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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 25, 01:08:27pm
Author: f bloke
Author Host/IP: host86-134-9-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com /
Subject: TC

Listening to Iwobi on the main site and also listening to a podcast with Anthonee Robinson recently - both were raving about the technical ability of TC - both saying in training he and Willian are at a different level. Always liked TC and am pleased that he has shown to both us and himself that he can play at this level - but for someone so lauded by his fellow pro's, has he underperformed his ability level? He is not blessed with pace and he is, of course, v one footed but some true greats have also been one footed. Is it just a matter of poor timing - eg in previous visits to the EPL he was mainly injured and the team was poor - and when we have become more established, he is at the wrong end of his career. It reminds me a bit of Dembele I - he was good enough to have become a great, instead, he was merely vv good. I really enjoy watching TC and will miss him when he has gone but do feel he had the ability to be a v good EPL player rather than just a pretty good one. I suspect that what marks out the v best players as opposed the pretty good ones - is just as much some kind of inner drive as it is technical ability

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