going, Monday, March 03, 06:36:13pm (host109-151-82-253.range109-151.btcentralplus.com/
- We are the long ball kings! -- eganonoa, Monday, March 03, 03:17:57pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Watching the match yesterday I noticed how many long balls Man U were firing off and thought I'd take a look to see whether they were generally a massively long-ball team. I was surprised to find that not only were they not, but that we were actually the Premier League's long-ball kings!
So far this season, we've attempted 72 long balls per 90 minutes, third highest in the league behind Everton and Bournemouth. But we've completed 40.6 per 90, the highest in the league, with a completion rate of 56.3%, behind only Man City at 63.2% completed. We have the 8th most accurate long balls in the top-5 leagues in Europe, behind only Inter, Bologna, Real Madrid, PSG, Lazio, Barcelona and Fiorentina. I had no idea!
I thought maybe it was the influence of Andersen. But, while he's definitely improved us some, it's not really him but the team set-up in general. For instance, last year, we attempted the 4th most long balls at 75.1 per 90 (behind Everton, Bournemouth and Luton), completing 41.7 per 90 behind only Liverpool and Man City, with a completion rate of 55.6%. So while Andersen is amazing at long balls -- last year he had the 2nd most completed long-balls on a non-goalie (Rodri was first), and this year he has the most -- he's actually not moved the needle for us materially. What's happening is that Andersen is both replacing Tosin's long balls, which he was very good at albeit not at Andersen's level, and taking more long balls from other players. So in the end we don't look to have changed all that much between seasons in terms of raw numbers of attempted or completed long-balls or completion rate.
To see a player who HAS had a big influence it's Rodri, who last season had a ridiculous 84.8% long-ball success rate out of 401 attempts. In his absence Man City have dropped from the most accurate long-balls last season to the 10th this season. Not only is Rodri a ridiculously good long-ball passer, but Man City recognize that and place responsibility for long balls in him over the defenders, so that he matches his high completion rate with high volume. What's most interesting about this is that it raises the question of whether we should indeed be putting so much emphasis on Andersen making the long-balls for the team. Last season there was only one other player who had over 100 completed long-balls and a completion rate anywhere near Rodri's 84.8% and that was Sander Berge at 81.2%! And this season he's been even better attempting 79 long balls and completing 70 at a ridiculous 88.6% completion rate! The best in the league by some distance. Only one player who has attempted even a single long-ball has done better than him (Wellbeck with 7 out of 7). Andersen, in contrast has a 57% completion rate, one of the best defenders in this regard, but not the best (Kilman, for instance, handily beats him). So, while we are already the Premier League's long-ball kings we could perhaps be even better funneling the ball to Berge instead of Andersen!
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- Somewhat related to this is the fact, we all know, that we are the Premier League crossing kings, with the most crosses and most completed crosses into the penalty area in the league (1st in crosses in the top-5 European leagues, 10th in accurate crosses in European leagues). So we're one of the best long-ball and crossing teams in the game. Funny thing that, because long-balls and crosses conjures in the mind the old 442 English kick-and-rush game, but we're very much not that type of team! (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, March 03, 04:01:42pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Ideal read to cure insomnia. I feel sleepy already. (NT) -- A Big Yawn, Monday, March 03, 07:49:47pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- I stand with Calvin... -- Ronnie Gibson's Pedantic Elbow, Monday, March 03, 02:55:18pm (cpc107643-gill19-2-0-cust94.20-1.cable.virginm.net/
...and anyone who doesn't can get back in the (expletive deleted) sea.
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- Wimmer -- Goss, Monday, March 03, 02:27:08pm (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
Fulham will compete with several clubs to sign 23-year-old versatile Austrian attacker Patrick Wimmer from Bundesliga club VfL Wolfsburg in the summer transfer window.
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- Great to go through -- Question, Monday, March 03, 01:00:19pm (NoHost/
But how have we failed to beat that United team in 90 minutes 3 times this season?
Football is infuriating
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- This team has real class...clubs like Man U could learn a thing or two. -- G, Monday, March 03, 11:18:01am (NoHost/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://x.com/ESPNUK/status/1896515898917208222">https://x.com/ESPNUK/status/1896515898917208222</a>
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- I know Leno’s penalty saves were good but the save from Obi in extra time was stunning, absolutely world class IMO. -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Monday, March 03, 11:00:13am (82-132-214-29.dab.02.net/
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- Quarter Final -- MLC, Monday, March 03, 10:18:27am (NoHost/
Do we need to give Palace whole Putney end for this game! I do hope not need to maximise our home advantage at this stage of competition.
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- anyone know what the official attendance was yesterday? -- Rupert, Monday, March 03, 09:27:09am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
We're making a nice bit of cash from this run and any donations from their plastics gratefully received
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- MANU -- BBC comments, Monday, March 03, 08:35:04am (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
United showed some class moments. Some decent passing and a few shots on target. But then the match had to start, and that was the end of the warm up session.
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- Sander Berge -- Ra's al Ghul, Monday, March 03, 08:33:41am (NoHost/
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- I wasn’t 100% sure at the time and still am not 100% sure, when we play deep sitting defensive teams, that him and lukic are an ideal pairing. However I absolutely cannot deny he’s been class for us and yesterday thought, along with bassey and Bruno, were best players on the pitch. I’m still wondering if we can get him further up the pitch at times, he’s got great feet and goes past people like a dembele lite at times. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 03, 09:28:39am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- His penalty 😍 (NT) -- bs, Monday, March 03, 10:22:17am (NoHost/
- I thought he was excellent for us last night. Sounds really odd, but his shimmies and feints come entirely from his shoulder movement- he's a complete expert in it, which is strange for such a big guy. Wish he'd get on the end of a few corners- he's absolutely huge- towering over the whole of our team. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Monday, March 03, 10:46:09am (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- Another poor bbc sports round up this morning, Rooney Amorim and two missed penalties, hardly knew Fulham won -- Same old, same old, Monday, March 03, 08:31:17am (host81-151-219-255.range81-151.btcentralplus.com/
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- Fulham -- From a manu fanzine, Monday, March 03, 08:19:06am (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
They represent part of the decline of football. Clubs like Sheff Wednesday, Leeds being in the lower divisions whilst clubs as uninteresting and uninspiring as Fulham hang around the prem. forever. can’t remember a worst club line up in the prem apart from when Reading were knocking about a few years ago. Brighton Bournemouth Fulham etc - kill me now clubs.
Their fans wear jeans and brown brogues to matches and do those middle class scarf knots. The Richard Madely of football clubs.
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- Would love to show them the all time premier league table where we will be sitting comfortably with no sigh of Sheff Wed anywhere! (NT) -- Waterboy, Monday, March 03, 08:24:34am (NoHost/
- The decline of football? But football's bigger than it's ever been isn't it? Seems to be a Northern club-bias here, and a suspicion of all things southern. Probably written by someone who's never left the north and only knows Leeds and Sheff Wed fans. I've never worn brown brogues in my life and on the odd occasion I wear a scarf I don't tie a knot in it. (NT) -- k, Monday, March 03, 09:28:20am (NoHost/
- Whats a middle class scarf knot? Asking for a friend (NT) -- Carter, Monday, March 03, 09:41:20am (NoHost/
- Fanzines are often tongue in cheek.Perhaps taking the piss out of the juvenile stereotype.Probably not though.Have genuinely never known a middle class Fulham supporter. (NT) -- PovertyKidHemel, Monday, March 03, 10:13:34am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
- Man Utd does seem to have a lot of fans who are these catty types who got into them because they felt a physical attraction to Cristiano Ronaldo and who have little knowledge of football history. It always seems esecially ignorant I think to lump Fulham with Brighton and Bournemouth. Fulham are a big city club with a much more distinguished history than either of those provincial outfits... (NT) -- k, Monday, March 03, 10:21:54am (NoHost/
- but you're showing the same sneering smug superiority that you dislike when fans of bigger clubs do it to us. Personally I like the fact that well run middling clubs are now bloodying the noses of the bigger clubs on a more regular basis. just pleased that we are one of them. (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 10:38:05am (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- The fact is we do have a more distinguished history than those two clubs. Don't you accept facts? (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, March 03, 11:59:18am (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- But our history is hardly distinguihed and Brighton have been in as many FA cup finals as us - and more recently. Just don't accept that there should be a pecking order of sneering and that a club's size or history should be of any partiular relevance in the present- feel free to think otherwise and if you do, that's fine but then don't get upset with patronising/sneering comments about us from fans of bigger clubs (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 12:13:01pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Sorry, but on what basis do you get that I am sneering or think there is a pecking order of clubs. Read what I said again. You can't make assumptions like you have. (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, March 03, 12:37:53pm (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- I was responding to a previous post which claimed we are a big city club with a more distuinguished history than other 'provincial' clubs like Brighton - I found the tone and tenor sneering and dismissive and trying to place Fulham in a particular hierarchy above the likes of Brighton. ie us doing to Brighton/Bournemouth what fans of clubs bigger than us do to us - that is my only point. (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 01:01:52pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- How many European finals have Brighton/Bournemouth appeared in? In fact, how many times have they even played in Europe. People who lump Fulham with Brighton and Bournemouth have not watched football for very long. Permanent fixture in the top flight in the 1960s, an England captain, first £100 per week footballer, player in England's only world cup winning team... (NT) -- k, Monday, March 03, 01:25:25pm (NoHost/
- I agree, don’t like it when teams like Utd look down their nose at us, to then proceed to look down our nose at a b.mouth/BHA is tad hypocritical. BHA & B.mouth are great success of well run clubs who play positive football, like us. Don’t know why people get upset by it, 90% of the audience yesteday would have wanted Utd to win and far more interest in them, that’s just how it is, tv will play to its audience. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 03, 01:28:44pm (82-132-221-64.dab.02.net/
- Are you sure? 90% of the TV audience or at Old Trafford? (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, March 03, 01:40:12pm (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- I think its a fair assumption that probably the only fans who would have wanted United to win yesterday would have been United fans, and maybe some brentford/rangers etc. The vast majority of other big fanbases (Liverpool/Arsenal etc) would have wanted us to win. So yes, i think an assertion of 90% of the viewers wanting them to win is completely about face. I just think they like to pander to the big clubs. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Monday, March 03, 02:30:26pm (NoHost/
- I guess it is a question of whether the number of the [100m?] Utd global fan base would represent 90% of the total viewing audience. My guess it would be a significant proportion but not close to 90%. Agree, most neutrals would be ABU (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 02:50:09pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- What I’m trying to say is, majority watching will be from a Utd view, (ars/liv fans don’t care about FFC analysis), they’re top 3 supported club in the world. TV companies will cover that view more because more people are interested in it. Sky sports is plastered with Utd stuff, talksport etc rhe same. That’s not pandering, they make money via clicks/listeners, that’s how they get more viewers, by talking about the team more are interested in, it’s not to P1ss off little old Fulham. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 03, 03:45:37pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- But we are a big city club and the other two mentioned are provincial. They are facts. People can choose to interpret them as meaning something bigger or better. Most people don't. We can have a debate about what distinguished means. Lots of clubs in EFL have more distinguished histories than Fulham but I do think it fair it say Fulham has a more distinguished history than Brighton and definitely Bournemouth. That's not sneering. (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, March 03, 01:37:23pm (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- But what was the purpose in making the point if not to draw some distinction/ establish some form of hierarchy /historical pecking order? And talking about our respective levels of distinction smacks a little of 2 bald men fighting over a comb. A few yrs ago QPR fans were big on claiming they were a bigger club than us – who cares – neither of us are big historically. I like the fact that more clubs of our historic size are starting to challenge the natural order of things. (NT) -- f bloke, Monday, March 03, 02:42:53pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Never heard big city/provincial used to describe a club. Does that mean Orient or Barnet, being ‘big city clubs’ are superior to BHA? Not long ago so many get annoyed by fawning over the likes of forest/villa/Leeds due to their history and air of superiority, now we are apparently superior as we played 1 European final (BHA played in Europe more recent than us) and from London, just weird, who cares, BHA/B.mouth/FFC are 3 well run clubs punching above their weight with great style. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, March 03, 03:53:03pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- However it's only very recently in our history we made it to the premier league, and only due to huge amounts of money being ploughed in by successive owners. We're in London but not really a 'big city' club, as for almost all of our history we've been unfashionable (= been in the lower divisions so anyone who just wanted to see wins went elsewhere) and only really appealed to locals. (NT) -- .., Monday, March 03, 02:50:58pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- If I wasn't clear, it's recent that we got to the Premier League, as that is now the top division, as last time was over 30 years before when it was the First Division, and we struggled there for some time before the inevitable. (NT) -- .., Monday, March 03, 08:38:48pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Happy days - -- Rupert, Monday, March 03, 08:05:48am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
BBC chewing wasps this morning - disgraceful coverage - continual patronisation despite clearly under instructions to big us up at the start - then blamed us for it not being a good game - even Danny got in on the act - 'the only surprise is Marco is still with Fulham' - really? Have you been to the Cottage lately - not many better jobs mate - and no - I won't be paying my license fee ever again - 'not giving a single penny to terrorists Your Honour - bang me up if you like' -
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- The Fa cup quarter final is after the international break I hope played pull out of there international games or we will have a least 4 first team players returning on the Friday before the game and if it is a sat 12.45 kick off they will be ruled out 🤦♂️ -- Button, Monday, March 03, 04:59:46am (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
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- If ever the Cole palmer celebration was merited it was after our own captain Jedi scored his pen. -- FTV, Monday, March 03, 01:39:22am (NoHost/
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- Palace home cup tie -- See you out in the middle, Monday, March 03, 12:24:42am (NoHost/
Looking nailed on a 12.30/45 kick off which is rubbish.
