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Saturday, February 22, 02:56:40pmLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 01:34:29pm
Author: FF
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: P2:He is great at producing unimaginative safety first overly defensive drab football that can grind out some sort of success at Championship level but at the detriment of anything creative meaning a totally different system must by employed at the point of promotion for any chance of survival. I truly believe we gained promotion in spite of him not because of him. Ask Stuart Grey who's idea Joe Bryan's free kick was.. Hate the guy when he played for us, when he fucked off to Spurs...
In reply to: FF 's message, "Me and everyone else, Amazing how Mitro turned around as soon as he left? He had one bloody foot out the door as Parker was so deluded he was demanding we sell him and buy all new squad upon relegation, before he was escorted from Motspur park with his P45. Harry 'kin Arter ffs, Bournemouth, Brugge, Go on the Burnley messageboard and read a carbon copy of the discussions on here at the time." on Wednesday, February 19, 01:20:28pm

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  • Mitro was responsible for his own fitness and attitude.Totally unprofessionak.Doubt Burnley fans will be moaning if they get promoted.Of course he would probably need to tighten things up even further to stay up. (NT) -- HemelRog, Wednesday, February 19, 01:38:01pm (5ec0f8a7.skybroadband.com/
  • Thats the thing they are.. but people like yourself are shouting them down because they can't see the wood for the trees. That's your opinion but if the manager doesn't create the enviroment for the player to get where he should be then that is down to them proven by his rapid and effective turnaround upon meeting Marco. He was told by Parker's genius to bulk up (not get fat) but get big ffs.. Marco did the EXACT opposite because could see like anyone could that he didn't need more strength. (NT) -- FF, Wednesday, February 19, 01:44:54pm (NoHost/

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