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Monday, January 20, 10:33:02pmLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 16, 11:11:34am
Author: eganonoa
Author Host/IP: pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: The problem is that's based on feeling and doesn't stand up to data, which show Raul better in things like keeping possession, creating chances, and some defensive stats. All players are different and provide something different to the team. But it's pretty clear that Raul has provided about as much as Mitro at his best. For goals, it's really just a function of shots being created for our striker. We are 11th in the league on that and our striker is 11th in the league on goals scored
In reply to: Same Old Story 's message, "In the pointless Mitrovic vs Raul comparison we keep having, there's something less tangible than goals and 'goal contributions' about the two. I just always felt like our attack was more cohesive with Mitrovic and he offered a lot more over the rest of the pitch. Its kind of like comparing the scoring records of Johnson and Zamora - if you were only looking at goal stats you'd always go with Johnson, but Zamora brought so much more." on Thursday, January 16, 11:01:03am

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  • Pointless to an extent, but isn’t that the point of a FFC messageboard, people comparing opinions, stats on players, it’s just normal fan chat, X v Y player. Ega has shown good amounts of data on how similar they overall, with different strengths/weakness. I’d add, how about non-football, mitro clearly an ego (always on pens, showed his colours when forcing a move) v Raul, not heard a bad word, always plays for the team and never an issue when not starting. (NT) -- Henry1879, Thursday, January 16, 12:13:16pm (croy-26-b2-v4wan-167127-cust1611.vm24.cable.virginm.net/
  • I wasn't trying to halt conversation, just think its pointless as the stats are being generated at different points, with different teammates, with different context around them. Non football, i'd lean towards your interpretation certainly, but equally, we would have failed PSR without that Mitrovic sale, so i remain unconvinced that we know the whole story around that move. I'd still rather have Mitrovic in my team than Raul, but we don't have that. (NT) -- Same Old Story, Thursday, January 16, 12:29:58pm (webdefence-pool-02.cluster-a.forcepoint.net/

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