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- Actually think this is great, apparently Crystal Palace have some Colombian internationals away on international duty in the week before and they're desperate for a late Sunday kick-off. By the way, Palace fans think they have it in the bag and are already talking about a Brighton-Palace final... (NT) -- dd, Monday, March 03, 08:53:56am (NoHost/
- If it's during the day it's fine with me. another evening match and I can't go. (NT) -- .., Monday, March 03, 02:52:52pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- I just really hope that it is not Friday evening! (NT) -- John D, Wednesday, March 05, 11:16:21pm (NoHost/
Smit Rowe. left sided / inside wide man -- Owl lover, Sunday, March 02, 11:05:15pm (NoHost/
Found our man his best postion!?!?!
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- Might not Right -- Eerwah, Sunday, March 02, 10:27:22pm (NoHost/
Great that Mitro or Lookman not taking the penalties.
Recent loss to Palace could assist for us reaching the Semi Final. Formation is the key, being aware of job in hand is helpful and hard work produces the likelihood of luck. Well done Leno and all the lads. Not much Old Trafford good football but battle we did and fortune favours the brave.
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- Cancel the tv licence -- Reg, Sunday, March 02, 10:21:57pm (host86-185-127-39.range86-185.btcentralplus.com/
How on earth did Shearer make Bruno FERNANDES motm...was clearly bassey ,or lukic or even Leno ahead of him...shearers one of the highest paid at bbc too...money for old rope.nearly as bad as the ref playing 11 mins added time and then son as we on break he blows for full time.
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- The whole coverage was shocking. How many times did they show a replay, manager, player without the ball and even the new stupid fan cams when the ball was still in.play. Worst football director I have ever seen. (NT) -- Hg, Sunday, March 02, 11:05:59pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
- But, in one respect, Shearer was right! If it was not for Fernandes, I reckon it would have been a complete mismatch and we would have won, by a few goals, without breaking sweat! (NT) -- Mike T, Monday, March 03, 08:59:15am (NoHost/
- I hate that lingering on the crowd for anything up to 10 seconds when something it going on on the pitch, a couple of seconds should be enough if they really have to. And then not to show hardly anything of our fans afterwards. (NT) -- .., Monday, March 03, 02:55:13pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Leno's final penalty save from the away end... -- dd, Sunday, March 02, 09:12:47pm (NoHost/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://x.com/teddybeerlover/status/1896281154258653465">https://x.com/teddybeerlover/status/1896281154258653465</a>
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- Fulham dressing room after the game... -- dd, Sunday, March 02, 09:09:26pm (NoHost/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://x.com/StokeyyG2/status/1896292665010114912">https://x.com/StokeyyG2/status/1896292665010114912</a>
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- Man U are rubbish -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 02, 08:22:09pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Great result. Not the most amazing performance. But to go there and win in such a high-pressure circumstance and against a team playing such negative tactics is impressive.
Having said that, the one thing that was so incredibly obvious throughout was quite how utterly rubbish Man U are. Its almost unbelievable seeing a team that cost so much to put together having to play such negative tactics at home because they are so utterly rubbish.
They looked better when we played them under their prior manager and they were hardly good then. I find it hard to believe that Amorim was selected over managers like Marco. Just as unbelievable to me is that the club management can allow a manager to set the team up at home with so little ambition.
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- Every team has spells but as you say, seeing a team so big look so poor for such a prolonged period is mad. Attacking threat is non existent (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, March 02, 08:28:17pm (NoHost/
- Ten men behind the goal and hope to get lucky on the break. Never thought I'd see the day when the home team doing that when we met would be ManU. Made for poor watching for neutrals and even I found it hard to stay fully gripped. But the shame of it was theirs, as you say. (NT) -- b+w g., Sunday, March 02, 08:51:39pm (
- TBH I didn't think much of us today - which doesn't say much for Man U. We have to be much improved for the quarter finals. (NT) -- Fulham Reach, Sunday, March 02, 09:04:06pm (NoHost/
- Entirely agree. (NT) -- Bexhill Beast, Sunday, March 02, 09:08:55pm (host86-184-144-110.range86-184.btcentralplus.com/
- I think a lot is formation, nearly every time we come up against 3-4-3 we seem to struggle, palace/Utd games, the time we’ve looked decent was wolves away, when we matched the formation, but was that just because wolves are an inferior team, I’m not sure. One thing for sure is palace will play that way and are brilliant away, it’s a really tough draw, I’d rather we be drawn away, but we can’t let them control things like last weekend, I wonder if we match up again tactically. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, March 02, 09:14:20pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- To be fair, Man Utd deserve some credit... -- dd, Sunday, March 02, 08:21:31pm (NoHost/
Gave a good account of themselves and pushed us all the way, but class told in the end, thankfully!
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- I think -- The Man With No Name, Sunday, March 02, 08:11:04pm (
We should spare a thought for the BBC who appear to be in deep mourning over Manu's defeat. So upset that they can hardly bear to mention the name of the team that beat them. Life can be very unfair.
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- Thought the commentators were going to cry at full time. (NT) -- K, Sunday, March 02, 08:17:01pm (NoHost/
- Absolutely disgraceful, even Danny Murphy seemed to thibk Utd had a god-given right to steam roller us. (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Sunday, March 02, 08:19:43pm (NoHost/
- Sure I read somewhere this weekend that 91 of Man U's last 92 FA cup ties have been televised live (NT) -- -Broadcasters gutted they're out, Sunday, March 02, 09:12:39pm (host31-48-23-179.range31-48.btcentralplus.com/
- Their coverage was really poor. More pictures of man u fans and bench than actual play (NT) -- Edward Winston Malone, Sunday, March 02, 09:45:14pm (cpc115214-nmal23-2-0-cust962.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: I think -- percy dalton (p.d's peanuts), Sunday, March 02, 10:06:51pm (anantes-659-1-114-93.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr/
- Sess on the right, that was a surprise, did well IMHO -- Al, Sunday, March 02, 08:02:28pm (NoHost/
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- Palace at home. -- Zvezdara boy, Sunday, March 02, 07:35:51pm (178-220-177-51.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs/
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- Palace at CC -- Draw, Sunday, March 02, 07:34:54pm (2e409fa8.skybroadband.com/
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- Health -- Andrew in Bath, Sunday, March 02, 07:31:16pm (NoHost/
I am very lucky ie have always had low blood pressure & resting pulse @ 56! Now both are off the scale!
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- Leennnnnnooooo you beauty. Well played whites. Not our greatest game but did enough to go through. -- Hg, Sunday, March 02, 07:25:55pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
Bet it’s city away
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- Leno never gets near a penalty we have no chance -- Button, Sunday, March 02, 07:11:50pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
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- Marco please use our bench NOW -- CB, Sunday, March 02, 06:05:56pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
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- Willian for Iwobi badly needed. Muniz has done well but get Raul on (NT) -- JamieR, Sunday, March 02, 06:12:47pm (
- Willian well of it. I’d swap him out for sess (NT) -- Hg, Sunday, March 02, 06:47:55pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
- While I whole heartedly agreed with subs required, how disappointing have all the sub performances been? All of them so far under the level of the player they replaced (NT) -- P, Sunday, March 02, 06:52:40pm (NoHost/
- We have been so poor …. The game is going to be up - ESR and Iwobi just not tackling back … goal -- View from the Riverside, Sunday, March 02, 06:01:14pm (NoHost/
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- Hats off to Muniz great assist and class finish by Bassey. -- CB, Sunday, March 02, 05:21:09pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
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- I want to fast forward my life to 6.30 and an unchanged score! 🤞🤞🤞. (NT) -- Andrew in Bath, Sunday, March 02, 05:23:30pm (NoHost/
- Terrific goal, bloody awful match. (NT) -- GA, Sunday, March 02, 05:28:51pm (ool-18b90125.dyn.optonline.net/
- And my dog needs to go out but ….. should I sit and torture myself or burn up time outside?! (NT) -- Andrew in Bath, Sunday, March 02, 05:57:03pm (NoHost/
- Muniz starts -- eganonoa, Sunday, March 02, 04:18:58pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Good for him. He was incredible the last match. Should be fun watching him and Maguire go at it!
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- Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Surely one of the best country songs recorded? -- Alfred E Neuman., Sunday, March 02, 12:00:46pm (host86-164-15-153.range86-164.btcentralplus.com/
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- Re: Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Surely one of the best country songs recorded? (NT) -- Going for Galverston, Sunday, March 02, 12:49:37pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Desperdos Waiting for a Train (NT) -- Guy Clark, Sunday, March 02, 01:10:11pm (host-89-240-100-69.as13285.net/
- Tower Song - Townes,Cortelia Clark - Mickey Newbury and of course Guy and Hank.Far From Me - John Priine.Hank,Waylon,Willie(Always On My Mind),Guy and Gene Clark,Northbound 35 - Foucault.Kris,Waylon Isbell,Johnny Rodriguez,Parsons,Emmylou and tons more.Country/Americana. (NT) -- HemelRog, Sunday, March 02, 01:51:14pm (NoHost/
- Green grass and high tides - the Outlaws. (NT) -- Zvezdara boy, Sunday, March 02, 02:15:26pm (178-220-177-51.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs/
- For those who haven't experienced The Delines from Portland, you're in for some of the finest Country Soul exer produced. Terrific writing stories and songs and that amazing voice. EnJoy. New album and tour imminent. (NT) -- CB Little Earl, Sunday, March 02, 03:57:47pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
- That's rich -- Rupert, Sunday, March 02, 09:34:02am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
Mark Halsey
Something is not right with our officials at the moment.
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- Cottage Tactico excellent pre match analysis -- MH, Sunday, March 02, 07:09:35am (180-150-112-232.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://youtu.be/x4RnIwROuLo?si=t0vyrejD2jCVafMD">https://youtu.be/x4RnIwROuLo?si=t0vyrejD2jCVafMD</a>
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- Anyone have any parking tips -- Jim © (The Devon IP), Saturday, March 01, 06:36:38pm (host86-171-24-234.range86-171.btcentralplus.com/
For old Trafford please?
Only been by train before.
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- Semi-Auto Offside. I can just see them coding it now. Red Shirt = onside. White Shirt = Offside. -- FlitwickFulham, Saturday, March 01, 04:08:46pm (flit-04-b2-v4wan-169180-cust2921.vm32.cable.virginm.net/
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- Horrific challenge on Mateta by Millwall goalie. -- Zvezdara boy, Saturday, March 01, 03:33:39pm (178-220-177-51.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs/
Looked like the Cantona's kungfu incident, but
bad head/ear injury...best of luck to him.
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- And the useless Micheal Oliver had to be told it was a Red Card by VAR (NT) -- Ffc, Saturday, March 01, 03:51:31pm (host86-154-110-145.range86-154.btcentralplus.com/
- As bad as the Schumacher assault on Battiston in '82. (NT) -- Ra's al Ghul, Saturday, March 01, 05:07:33pm (NoHost/
- Not according to the Millwall Manager!....perhaps worse than the Schumacher challenge it was that bad...atrocious. (NT) -- Barney Travers, Saturday, March 01, 05:22:18pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-j.forcepoint.net/
- Dean Kylie trying to kill Louis Saha in autumn 2001 )?) - Geoff Winter bottled that one! (NT) -- Andrew Cobb, Saturday, March 01, 10:02:32pm (NoHost/
- Re: Horrific challenge on Mateta by Millwall goalie. (NT) -- Got the Ball, Sunday, March 02, 12:51:26pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- and there was no card for trying to commit actual bodily harm on Saha, if I remember right. (NT) -- .., Sunday, March 02, 02:52:32pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Stephen Benda -- See you out in the Middle., Friday, February 28, 05:14:29pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
Massive game for him on Sunday hopefully he can come out of the Shadow of Bernd Leno.Watched him plenty in Training is a Top Top Keeper.
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- Fishing..........! (NT) -- Sprat., Friday, February 28, 05:21:29pm (NoHost/
- Do you have a handle? You have 23 posts on here right now, but not one with a handle. Maybe it's time to get one. (NT) -- eganonoa, Friday, February 28, 07:37:45pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Re: Do you have a handle? lol and A handle makes you what? MOD of tiff? or a credable contributor? Because you who popped up here 1 or 2 years ago has zero of either. just another wum (NT) -- as for benda! must get rid ASAP, Friday, February 28, 08:02:14pm (frhb90830ds.ikexpress.com/
- A consistent handle is a pretty useful way of differentiating between real posters and sad, no-life, semi-literate, basement-dwelling, mum-thinks-I'm-special, vpn+tor-using, sticky-keyboard incels. (NT) -- eganonoa, Friday, February 28, 09:17:48pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- That's pretty much summed him up. (NT) -- Juana Aorta, Saturday, March 01, 12:04:53am (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
- LOL (NT) -- Jungle J, Saturday, March 01, 10:15:42am (cpc124440-croy27-2-0-cust52.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Double LOL (NT) -- MH, Saturday, March 01, 12:30:44pm (180-150-112-232.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- +1 (NT) -- Red Hen (He/Him) [GMT] (😷💉🏳🌈✊🏿🌍), Saturday, March 01, 02:58:15pm (NoHost/
- Re: Stephen? Stephen?? (NT) -- 😂, Saturday, March 01, 06:03:21pm (NoHost/
- Re: Stephen Benda (NT) -- Massive for Benda could be become a Fulham hero, Sunday, March 02, 12:55:23pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Just seen Liverpool game -- Birdman, Friday, February 28, 01:14:11pm (NoHost/
Changed to Sunday at 2pm but could be changed back to Saturday. Marvelous planning.
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- FFC now 37th in REVENUE in ALL OF FOOTBALL rising from 49th lasts season.headlines khan/mike be misleading/nottellthewholestory. basically digging into the details. ITS A % thing -- new topic required due to word limit, Friday, February 28, 12:46:58pm (62-210-101-206.rev.poneytelecom.eu/
as per link from G
'Fulham FC is the UK’s fastest-growing football club brand, up 22% to GBP105.5 million, thanks to two consecutive Premier League seasons boosting revenues after their 2022 promotion. Close behind is Newcastle United FC, with a 21% increase to GBP260.6 million. Newcastle's revenues and BSI (73.0/100) have both risen, driving overall brand value growth.'
deeper dive reveals it was 84£ season before
while making headlines IS great the truth is its all come about from promotion to the PL and the increase revenue from that AND coincideing with the increase in capacity/ground revenue AS the new stand continues to become operation.
Conclusion: Promotion and Increased ticket pricing and more seats for sale are the reasons. But in £££ increases? FFC are £100M behind the actual BIG dogs in the world of FOOTBALL
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- "Fulham FC is the UK’s fastest-growing football club brand" -- G, Friday, February 28, 10:55:35am (NoHost/
Thought this may be of interest:
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://brandfinance.com/press-releases/manchester-city-is-englands-most-valuable-football-club-brand-in-the-worlds-most-valuable-football-league-the-premier-league">https://brandfinance.com/press-releases/manchester-city-is-englands-most-valuable-football-club-brand-in-the-worlds-most-valuable-football-league-the-premier-league</a>
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- Ref -- Waterboy, Thursday, February 27, 10:07:26pm (NoHost/
Ref for the cup game is Attwell!
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- Will we match or beat our 2008 - 2009 points total? -- Juana Aorta, Thursday, February 27, 09:20:31pm (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
We have 11 games left but apart from Southampton away our run in is looking pretty difficult. Where can we pick up the requisite 12 points? Realistically can we go better than 54 points?
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- We can win any game, I really think that. Arsenal are looking very flat. Spurs are Spurs. Why not Man City on the last day? Everything's up for grabs (NT) -- JamieR, Thursday, February 27, 10:00:58pm (
- Could get it and still not get 7th which would be a scandal! (NT) -- Waterboy, Thursday, February 27, 10:06:30pm (NoHost/
Re: but its NOT about points tally anymore is it? ITs now become a MUST WIN scenario! We need to target certain opponents and WIN THEM , theres 4 Bosecome, Brighton, CFCNET and VILLA. win all 4 and we are in EUROPE!!. Start resting starters in the other games, and maybe pickup the odd point in the others that matter less. WIN the mini league and we're in! (NT) -- Soso, Thursday, February 27, 10:12:51pm (NoHost/
- I take your point, but as an old fart, who has been attending the Cottage since 1962, I remember the bad old days, when the words “MUST WIN GAMES” were followed by “TO AVOID RELEGATION”, not “to qualify for Europe”. So forgive me for thinking what a nice problem to have, cos in the past, there were times that was beyond my wildest dreams. (NT) -- Block E, Thursday, February 27, 11:59:26pm (host31-50-134-222.range31-50.btcentralplus.com/
- Only 2 of the11 teams that we still have to play beat us in the first half of the season (NT) -- Dooley, Friday, February 28, 07:43:54am (seve-29-b2-v4wan-163452-cust742.vm13.cable.virginm.net/
- Probably get shot down in flames for this - but the Fulham fan base needs a mentality shift. Start thinking 'yes we can', think bigger, think Europa League and Champions League, start revelling in the fact we have what football grounds expert Simon Inglis has called the best stand of the 21st century and stop curling into the fetal position and whimpering about how "ordinary fans" are being priced out. (NT) -- Here to help, Friday, February 28, 11:20:20am (NoHost/
- How about a mindset of 'We're at the pinnacle now so let's enjoy it and support them win lose or draw and not get entitled thinking we should beat other teams just because (put your own reason here). Always remember the other side wants to win too and someone isn't going to. (NT) -- .., Saturday, March 01, 03:54:33pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Definitely looks possible the way we have been playing away from home, and starting with Brighton they are still beatable even playing at home. We have beat some of the upper table teams away so I would say at least a point but hoping for a 3 point match -- Za70, Saturday, March 01, 04:34:13pm (NoHost/
- Tom Cairney -- Gary Elkins Shin Pad, Thursday, February 27, 02:51:12pm (NoHost/
Has signed a one year contract extension.
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- 🤦♂️ Why (NT) -- Button, Thursday, February 27, 03:03:23pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Good. He has been a good servant and still has value on the pitch and off. (NT) -- RR, Thursday, February 27, 05:08:05pm (NoHost/
- People in the game know just how good Cairney is... one of the most underrated players of his generation... (NT) -- Rupert, Friday, February 28, 10:05:22am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
- If there's one player who deserves a contract extension, it's TC. Been an amazing servant to our club and can still turn it on when coming off the bench. He 100% deserves his testimonial. Such a rarity in football nowadays. (NT) -- Dom(TO), Friday, February 28, 05:10:53pm (NoHost/
- Surely the question is . IS the support dropping off -- Fred✂️🗡️, Thursday, February 27, 11:52:37am (NoHost/
empty seats in home areas for Palace
Half empty away end midweek
thousands unsold this weekend
whats happening?
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- Don't worry, Premier League football's going to change. Possibly forever. I've heard rumours that Man City are going to be docked 60 to 100 points when the FFP judgement gets handed down. Owners will realise they can't just throw money at clubs anymore and then Fulham fans will ses the Khan's have been playing the long game with the new stand and FFC will go from strength to strength... (NT) -- Secret, Thursday, February 27, 02:06:11pm (NoHost/
- what is also happening is the law of diminishing returns. Put up prices and the business that puts up prices may see an initial increase in receipts but over time people will start reducing their spend. They can put energy or water bills up as much as they want, I will just be prudent and use less of both. If it comes to a choice between Wolves away on a Tuesday night in February and having a spare £30 to spend on other things, I (and others) may choose to have the spare £30...... (NT) -- Club Stooge, Thursday, February 27, 02:20:13pm (host86-177-51-11.range86-177.btcentralplus.com/
- Stop paying the players so much and reduce the prices, instead of blaming the government. (NT) -- Observer, Thursday, February 27, 03:02:51pm (NoHost/
- New rules are are creating more parity. The only losers are the clubs who could spend their way to championships. It is good for the league to have it more competitive. (NT) -- RR, Thursday, February 27, 05:10:25pm (NoHost/
- Depends where the empty seats were. There were some on the Riverside cos the top tier still hasnt been completed The crowd was our seventh best of the season. it was bigger than any crowd from 1968 to this season... (NT) -- red kev, Thursday, February 27, 08:30:06pm (NoHost/
- Simply not true. Attendances around 10 per cent UP on last season! 23/24 average: 24,301. 24/25 average: 26,550 (NT) -- Just the facts, Thursday, February 27, 08:33:57pm (NoHost/
- Wolves -- f bloke, Thursday, February 27, 11:50:53am (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
Have now watched the 90 minutes of the Wolves game - good solid performance, job done, not too much to remember other than the 2 well taken goals. I paid particular attention to Andre - I thought he looked v good - played like I think a 6 should play - always available to receive the ball with a good range of short and long passes. Looks like the sort of player that will look better in a better team
In terms of the commentary, Jim was under the weather so Jamie took on the role of lead commentator. Is it just me - but I find him pretty insufferable at the best of times but as lead commentator he was nigh on unbearable - he never STFU - he never allows even a millisecond of silence. Jamie, less is very often very much more. And the ironies of ironies in him calling Cunha a serial moaner - he never stops moaning/whinging. I am finding Fulham TV a pretty tough watch these days - prefer watching the televised age group games where Jim is the sole commentator.
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- Wondered if he talks all the time as it's a radio feed too? (NT) -- Superfly, Thursday, February 27, 12:53:38pm (NoHost/
- I did similar re; Andre. He’s been getting good reviews for a few games now. I see why silva may not have wanted him, he’s bit of a throw back, not the most athletic (clearly what silva wants in that role), but a snart operator and good at finding space ri receive the ball and move it on to attacking players. He’s who you’d want playing a more possession based game, not sure that’s us though. Reminds me of Sean davis a bit. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, February 27, 01:35:52pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I agree with the Sean Davis comment - I always thought he was grossly under rated and for me was our best player over the course of the whole season in the Tigana promotion season. Based on too small a sample size but I suspect that Andre is not as good as Berge as a defensive shield but is a better play maker - with him I think we would struggle less with the low/mid block (NT) -- f bloke, Thursday, February 27, 01:57:31pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: I did similar re; Andre. He’s been getting good reviews for a few games now. I see why silva may not have wanted him, he’s bit of a throw back, not the most athletic (clearly what silva wants in that role), but a snart operator and good at finding space ri receive the ball and move it on to attacking players. He’s who you’d want playing a more possession based game, not sure that’s us though. Reminds me of Sean davis a bit. (NT) -- Brazilian water carrier, Friday, February 28, 02:59:31pm (NoHost/
- I love Jim's passion, but both of them talk too much and are often talking about something else when there's a good move in progress. All I really want from a commentary is who's got the ball and what are they doing with it (NT) -- MH, Thursday, February 27, 08:31:42pm (180-150-112-232.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
- Surely the question is -- Mickey, Thursday, February 27, 10:46:28am (82-132-214-251.dab.02.net/
will Marco stick with 3CHs this Sunday ? Andersen looked more comfortable the other night and Diop was immense . Whilst Utd don’t appear to pose too much of an attacking threat , would this not make us more secure whilst giving our wing backs more freedom to push further forward and allow either Traore or Iwobi to come inside somewhat and be closer to Jimenez or Muniz whilst supporting Pereira. If so which one of them starts ? I would go with Iwobi ( better at tracking back and more inventive ) and have Traore as a weapon off the bench .
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- Not sure why, but Iwobi is struggling a bit for form at the moment but he's more suited to playing inside. The only thing really Man U have going for them is their MF (and Bruno's set pieces), so I'd be wary in getting overrun, maybe the 3 at the back allows us to play a slightly different system against them- despite running both games against them this season we've got zero points so far! (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Thursday, February 27, 10:56:11am (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- I think we should and actually that may have been part of the thinking, match up against wolves as bit of an experiment in prep for Utd game, as both play a 3-4-3. Most pick themselves, Robbo, Bassey, Iwobi to come in. I’d keep Perreira and just marginally pick Raul over Muniz we their CBs would rather play a big strong Muniz and struggle against the sharper movement of Raul. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, February 27, 10:56:33am (82-132-223-88.dab.02.net/
- I know that CBs have to be much more technically skilled than in days gone by since they probably get more touches these days than any other players - but usually I'm not a big fan of 5 at the back - it means sacrificing a [generally more skilled] Midfield player for a [generally less skilled] CB. It is a system skewed more to defence than attack and, for me , if it is a choice between Diop and eg Iwobi - I would always choose Iwobi especially since AR effectively plays like a WB anyway (NT) -- f bloke, Thursday, February 27, 11:58:20am (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- I’d say it’s more to do with matching up opposition, worked against wolves, played poorly v palace with a 4, all (with Utd) play a 3-4-3 type. Depends what you ask each individual to do, Bassey will have more freedom to roam and cast will get forward more, don’t see it as black/white as a back 3 being more defensive. I’d also argue Anderson is probs the best passer at the club, he can act as a deep playmaker, an area we lack when lukic & Berge are in front of a back 4. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, February 27, 02:12:50pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Lukic's two match ban, does it start with Utd., or is it just league games? (NT) -- MWKent, Thursday, February 27, 01:26:30pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- It's important to keep the opposition guessing in terms of our tactics. Man U, and other sides, has to prepare for a back 3 as well as our 4231 formation. We need to evolve and play differently, based on who we are playing, but also to give the opposition something they are not prepared for. (NT) -- RR, Thursday, February 27, 05:16:13pm (NoHost/
- Sess! -- Ken, Thursday, February 27, 08:33:36am (33C63E8e.skybroadband.com/
So Marco thinks Sess can be a top 'tool' for Fulham, good sentiment but possibly could have been worded better. But it's so good to see him doing well with us, long may it continue.
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- You lucky people -- ASPT, Thursday, February 27, 02:01:04am (114-129-187-208.ip4.superloop.au/
It would not take any results you’d consider strange from 4 games, namely:
Utd 0 - Fulham 1
Brighton 0-1 Fulham
Spurs 2-1 Bournemouth
West Ham 2-0 Newcastle
And we’d be in the last 8 of the cup and in 6th in the premiership with 10 games to go. If we carried our form from the last 4 games we’d finish on 62 points and be in, at least, Europa. It’s Fulham, so none of this will happen. But you’d have taken this at the start of the season. In fact, given that I’ve read how the season was definitely over about 5 times on here, it’s pretty good!
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- Yes, all about fine margins...IF we don't concede last minute equalisers against West Ham and Everton and find winners against Ipswich and Southampton, we're currently third in the table. But then if my auntie had b*llocks, she'd be my uncle... (NT) -- David, Thursday, February 27, 09:09:04am (NoHost/
- We've been one result away from really knocking on the door of Europe for some time now.. we keep messing up, falling back to 10th and it looks like it's over, then pulling another result (usually away from home) out of the bag again to reignite the hope. Ultimately what it's going to need is to put a run together. Maybe Brighton and Spurs could be those two games. Six points would give us confidence and freedom going into Arsenal/Liverpool with almost a free hit. Then the run-in is not too bad. (NT) -- JamieR, Thursday, February 27, 11:29:11am (82-132-213-128.dab.02.net/
Add Cricket to the list of PubGames? -- Rooted, Wednesday, February 26, 06:57:03pm (frhb90833ds.ikexpress.com/
when you consider England (and Wales) have just been defested by a group of people who had never picked up a ball or bat until the Invasion
We've got to think that the UKs 3rd most popular Team sport is of such low difficultly and low skill
that it is not a Sport at all?
When will we see A n Afghan win the Darts/Snooker or even be Grandmaster at Chess and Draughts ?
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- England white ball cricket team -- Ffc, Wednesday, February 26, 05:16:06pm (host86-154-110-145.range86-154.btcentralplus.com/
Harder to out this team than get into it
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- Just when you're almost done believing... they suck you back in again! -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Wednesday, February 26, 02:38:10pm (NoHost/
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- its an interesting one as i predicted we would win last night BUT im firmly in the camp we will finish 10th. I do believe we could achieve our record points tally though which is an acheivement in itself (NT) -- Waterboy, Wednesday, February 26, 03:03:03pm (lanc-08-b2-v4wan-168332-cust3678.vm14.cable.virginm.net/
- The next 6 league games Brighton, Spurs, Arse, L’pool, Bournemouth, Chelsea….that’s one hell of tough consecutive run. 9 points from this lot and we’ll remain in the mix for top 8 finish. COYW. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Wednesday, February 26, 05:26:00pm (NoHost/
646 words limit means we post reply to below in new topic, blame otthers as we wont be cutting short a reply to fit the conditions set by others -- onto the cricket and snooker, Wednesday, February 26, 11:42:30am (NoHost/
Re: Not entirely Fulham related...strange but not unsurprising Moyes not mentioned. Everton 3rd in new manager bounce since his return. But then everyone here (and generally last summer) was calling for McKenna to be annoited the 'next big ting' That might had even fooled Marco as his Fulham team turned up to Portman Rd scared shitless for no reason this summer.. You also forget the huge number of talent managers old and new in South America, German, Italy (and Saudi)... Where did those you name come from? Top of the Spainish/German leagues? Not even close! Even Silva came from Mid table sides; after spells in lower leagues? Be real Juan!
Wheres Fabegas, Alonso, Parker, and Rosenior???
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- Not entirely Fulham related... -- Juana Aorta, Wednesday, February 26, 11:25:33am (217-155-46-35.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk/
What an odd, but great season this is. Man City, Chelsea, Spurs and Man Utd on a scale of relative mediocrity to dismalness. Small to medium clubs like ourselves, Forest, Bournemouth, Brentford, Brighton and Palace, all punching way above the economic limitations of historically limited clubs, but all having some of the best head coaches in Europe. Makes me wonder if United sought Amorin because he was cheaper than these coaches already acclimatised and performing well in the Premier League? Glasner is the one I I predict will have the ability to do best at a bigger club, with perhaps Iraola a close second, followed by Marco and Tomas Frank not far behind. Not sure about the Brighton coach. He's still learning and can be overly cavalier, but still top half of the table! Perhaps if Marco does leave end of season, we could entice Amorin?
Anyway, here's hoping we get a win over United this Sunday, and make his tenure even more unstable. Who doesn't love a touch of schadenfreude when it comes to Man Utd?
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- We all know the outcome on Sunday, totally outplay them, have numerous chances then a deflected Zirkzee miss-hit wins it. (NT) -- al, Wednesday, February 26, 11:39:40am (NoHost/
- Re Amorin, I'm not sure I'm interested in a coach so doctrinaire that he moves to a club with a pre-set system that he simply won't veer from under any circumstance. The best coaches, from Guardiola on down now (and the likes of Ferguson before him) are always learning and evolving. I believe this openness to learn and evolve is why Marco will make a good coach at a top club (NT) -- eganonoa, Wednesday, February 26, 12:13:23pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- I agree there are some really really good managers in the middle of the prem, personally think Iraola will be the next one taken, but there aren’t any jobs I can think of. Reckon spurs will keep Ange now they’re better with injuries subsiding, Utd will stick with Amorim at least for a few months into next season, there aren’t any jobs to move up to and none really abroad a mid table prem manager leaves for. (NT) -- Henry1879, Wednesday, February 26, 01:11:09pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Wolves game -- Henry1879, Wednesday, February 26, 07:51:22am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
Great effort, saw the team and thought, this could go wrong, going 3-4-3 tk natch them and resting a few, easy for the players to drop a few percent and think, well looks like our priority is the cup, but nothing of thr sort. Turned out to be a master stroke, after being beaten by palace and wolves turning us over at home, both with a 3-4-3, was a good roll of the dice to say, let’s not let that happen again and do something different. First half; bit like Chelsea away, we struggled a bit working out tactically who went where, who picked up who, but once we figured it out looked solid second half. Another example of playing deeper, hitting on the counter with a lead is when we do our best work. Our next 4 or 5 games I think we can play similarly, give up the ball at times in order to stay solid and use our athletic players on the break. More and more I don’t care playing home or away, it’s our best way of getting a result, even if it means not being on the front foot.
Classy finish by Ryan, we know he’s got that in his locker. Thought diop, and to a lesser extent, Cuenca were brilliant. To not play for weeks, then get asked to start in a new formation against a team with some quality attackers, was very good. Diop in particular was outstanding v cunha, one of the form players in the league, so he was always going to have moments, but diop did brilliantly. Stepped into midfield to follow him at times and got tight and physical when needed, he did a brilliant job. Anderson also looked more comfortable not having to be pulled wide into midfield, could sit in the middle and use his passing. Thought Perreiras work rate was superb, considering how few 90mins he’s played, he was constantly grtting up and down and looked dangerous with the ball. Final shout out to Muniz, he could be a really top CF, because he does a bit of everything. He holds the ball up, big and powerful, he can go in behind, with just enough pace, he can finish and he can link play and has good technique with his back to goal. It’d clear he’s been asked to run in behind more, which Raul does really well, hopefully he’ll keep learning from him and I really think he can become a 15 goal a season prem CF whilst being the focal point silva wants from a CF.
All to play for then, icing on the cake being a few got some rest for Sunday. Firmly involved in 2 comps in March, results have gone nicely in the league, now so tight that a run of 3 wins at some point could see us finish potentially 5th, thay would be champs league, would be incredible. Utd game obviously massive, but after that although theyre tough on paper I don’t mind them, all next 6 league games they’ll come at us and we can play what suits us, all to play for.
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- Both Iwobi and Marco were clearly miffed with Raul's 2 attempts on goal. Iwobi was in a better position for both chances. Perhaps Raul's desire to score against his old club made him that more eager. Anyways, great win, onwards and upwards! (NT) -- GW, Wednesday, February 26, 09:48:02am (NoHost/
- I’m not so sure, in that there were 3 wolves back around Iwobi, it would have to have been a pinpoint pass to find him, he just needs to finish it better in my opinion. I want my CF to want to score goals when chances present, I thought he was gonna open his body up but then reverse it into the near post, but most consistent scorers are gonna take that shot on rather than pass. (NT) -- Henry1879, Wednesday, February 26, 10:17:01am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- This is what I thought during the match as well. Better decision would have been to lay it off to Iwobi in both moments. (NT) -- RR, Wednesday, February 26, 06:03:20pm (NoHost/
- Re: Wolves game (NT) -- Pereira’s performance closer to last season form, Wednesday, February 26, 10:53:51am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Yes, lots to like about the players that came in to the side last night. I was not expecting that result when I saw the line up. I'm particularly pleased for Sess. But I wish people would stop talking about a CL spot every time we win a game. That ship has sailed. Our home record is just not been good enough and the remaining home fixtures are tough. (NT) -- The Drobe, Wednesday, February 26, 01:37:12pm (host86-149-115-76.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- Brighton v Bournemouth -- TT(1), Wednesday, February 26, 12:03:09am (NoHost/
Did anyone notice all the empty seats? That shows how many away fans you get at Brighton in the home end? When they play a smaller club like Bournemouth they can't fill out the stadium, even though it is a local derby
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- Re: Brighton v Bournemouth (NT) -- Wolves looked pretty empty tonight also., Wednesday, February 26, 02:17:00am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Also you’ll find mid week games shown on TNT etc will have a negative effect. The more games being broadcast will no doubt reduce match day revenue and atmosphere (NT) -- CB, Wednesday, February 26, 07:44:35am (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
- "Local derby" is a bit of a push. 2 and a half hours by car. 3 and a half by public transport (NT) -- Pavlov's dog, Wednesday, February 26, 08:30:46am (NoHost/
- Local derby ? Approximately 97 miles apart ! (NT) -- Knowall, Wednesday, February 26, 11:15:09am (NoHost/
- Local derby. It’s miles away (NT) -- Trevor, Wednesday, February 26, 01:44:04pm (NoHost/
- As already said, try to get to there from Brighton station and it's a nightmare on any day, Queue up forever for the train that goes there and that's bad enough, let alone trying to get back afterwards. Unless it's super-streamlined and slick since I last went (and that was a Saturday match) it can't guarantee getting you there or back in anything like good time. (NT) -- .., Wednesday, February 26, 03:52:32pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
Phew.... -- JK69 (.), Tuesday, February 25, 09:49:23pm (0540c4f4.skybroadband.com/
Southampton can't catch us!
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- Back on track -- JamieR, Tuesday, February 25, 09:45:16pm (
We managed that game so well in the second half. Only concern is really it should have been put to bed earlier, we just can't seem to finish teams off. Jimenez wasteful on this occasion.
What a beautiful goal from Muniz, both the pass and the finish. Willan total class when he came on. Amdersen looks a different (much better) player in that system and Diop after a shakey start had a great second half too.
Six away wins already - superb - now can we get a big one at Brighton? Then the league really would be interesting...
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- Yes to all that , and 3 consecutive PL away wins . We kept our shape really well as the game progressed and kept Cunha much quieter after the break . Fantastic hold up /lay off play by Muniz for 1st goal pre-assist and a classy finish for our second . What a finish by Sess and our game closing was perfect , Willian class personified and a vital late block from Castagne (NT) -- Mickey, Tuesday, February 25, 09:58:13pm (host86-179-74-8.range86-179.btcentralplus.com/
- We just seemed to calm and assured second half. I like the system. New assistant clearly having an impact. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 10:21:48pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- What a finish by Rodrigo! (NT) -- Andrew in Bath, Tuesday, February 25, 10:26:34pm (NoHost/
- Good goals by Sess and Muniz but that was a fugly win otherwise (NT) -- RR, Tuesday, February 25, 10:40:27pm (NoHost/
- Jiminez is hopeful. Needs 5 or 6 good chances to put one in. If we had a proper striker we would be top 4 now. (NT) -- ., Tuesday, February 25, 11:06:11pm (0542a81b.skybroadband.com/
- Cue someone saying Raul is past it and we should get rid of Muniz, that's all some have been saying all season. (NT) -- .., Wednesday, February 26, 03:54:52pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Diop!👍 -- CB, Tuesday, February 25, 09:38:09pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
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- Great result. Type of game we have failed to win pretty much all season. -- Hg, Tuesday, February 25, 09:33:58pm (cpc141402-brnt4-2-0-cust971.4-2.cable.virginm.net/
Great goals from sess and Muniz and hopefully a fresh squad to pick from for the cup due to rotation.
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- 1-2 Away @ Wolves -- Dab, Tuesday, February 25, 09:33:16pm (NoHost/
Excellent rear guard performance - years since we've got a result at Molyneux ... hearty well done!
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- So much to like! -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 09:31:31pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
If Rodrigo can play like that consistently, he could end up as one of the best strikers in the League.
Sess was excellent going both ways.
It was so great to see Andreas back to his high-pressing best first half. And second half he played the more defensive midfielder role perfectly. Really impressive.
And I loved Marco's subs. The system didn't change. We just got bigger and faster with more control of the ball. Put the game to bed.
Such a strange season. A disappointing game against Palace, followed by a good one against Wolves was so widely predicted. Bizarre.
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- Lukic -- Ffc, Tuesday, February 25, 08:27:09pm (host86-154-110-145.range86-154.btcentralplus.com/
Booked again misses Brighton & Spurs
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- Willian for Adama? -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 08:23:44pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Saw some of the best and worst of Adama there. He looked consistently dangerous going forward, but utterly lost defensively. Castagne was being given no protection and for the goal he for some reason decided not to track the runner but just stand there. No surprise he's been sent over to the left. But not convinced he can do it for us out there. We might be seeing quite a bit of Willian, 2nd half.
Sess and Rodrigo both having incredible games. Could see Willian thriving between those two.
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- Er, he's a winger... (NT) -- G, Tuesday, February 25, 08:25:17pm (NoHost/
- Plus Sess at fault for Wolves goal... (NT) -- G, Tuesday, February 25, 08:26:50pm (NoHost/
- Sess is doing great. Interesting because he clearly doesn't have Robinson's physical attributes but the calm finish of that chance shows what he does bring to the able. I thought the same about Traore not following the runner for the goal - it's also perhaps a case of getting used to the system, he assumed there would be cover there. Diop looking very uncomfortable on the right of that three unfortunately. Up for grabs though (NT) -- JamieR, Tuesday, February 25, 08:30:47pm (
- That didn't hold up well! Great pass from Adama!!!! (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 08:36:55pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Adama REALLY poor on the ball against CP, not much better tonight.. (NT) -- RR, Tuesday, February 25, 08:46:56pm (NoHost/
- Sort it out Sky -- Ovserver, Tuesday, February 25, 07:41:07pm (NoHost/
Watching Soccer Special on Sky, why do they have someone for our game who seems to have never commented on football before and is completely intelligible?
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- Unintelligible (NT) -- Observer, Tuesday, February 25, 07:45:08pm (NoHost/
- The woman and Hoddle on TNT were exceptionally good. It's a couple of MOTD ones that I find incredibly annoying for some reason, and so anybody else sounds great. (NT) -- Pablo, Tuesday, February 25, 09:50:47pm (host86-128-172-252.range86-128.btcentralplus.com/
- One of the producers on that show is a big QPR fan which is why it's always either putting us down, patronising us or completely ignoring us. (NT) -- Rupert, Wednesday, February 26, 07:56:49am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
- Interesting line up tonight. Bassey, Robinson, Iwobi & Raul on the bench. -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, February 25, 06:24:18pm (NoHost/
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- Probably resting them for Sunday (NT) -- Block E, Tuesday, February 25, 06:27:33pm (host31-50-134-222.range31-50.btcentralplus.com/
- Interesting and surprising. Obviously prioritising Sunday but also challenging squad players to show that they can do better than their "superiors". I don't think Silva has ever done that in a League game. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Tuesday, February 25, 06:27:55pm (
- Suggests FA Cup v Man Utd is the priority fixture (NT) -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, February 25, 06:29:26pm (NoHost/
- Resting ffs! It's 5 days away. Powder puffs. (NT) -- CB, Tuesday, February 25, 06:34:20pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
- Very interesting. Can't quite figure out the formation. If it's a 3-5-2, then Adama is playing striker. If it's 3-4-3, then Andreas is playing a wide-forward. Or maybe it's our standard 4-3-3/4-2-3-1 with Cuenca at left-back and Sess as a left forward. Not expected at all, but quite exciting, especially with what it signals about our FA Cup intentions! (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 06:35:06pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- So Diop, Cuenca, Sess, Pereira & Muniz get their chance to shine….given the opportunities offered to these fringe players, still not a start for Josh King. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, February 25, 06:41:38pm (NoHost/
- Re: Interesting line up tonight. Bassey, Robinson, Iwobi & Raul on the bench. (NT) -- Man Utd certainly looking the priority, Tuesday, February 25, 06:49:22pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Interesting line up tonight. Bassey, Robinson, Iwobi & Raul on the bench. (NT) -- Sess wing back at least better than left back., Tuesday, February 25, 06:52:34pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- I reckon 3 at the back with Castagne and Sessegnon wing backs. That's how they finished on Saturday and might be a plan for Sunday. (NT) -- old codger, Tuesday, February 25, 07:11:00pm (unn-138-199-30-162.datapacket.com/
- TC -- f bloke, Tuesday, February 25, 01:08:27pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
Listening to Iwobi on the main site and also listening to a podcast with Anthonee Robinson recently - both were raving about the technical ability of TC - both saying in training he and Willian are at a different level. Always liked TC and am pleased that he has shown to both us and himself that he can play at this level - but for someone so lauded by his fellow pro's, has he underperformed his ability level? He is not blessed with pace and he is, of course, v one footed but some true greats have also been one footed. Is it just a matter of poor timing - eg in previous visits to the EPL he was mainly injured and the team was poor - and when we have become more established, he is at the wrong end of his career. It reminds me a bit of Dembele I - he was good enough to have become a great, instead, he was merely vv good. I really enjoy watching TC and will miss him when he has gone but do feel he had the ability to be a v good EPL player rather than just a pretty good one. I suspect that what marks out the v best players as opposed the pretty good ones - is just as much some kind of inner drive as it is technical ability
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- If only he were a few years younger , but then again modern day PL Players need athleticism and be able to offer much more off the ball . For me he is best brought on to help close a game out , but yes absolutely no denying his quality on the ball (NT) -- Mickey, Tuesday, February 25, 01:20:35pm (host86-179-74-8.range86-179.btcentralplus.com/
- A while ago I linked to an article on transfer fees per position, which highlighted that AMs and DMs are the most expensive players, but generic CMs are the cheapest. I'm surprised that, as he's aged, he hasn't developed the tools to play deeper in those more specialist roles. Look at how Andreas developed his skills in the high-press and how Lukic adapted to play as the sole No. 6 for direct contrasts. Cairney is as he always has been and that inability to developed a 2nd tool has held him back (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 02:10:06pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- So after the success MOyes had had at his former Club Everton -- Avanti man, Tuesday, February 25, 12:33:09pm (62-210-101-206.rev.poneytelecom.eu/
should we accept that we was wrong about him 'as washed out'
and isnt he a good example of 'having a home somewhere'
Everton seems to be his happy place.
and onto Slavanic.
Think he a good manager in the mould of A Marco Silva.
Was dealt a bad hand upon Promotion and if and when Silva leaves us And assuming we still have a good squad at that time.
Would not be a bad idea to get Slava back to Fulham. Where is he now though?
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- https://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/0SHlj-Bf4SY/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CPzR9r0G&rs=AOn4CLCSpoYUg_ueYzBQ4ctSIC7kiAnxwg -- Lianne Sanderson, Tuesday, February 25, 11:40:20am (NoHost/
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/0SHlj-Bf4SY/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CPzR9r0G&rs=AOn4CLCSpoYUg_ueYzBQ4ctSIC7kiAnxwg">https://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/0SHlj-Bf4SY/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CPzR9r0G&rs=AOn4CLCSpoYUg_ueYzBQ4ctSIC7kiAnxwg</a>
we've just been beaten by bitter local rivals. chances of top 4 blown out
and chances of UEL and even Confernce league fading...
yet Shad, Tk and FFC director Lamping (incharge of developing new stand).. ALL in a press confenerce in JACKSONVILLE
..never seen them here.. maybe its for the best? or are we the lowest priory to our owners?
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- Not just us: "So far this season, only 38.7% of Premier League games have been won by the side playing at home - the second-lowest on record." -- MH, Tuesday, February 25, 07:19:53am (180-150-112-232.NBN.mel.aussiebb.net/
"Only once during the Premier League era has there been a lower proportion of home wins during a season than in 2024-25 - and that was the Covid-affected 2020-21 campaign.
In a season largely played without supporters present at games because the country was in lockdown, only 37.9% of matches were won by the home team, with away wins up at 40.3%.
But while the proportion of home wins is again low this season, there is no trend in the numbers to suggest this had been coming.
With supporters returning in 2021-22, home victories were back up at 42.9% and even rose to 48.4% during the following campaign - the seventh-highest in the league's history."
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/clynv3x120no">https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/clynv3x120no</a>
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- Whatever happened to Sean Davis.... -- JK69, Monday, February 24, 09:38:54pm (0540c4f4.skybroadband.com/
..... used to pop up at the club once in a while doing commentary/programme notes/PR stuff etc?
Seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth as far as Fulham are concerned.
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- Transfer strategy and the direction of travel -- Henry1879, Monday, February 24, 02:54:16pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
Bit of talk about this, particularly Anderson, who I and I know others felt at the time, was a lot of money on one player of his age. He is a good prem CB, he’s slow, but he’s a great passer, leader and presence on the pitch. Is he worth 25-30m given his age, didn’t think so at the time and don’t now. This of course comes to head when the team you play sold him to you and have a better, younger player plus 10m in the bank. Watched palace for 90mins probably 8 or 9 times this season and lacroix is a rolls Royce of a player, quick, reads the game, good on the ball, he’s an absolute gem. Glasner was ok with letting Anderson go as he knows his lack of pace restricts what you can do, always worrying about the ball over the top means you can’t condense the middle by closing the space to your midfield, which they did brilliantly on Saturday. Rbey knew anything down the sides or over the top they’ve got 3 quick CBs who can mop up and enables their midfield to not drop back. I feel we are a better team with diop in as he has the pace to enable us to get up the pitch and allow our midfield to be more aggressive knowing the defence isn’t too deep. Don’t consider Anderson a shocker of a signing, but it was the wrong type of signing for me.
From a bigger picture I believe our slightly myopic targeting of mid 20s proven players will hinder us if we continue to pursue it. I liked the Cuenca and ESR signings at the time as could see they had big room to grow, in ability and value. Berge and Anderson are what they are, good prem players, Berge may have a bit to grow, but in theory he’s at about his peak now. I have no clue about how our transfers are conducted and who has what say, but like Mourinho to me it seems our manager holds big sway and wants players to come in and be able to play from day 1, at or near their peak, nothing wrong with that. But isn’t that going to limit us? The direction of travel is us as a sustainable club, not to PSR limits, but actual bottom line, surely the only way to do that is selling for profit at times. From a selfish view I like watching younger players make their way and improve, with the ceiling to become really elite. Anderson, and a lesser extent Berge, were both a bit safe, a bit ok good players, know what we’ll get and we’ll continue to be a really solid team, but for me not the right type to excite and progress to the next level, as individuals or to help the team. I hope we continue to lower the age, take a few more risks with signings, that our strategy now is a long term plan to establish us, which now achieved, means we can increase our level of ambition.
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- Name a better centre half than Anderson that you can get for 30 million that is premier league ready and has played in the division?. 30 million is a standard price now I know it is crazy money but is equivalent to 8 - 10 million 10 years ago (NT) -- Button, Monday, February 24, 02:59:48pm (nmal-23-b2-v4wan-169190-cust1261.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- The last two summers we have lost our best/most influential player, and Tosin was more or less a weekly starter. You can see why the emphasis was on signing established replacements at important positions. I also think part of our transfer strategy has been buying undervalued Prem level players (i.e. players at the big clubs who aren't getting games). However, I too would like to see a more forward-looking approach, and/or an opportunity for Academy players to emerge (NT) -- Jungle J, Monday, February 24, 03:28:09pm (cpc124440-croy27-2-0-cust52.19-2.cable.virginm.net/
- Nature of the beast as mid prem team- palace/olise, b.ford/toney, b.mouth/solanke etc. it’s then where you reinvest that money. I’d just rather not think, who’s best for right now, but look at where a player can get to and how that would then help move the club even further up and financially to reinvest when they’re eventually sold. Loved our transfers last 4-5 years, just thought last summer we could have evolved rather than stick to the tried & tested, hopefully this summer we will. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, February 24, 03:46:29pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Agree. For two years I've been banging the Diop drum. But that doesn't negate the need for two quality players per position or that Diop does not provide what Tosin did vs the high-press. The Andersen problem is that we always play him ahead of Diop, whereas they are horses-for-courses to me. I'd also like to get younger, but can't deny the effectiveness of the current strategy. Dreaming of LaCroix is the same as all the endless dreaming of Gyorkes; neither here nor there. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, February 24, 03:58:51pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Good question, do we have any creditable scouts? it seems not. Is Talbot &Son still on the books? if so they aren't doing their job properly. Palace aren't afraid to sign players from the Championship, Eze, Olise , Hughes and the guy bought this t/w from Millwall. If they can find the talent why can't we.? I'm sure they have the same money restrictions as we do, but we are still suffering from the incompetent business of our earlier promotions, which has been a millstone around our necks. (NT) -- MWKent, Monday, February 24, 03:44:54pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- Lukic, Palhinha and Bassey indicate that we do have the ability to find gems from outside England. But buying Premiership players at a discount because of their perceived flaws and because all the money is going to younger players is absolutely a viable strategy, particularly because others aren't doing it. Would need to hear from SOS on this, but I'd put money on us having close to balanced accounts at present using this strategy. So if the goal is sustainability, maybe we've achieved it? (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, February 24, 04:04:29pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Bit more detail explanation inside for word count purposes, but my expectation is 'improved, within PSR, but still operating at a loss.' -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, February 25, 08:58:07am (NoHost/
- The reality is every signing has to be viewed through the prism of PSR, not just how good they are right now and for me Anderson wasn’t the right player. Even if he’d come in and been brilliant, I’d say he’s done ok at best, then we are using up so much room on one player (bet he’s on big wages too), when we had a good one to start in that position already. Wages are a huge issue to with new rules, can’t afford too many around the 60-80k bracket which I reckon Anderson falls in. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, February 25, 09:55:39am (82-132-222-141.dab.02.net/
- Thank you. That's a perfect description of the strategy in my opinion. (NT) -- eganonoa, Tuesday, February 25, 02:14:11pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- There aren’t any ‘secret’ players now, mainly as nearly everyone follows a data driven approach. Its not we don’t know about these players, its they don’t fit with our current strategy, which is my (small) gripe, we could be more ambitious and forward thinking. We’ve shown with Robbo, tosin, palhina etc we are happy to look outside what we do now, I’d just like us to pivot a bit more towards those types rather than what our strategy targets now. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, February 24, 04:11:42pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- The last press releases from our club, 2017, announced Talbot senior was appointed chief scout and assistant DOF. Following That elevation he employed his son in the role of Senior European Scout. 7 or 8 years later what are they doing now? Indeed what have they ever done…. (NT) -- Bad Boy, Monday, February 24, 04:15:52pm (NoHost/
- The powers that be were desperate to get in Andre’ currently holding together the midfield of the 4th team from bottom Wolves ,We were going to pay much more than wolves paid . When the deal fell through we had money that ‘needed spending ‘ to provide the emoluments not available from buying Andre’ . (NT) -- alanos, Monday, February 24, 06:18:04pm (82-132-215-124.dab.02.net/
- Just read an article on him about how he was wolves best player last weekend and is becoming rheir linchpin in midfield. Also goes on to say how he is really good at sniffing out danger and receiving ball of back 4 and linking the play to the attackers. He was always going to take some time to adapt, like muniz, Brazilian football is so different; but I reckon he’ll become a really good player in this league and for 18m bit of a steal given his age. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, February 25, 08:20:51am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Cunha seems to have adapted ok (NT) -- Bad Boy, Tuesday, February 25, 08:49:48am (NoHost/
- Class player, if you’re picking a combined us/wolves XI he’s first pick. Think people are underestimating this next game, they’re good, far better stats wise than league position suggests, tend to make big errors leading to goals, but generally a good team. If we get 3 it’s not a bad result at all to take 3 points out of the last 2 games. Another team that play 3 at the back though, be interesting to see how we cope with it this time, although their CBs aren’t a patch on palace’s. (NT) -- Henry1879, Tuesday, February 25, 09:59:59am (82-132-222-141.dab.02.net/
- Perhaps the sale of Muniz to Spurs last january was part of the deal you are describing ??? (NT) -- GTS, Tuesday, February 25, 08:59:40am (static-customer-assignment.goskope.com/
- We are a handful of points off champions league so to say he has made no difference is a bit odd, Tosin was a disaster most of the time and lets face it Diop always has an error in him. Dont forget you have lost 150 tackles in front of the defence (NT) -- Waterboy, Tuesday, February 25, 11:18:19am (NoHost/
- Credit to Palace -- Eerwah, Monday, February 24, 05:35:55am (customer.sydyaus1.pop.starlinkisp.net/
From well paid professional players, surly an entire week of preperation should result in much better effort than Saturday.
Tactical high press opposition created problems for us in the Championship. Amazing that by this point, we have not learnt how to handle things. Variation of build up to include accurate delivery for front man target laying off towards shoulder worked over many seasons. Early wide pass into space was not in our locker but should have been. Raul took off expecting to no avail on a good few occassions.
Tuesday is another day. With little rest and prep time more issues likely to surface but we are Fulham and anything may happen including resting a couple of regular line up for Saunday.
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- teams are moving to long ball, direct play. Not only raul, but iwobi, wilson, traore never receive passes to run on to. we are predictable and slow, which doesn't work against the low block. Ipswich, southampton, wolves etc (NT) -- no plan B, Monday, February 24, 12:48:08pm (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
- We are only predictable and slow when the other team forces the game that way. Otherwise, we play a high intensity system where we move the ball and exploit space very quickly. The challenge we have is forcing tempo on teams that sit deep at the start. When it doesn't work for us, it's usually because we've conceded from some poor defending (sometimes from a set piece), which allows teams to lock the game into that slow, defensive system. The problem is at that end of the pitch (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, February 24, 01:51:29pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- Agree with this. I didn't see that many moaning when we created chance after chance v Forest (who have been difficult to beat this season- despite me thinking they're bang average) or V Newcastle where we did exploit the space really well. There's work to do for Marco in unlocking the deep sitters, but saying we're predictable and slow is like using the Palace home game as the yardstick for the season. (NT) -- Jim© The Devon IP, Monday, February 24, 02:50:11pm (62-64-192-58.virtual1.co.uk/
- Yeah, there's been a lot of that since Saturday. I think people are frustrated by the inconsistency and the emotional rollercoaster the team has us on this year. Sometimes you can just be outplayed because of the timing of the first goal. If he had Wilson and/or Nelson on the bench Marco would have had more tools to unlock the deep-lying system. But without them he has to rely on the likes of Cairney and Andreas to come on and unpick the defense with a killer pass. It's a lot to ask. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, February 24, 02:57:00pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- We are only fast against the top teams that give us the space to do that. Against the lower sides it’s sideways and back. How many chances did we create against Ipswich and Southampton and Leicester (NT) -- different opponents need different strategies, Monday, February 24, 07:23:24pm (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
- Are you aware of our home results over the past 9 games? Palace is not in isolation. (NT) -- The Drobe, Monday, February 24, 07:31:32pm (host86-149-115-22.range86-149.btcentralplus.com/
- remington steel or nobel house -- bond, Sunday, February 23, 09:09:10pm (NoHost/
Firstly, we are confident Marco will get a response on Tuesday.
So any disquiet about him and his position will be only smoke without fire.
#Yet we want to ask one question of you all.
Q) Who has faith in the Owners to find another Silva quailty Head Coach, if and when the time comes
. If not, is this why you are soaking in everything on offer now.
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- Surprised there isn’t more about that refs performance. I’ve learnt what shape a ball is. I understand our track record with him in charge is poor. -- He’s not doing the cup match, is he., Sunday, February 23, 06:34:26pm (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
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- The referee took a bung and should be investigated. (NT) -- The Great Cornholio, Sunday, February 23, 07:00:54pm (NoHost/
- He should have been at Twickenham rather than Craven Cottage. (NT) -- Fact, Sunday, February 23, 07:15:15pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- One of the worst performances I've witnessed. That first half seemed decidedly dodgy to me. The rugby tackle on bassey before their first was weird. Rarely heard so much hate towards a ref, just appeared like he was cheating. "one nil to the referee". Why too did mateta offside take so long. From H2 he appeared offside and it took. 2.5 minutes to confirm. (NT) -- Jim © (The Devon IP), Sunday, February 23, 08:15:50pm (host86-171-24-234.range86-171.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: Surprised there isn’t more about that refs performance. I’ve learnt what shape a ball is. I understand our track record with him in charge is poor. (NT) -- Very poor but sounds like sour grapes when beaten, Sunday, February 23, 09:41:21pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Surprised there isn’t more about that refs performance. I’ve learnt what shape a ball is. I understand our track record with him in charge is poor. (NT) -- The Club should issue a complaint poor standard, Sunday, February 23, 09:44:04pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- 4 times, no wins (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 10:12:30pm (NoHost/
- 2 wins, 3 draws and 9 losses under this ref. What does that record say? (NT) -- Block E, Sunday, February 23, 11:05:41pm (host31-50-134-222.range31-50.btcentralplus.com/
- The guys attitude just seems horrible to me, kind of dismissive looking at players with disgust, thinks he’s the man, he’s the teacher at school who used to put down people for getting things wrong and relish the control to feed his ego. Saying that I don’t think it was a foul on Bassey and it was so close the offside, but he missed quite a nasty one on ESR where he suffered his injury. (NT) -- Henry1879, Monday, February 24, 08:40:33am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- its was so bad I can’t really make any further analysis on the game. Lukic in minute one and from there it just got worse. It was genuinely shocking. (NT) -- FF, Monday, February 24, 10:07:03am (82-132-212-108.dab.02.net/
- Standard Blueprint Against Us Applied -- eganonoa, Sunday, February 23, 05:43:08pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
Not sure of all the hand-wringing below, especially this business about the game being proof that our summer signings we all wrong; that we shouldn't have signed Andersen (because we had Diop), or Berge (because we had Lukic).
I find that quite bizarre. We play with two in each position and in losing Tosin we needed to sign another long-passing defender strong in the air, which we did with Andersen. And Berge has proven a more than capable replacement for Palhinha allowing, for instance, Lukic to play so well in the more advanced role that he did against Forest last week. And if the argument is that we should be signing younger players, while that might be justified from an economic standpoint (the mystical 60m+ player), youth doesn't typically bring you more consistency, and its the consistency that we lack.
The truth is yesterday was quite predictable and widely predicted. Palace did the exact thing that we've seen done numerous times this season, especially at the beginning of it. They slowed the game down to a crawl (that Eze moment with Andersen the absolute pick), frustrated us with space, and held on until they could nick one either from a set-piece (as yesterday and many others) or a ball over the top (like vs Wolves). It's our blind spot. We need chaos, the ball pinging around, little half-spaces opening up, and we lose our cool if, after 20 minutes or so, we're still banging our heads against the brick wall.
I'm not sure what the solution to this is. Not having the players that thrive operating in tight spaces like Nelson and Wilson and a bit of burnout from Iwobi is the likely main cause. Leno has clearly had a drop-off and this season we rank right at the bottom of the league in terms of expected goals conceded vs actual goals conceded, which is not good (his first season we were right up the table on that one). And there's probably something about Marco's overall style that means he's not quite as reactive as he might need to be in these types of matches. But the one thing I am sure of is that yesterday wasn't the fault of Andersen or Berge or our summer signings as a whole.
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- It’s not this game, I said it when we signed Anderson. We had a proven CB, here’s a chance to sign a huijsen/lacroix, to come in and learn under diop. Buying players at our level isn’t just how good they are this season, we only progress with revenue from sales to reinvest, there’s a bigger picture than just who is best now. That might mean a few bumps as younger players integrate, but everything isn’t about the current season. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 06:01:50pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Nelson/Wilson (only headers) have barely scored all season, they aren't the answer even if fit (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 06:03:02pm (NoHost/
- Joachim Andersen -- Depressed, Sunday, February 23, 03:51:33pm (NoHost/
4 more years of him.
One of the most expensive flops in recent times? I was so happy when he came back and all
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- Oh do grow up will you, how the hell is one bad game indicative of him being a flop. Maybe you cheered when Conroy was sent off or abused Zamora. I'm sorry I'm not having a go at you really, but some of the comments on here after yesterday a so over the top it's unbelievable. I was gutted by the performance and result, but they played well and we were poor, but some perspective maybe? (NT) -- GTS, Sunday, February 23, 04:06:59pm (NoHost/
- But it isn't one bad game is it?... (NT) -- TT, Sunday, February 23, 04:45:14pm (74-95-251-150-Houston.hfc.comcastbusiness.net/
- He’s somewhat gone off the boil of late , but this aside he was nevertheless given a 5 year contract ! It’s almost lazy recruitment compared to Palace frequently finding young gems . In almost all cases with us ( Jedi and Tosin apart, not forgetting Marco’s choice for Muniz ) it’s always tried and tested . But it means our squad lacks depth of quality youth and instead is reliant on the likes of Cairney and Reed at the tail end of their careers . (NT) -- Mickey, Sunday, February 23, 05:00:39pm (82-132-229-133.dab.02.net/
- It’s not lazy, it’s what silva wants. We didn’t think, can’t be bothered to look elsewhere, let’s just bid for prem players. From a business sense we aren’t targeting these players, but from silva’s sense it’s great, buy a player and they plug straight in. We’ve done it before, Robbo/tete/muniz/lookman/tosin etc, we can pick gems, but silva is clearly wanting proven, mid 20s players. It has its pluses, but will stop us kicking on. Now we are established I hope we evolve. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 05:21:52pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- If you say so , therefore Silva would have definitely turned down a Wharton or a Munoz yes ? He is on record as saying he Only wants proven players , yet ‘pushes ‘ the Club to bring Muniz to us. Do you think he likes relying on Reed and Cairney to plug the gaps , with no future in front of them ? (NT) -- Mickey, Sunday, February 23, 05:31:09pm (82-132-229-133.dab.02.net/
- It’s what people who know more than me say, silva has more say on transfers than previous managers. Silva would rather have Berge than a Wharton, a proven mid 20s player, there are pro’s to that, nobody knew Wharton would adapt so quick, there wasn’t that risk with Berge. If we like it or not khans want us sustainable, we will have to sell to reinvest, our current strategy is great for the manager, but not great in being long term sustainable, another clue the manager has a big say. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 05:50:33pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Point one: Palace are a very decent side at the moment, especially away from Selhurst. Point 2 The own goal scored by was a lucky break Palace probably deserved for dictating the game but it could have hit anyone and gone in. Happens sometimes we just ha ve to bite the bullet. (NT) -- Jack, Sunday, February 23, 04:54:18pm (host31-126-166-89.range31-126.btcentralplus.com/
- Agreed. Find it bizarre that people want to draw such systemic conclusions out of this. Last week we were world-beaters, this week we're terrible and all our signings were all wrong (NT) -- eganonoa, Sunday, February 23, 06:24:23pm (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
- For my part , no the signings were not wrong, but no additional potential quality of younger players brought in to replace the ageing components of our squad fillers . That way Silva can blood them in gradually , knowing there are bight futures ahead both in playing and financial side . How many more seasons will we be bringing on Reed and Cairney in the vain hope of fixing things ?! (NT) -- Mickey, Sunday, February 23, 06:45:13pm (host86-150-183-212.range86-150.btcentralplus.com/
- Most reasonable don’t, Anderson is a good player, but it’d marginal he improves our XI. For 30m and huge wages we need more than that, therefore it’d reasonable to ask if he was the right signing. He ain’t gonna improve much, he’ll always be slow, he has great assets, but we have a tight budget, signing of that size needs to improve us more imo. Even more pertinent when his replacement costs 10m less, is younger and already a better player. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 06:58:54pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Just watched Silva's post-match interview on the official... -- Reading between the lines..., Sunday, February 23, 11:52:54am (NoHost/
Don't know why, but my gut tells me he's off.
Somehow doesn't seem as frustrated as he normally is by defeats, seems quite relaxed, almost as if a weight's been lifted.
Seems quite calm, and gist of it seems to be these things happen, the players are human etc. My instinct says something's changed, but we shall see. He's also clean shaven, which is unusual for him, probably had an interview last week! Haha.
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- If your gut assumption is right then if it’s premiership team/s then I can only think possibly Spurs or outsiders Chelsea Man Utd! They all come with huge expectations and as Marco found out at Everton these big teams fans do not tolerate normal? Being the season we are having I personally think he can build further here if backed by the owner? If not backed then a possibility your gut is right! (NT) -- Gary, Sunday, February 23, 12:57:09pm (host31-51-137-1.range31-51.btcentralplus.com/
- Your definition of clean shaven differs from mine. (NT) -- Fact, Sunday, February 23, 01:44:53pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- I don’t know if he’s off or not, but he must be as baffled as we are, and there comes a time when you have to accept the current inconsistent reality. What good would ranting do as this stage of the season? I expect he’s hoping that we turn up in the next 2 games to give some impetus and interest to the rest of the season (unlike last season’s end). (NT) -- Straw Clutchers Anonymous, Sunday, February 23, 03:20:47pm (NoHost/
- I don't see what else he can get out the group we have, you can't teach someone instinct for scoring and creating goals, he needs signings for us to press on (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 04:26:23pm (NoHost/
- These occasional tepid displays do his CV no favours. But have to admit if he loses his passion then we are in trouble. Hopefully we will be in better shape to sign a couple in the summer. Maybe an under the radar izak type? (NT) -- CB, Sunday, February 23, 04:35:45pm (216-213-143-88.customer.gigaclear.net/
- I thought he looked visibly flustered and embarrassed (NT) -- El Pato, Sunday, February 23, 11:38:31pm (NoHost/
- Leno -- JamieR, Sunday, February 23, 11:34:46am (82-132-213-112.dab.02.net/
I've been a big fan every since he joined. But can't shake the feeling something's not quite right this season. Two goals yesterday when again he kind of just sat down - I would also include Bournemouth's first, Wolves' first, Liverpool's second etc in that category. Munoz lashed it, yes. But it was too easy for him to shoot like that from really close range (I know others were more at fault previously).
At 0-0 Mateta ran through on goal for the game's first chance and it seemed Leno was relying on Bassey getting back in time to put him off - he just stood on his line. Good decision? (genuine question) It felt to me like a decent striker should have put that across Leno into the goal.
At 0-1 he made a really good save from Mateta when he came out and closed the angle (it hit Mateta and went for a goal kick) but that felt like a real rarity of late. Is he becoming less mobile? Why is the ball from a corner being headed by Andersen (first half goal) and Lacroix (second half near goal) from literally three yards out - why is he not coming to claim those balls?
I can remember one fabulous save he's made this season - from Fernandez at Chelsea. Otherwise, it is overly harsh to say that basically, if the ball's hit near him Leno will save it but if it's in the corner, it's a goal?
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- Just a question, have you ever played in goal or seen the problem every keeper in the league gets with blocking. Thought not. (NT) -- K, Sunday, February 23, 11:38:49am (NoHost/
- Re: Leno (NT) -- opponents have highlighted him at corners, Sunday, February 23, 11:46:39am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- He’s a really sound GK, but not as good this season. As one of the top earners at the club, is he value for money. I don’t believe he justifies his huge wages, I’d want him to be one of the top keepers in the league for what he’s paid, he isn’t this season. However he’s signed on for 2+ years, we are committed to him it feels. Personally don’t think he had a chance with either yesterday, I’d rather a really solid keeper than one who makes great saves mixed with howlers. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 11:47:58am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- every shot from outside the box seems to go in (NT) -- DK, Sunday, February 23, 12:04:39pm (82-132-228-30.dab.02.net/
- Re: Leno (NT) -- No keepers catch crosses anymore., Sunday, February 23, 12:09:21pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- As already been said ,Leno is suspect from shot outside of the penalty box. Fulham and conceded the most in the Premier League from long range efforts. Leno is quite often caught in no-mans-land. (NT) -- Fact, Sunday, February 23, 01:30:10pm (host-92-18-220-88.as13285.net/
- when we have everyone back at corners the nbox is too crowdwd. Leave traore or wilson (when fit) on the half way line (NT) -- ..., Sunday, February 23, 03:22:38pm (host86-153-178-227.range86-153.btcentralplus.com/
- He had an operation and missed thr Germany games, maybe never got over it (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 04:27:50pm (NoHost/
- I agree with the post generally, but (and i'm only asking because i've seen a few people say it) was his save against Fernandez really that good? It was from miles out, he could see it all the way, and it was more or less above him rather than miles to either side. I thought it was a classic ' good save but if it goes in you question the keeper' (NT) -- Same Old Story, Tuesday, February 25, 09:04:24am (NoHost/
- Idiot Wind. -- Zimmerman, Sunday, February 23, 09:28:12am (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
Nice to see all the usual suspects giving it large.Brentford Button is a laugh a minute.Yep we followed up a terrific performance with a totally lame one.Palace we’re very good and are on fire at the moment especially away.Just about everyone is inconsistent and it seems it getting harder to win at home.The odd sub par performance doesn’t make the squad shite all of a sudden.Not sure why we would get relegated if we qualified for Europe.Could certainly do with an injection of pace and youth.We always look so much better when we play at a higher tempo.Easier said than done.
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- Get people don’t watch other teams as much as FFC, but Palace are so much better away than their league position, I’d almost rather have played ars at home than palace right now. B.mouth lost at home to wolves, palace lost home to Everton last week who then drew with a poor Utd at home, it’s nature of the beast for a lot of teams now, home fixtures are becoming harder to win and you only need to be a little off and bar the bottom 2/3 you’ll lose most games in the prem. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 09:50:15am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I think it's inconsistency that bugs most of us. We know Silva's first team and changes only happen through injury. Is the quality not there in the squad or is Silva too conservative. As it is the first team are over worked and the potential replacements under cooked. So we're mid table which means we're sometimes very good, usually at least competitive but have serious off days like yesterday. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Sunday, February 23, 09:58:36am (
- I’d say that’s nature of the beast, Iwobi is a good example, for a period looked like a top prem player, now he’s gone off the boil, kluivert similar at B.mouth. They aren’t robots and if they were an 8 or 9/10 every week, scoring 15+ a season they wouldn’t be at FFC. They aren’t trying any less hard, we just aren’t a top 6 team when we win, not a bottom 5 team when we lose, we are a really good mid table team, inconsistent like everyone bar Liverpool. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 10:29:29am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Absolutely. Simple fact is that currently it's better than it's ever been for FFC. For each of us as individuals it's a question of whether we're satisfied or crave or even demand better. Personally I don't but I still get disappointed over games like yesterday. (NT) -- The Man With No Name, Sunday, February 23, 10:35:11am (
- Yes just that. The disappointment is visceral until distraction offers relief. We have a collection of talented players who are not quite top drawer and in essence it probably comes down to Beckham’s comment along the lines of it’s not that the best players do lots of unique things, but just that they can do them more often. (NT) -- Barry@ENF, Sunday, February 23, 10:47:08am (cpc95104-newt39-2-0-cust313.19-3.cable.virginm.net/
- My gripe is transfers, why sign Ander for 30m, we have proven diop. Lesser extent Berge, we have lukic. Way we move up is by revenue, primarily player sales, I’d like more ambition, we could have signed huijsen, probs worth 60m now, could have got Wharton, now worth 60m, BHA probs have 5 or 6 they could sell for 60m+, palace/b.mouth similar, we have maybe 1. I like seeing young players develop, not constant safe iwobi/anderson/cast types. Minor gripe though, we have a really good team/coach. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 11:39:29am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- FWIW although always takes 2 to tango I thought palace were outstanding, as good as we’ve played at home, if that’s the case only a few % off means a net result loss, I’d argue they have a stronger XI than ours. It’s a fine line between sticking to what you know works and trying things, eg back 3 didn’t work for me for us, the best evolve, as we have done, but stick to a core principle eg city were predictable but won 6 out of 7 league titles. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 10:32:41am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Idiot Wind. (NT) -- Did say Relegation struggle not Relegated, Sunday, February 23, 10:30:50am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Idiot Wind. (NT) -- Get your facts right no idiot, Sunday, February 23, 10:32:07am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Idiot Wind. (NT) -- Thursday/ Sunday is the Squad Deep enough?, Sunday, February 23, 10:39:00am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- We are unfortunate to lose Wilson who has the guile to break a defebce and the pace of Nelson along with Tete. Clubs seem to all put possession above even shooting. The first half was a typical example we moved the ball around but did nothing in the box let alone shoot. Maybe it is modern football but when things are not working it is so boring. Would bring in King and Diop at Wolves. (NT) -- Going, Sunday, February 23, 11:23:13am (host109-151-82-253.range109-151.btcentralplus.com/
- Re: Idiot Wind. (NT) -- Europa League or Conference amount of Revenue?, Sunday, February 23, 11:55:33am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Re: Idiot Wind. (NT) -- Marco no fan of midweek games and short prep time, Sunday, February 23, 12:04:26pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- anyone who had a clue about Palace's current away record and defensive record would have had an inkling this could happen very easily. (NT) -- .., Sunday, February 23, 04:04:13pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Fa Cup Man Utd Next Sunday -- Young Gifted Black/ White, Sunday, February 23, 03:41:00am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
The Man Utd tie is our season. We are not a Top 8 team I do fear a Relegation struggle next season if we do somehow fall into a European spot. This squad couldn’t handle regular Thursday/ Sunday matches. Maybe blending in a few of our promising Youngsters for the Remainder of this Campaign.10/12th place would be satisfactory.
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- If the board were ambitious we would have loaned a couple of goalscorers in the window and pushed on, they seem content on mid table so we can only hope to see more in the summer. You have Traore/Raul out of contract so you could consider 1 year deals for them (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 09:29:55am (NoHost/
- Re: Fa Cup Man Utd Next Sunday (NT) -- Prime Examples this season Man Utd & Spurs, Sunday, February 23, 10:42:17am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- The worst possible result would be ending up in the Conference, the Intertoto in all but name to humour all those who are never gonna win anything again because of the cartel, yet loads more games and Sunday kick offs. (NT) -- Rupert, Sunday, February 23, 10:45:58am (5ec14628.skybroadband.com/
- Re: Fa Cup Man Utd Next Sunday (NT) -- Tottenham injuries How would we cope with similar, Sunday, February 23, 10:47:03am (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Banged on Man U victory. One thing Amorin isn't is stupid, he will simply mimic yesterday's tactics. I really thought we had changed after spanking Forest. As the say, it's the hope that gets you! (NT) -- Al, Sunday, February 23, 12:22:47pm (NoHost/
- As if goalscorers who would have the approval of those on here demanding them are few and far between. Even if they wanted to come here in the middle of a season. It's not exactly that easy. Same as some are suggesting we 'go and get another keeper'. (NT) -- .., Sunday, February 23, 04:06:08pm (host31-53-153-6.range31-53.btcentralplus.com/
- Palace game -- Henry1879, Saturday, February 22, 07:52:25pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
As anyone who’s seen palace in last couple of months knows, Palace are a serious team, would be top 8 in my opinion; if they hadn’t had the injuries. Similar to us; they are well suited to play away from home, this wasn’t a disastrous result, it wasn’t a shock really, why we aren’t in the European spots is due to other games, West Ham and Utd spring to mind. Thing I’ve been asking for a while is for us to roll the dice a bit more this summer, are we even a better with Anderson than diop? Not sure we are and it cost us 30m and huge wages to play that safe card. Palace have lacroix and 10m profit, we have to start looking younger and less safe, I hope silva isn’t too stubborn to continue on the same transfer strategy.
On a tactical level, I don’t know enough to understand how to overcome palaces 3-4-3, it’s amorims at Utd, although they are far less adept at mastering it. It’s known as being very hard to get right, but when you do it can play out like today. Every time we seemed to be outnumbered, tried going wide we had no joy, tried going down the middle, no joy, tried going long, no joy, I don’t know what the way to beat it is. We don’t sit before a game and think, right well it’s at home, let’s try and keep the ball and play side to side with no pace, there just didn’t ever seem to be good options to move the ball quick, they did an absolute number on us. It’s a really tough one, because we’ve had a really good season so have every right to play what’s done well, but it was so patently obvious after even half an hour they were dominating every facet we at lesst could have tried doing something different, chuck 2 up and go long, switch to 3 at the back, just to try and shift momentum, because what we were doing was so far away from working.
I think it’d bit of an old cliche to think you should win more at home, especially wirh how our squad has been put together, with athletic players. Just think now it’s clear to look at games like Utd or BHA away as better opportunities than palace at home. With that in mind I think our run in is ok, nobody pulled away from us today, Europe is still there if we keep going, just have to accept unless we find a way to be like forest at home and in effect play like the away team, then for the forseeable we will be a stronger team away than at homes
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- As much as I rate Berge I think a key aspect of the role of a 6 is to help breakthrough a high press or being available to help create angles through a mid block that we encountered today - he doesn’t work hard enough to be a spare man to our 2 CDs when in possession. Palhinha was similar at first but got better at it. For all his other qualities. I like to see Berge much more involved in our build up from the back (NT) -- f bloke, Saturday, February 22, 08:15:04pm (host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com/
- I also think that’s what silva has wanted, we have 2 big powerful CMs, neither are great at taking the ball on the half turn and picking a pass, like Murphy or even seri. It works well when games get stretched and they cover the ground, but it’s hindering us at home, but that’s silva’s choice, he wanted these types, hughes was best player on the pitch, the most Murphy type out there. (NT) -- Henry1879, Saturday, February 22, 08:27:16pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- Re: Palace game (NT) -- When you’re not on it you get beat., Saturday, February 22, 08:40:50pm (host-217-8-22-33.as13285.net/
- Have to be a bit braver and play with more tempo. Centre mids have to get beyond the ball on occasion. ESR has to get on the ball even if he goes deep. AND when you're defending need to tackle and not be bullied at set pieces. 0-0 wouldn't have been the worse result against a side as well drilled as this with our bargain basement Tone Khan striking options. (NT) -- WayneKerrins, Sunday, February 23, 04:54:03am (pool-108-2-117-254.phlapa.fios.verizon.net/
- Everyone wants that, passing/moving the ball quickly, but I don’t think we have the players to do it. The issue wasn’t ESR, Raul, Iwobi, it was getting the ball to them in dangerous areas before palace were set. I don’t think Berge/lukic are suited to taking the ball on the half turn and finding a quick pass in midfield. I think we are better off ignoring that we are at home, let them have the ball, play like away team, how forest do, it suits our players. (NT) -- Henry1879, Sunday, February 23, 08:20:10am (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
- I don't see us finishing any higher than 10th (which based on this squad and it's goal career stats would be decent) (NT) -- Waterboy, Sunday, February 23, 09:31:52am (NoHost/
- Sigh -- JamieR, Saturday, February 22, 07:47:02pm (
How depressing was that - worst performance of the season? After one of our best last week. I expected us to come out firing in the second half after the way under-par first but if anything it was worse; Silva seemingly unable to change things mid-game. Even the likes of Iwobi misplacing passes all over the shop. Jimenez doing everything he can but the ball takes so long to get him, it's a battle every time. Another game in three days time is surely a blessing.
I hope ESR's injury isn't too bad because he was the only player in the first half providing a bit of impetus - receiving it on the half turn, looking for a forward pass. His body language wasn't great going off, fingers crossed.
How embarrassing were Pereira and Cairney's powder puff challenges in the lead up to their second goal.
Totally fed up of Andersen now. Wish Silva would drop him for Diop.
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- Great thing about today is...Silva isn't going anywhere!! -- k, Saturday, February 22, 05:20:09pm (NoHost/
He was tactically outwitted today by a second rate manager...
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