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Date Posted: Tuesday, March 11, 12:14:41pm
Author: f bloke
Author Host/IP: host86-134-8-227.range86-134.btcentralplus.com /
Subject: Age groups

Apologies for starting a new thread but I would like to respond to a Henry post below re the age groups. I have seen JK about 15 times live or on stream for both Fulham and England age groups. He definitely has the raw talent to make it at our level - my issue with him, even at age group level, is he doesn't get on the ball enough to impose himself on games - he does really good bits from time to time but that is it, he is ESR/Ruiz like in that way.. I would also say the same about the u 16s Seth Ridgeon who is equally talented but also fails to impose himself enough - both are immensely frustrating since they are invariably the most technically able players on the pitch but that is not always reflected in the impact they have. Interesting that the u 21s don't play as well when JK plays. I think the coaching staff can help here since the issue is more work rate and desire than skill levels. it will be a real waste of considerable talent if nether push on with us. I have only seen the u 18s 2/3 times this season but I would say that this years 1st years are not of the same standard as previous years – with some drop off from our this and last year’s 2nd years. In terms of pipeline – over the last 15 years or so, our academy has only produced Elliott and arguably Spence who are EPL proven although MO’R, Fab and Sess may get there, but they are not there yet. Only 1% of academy graduates make it in the EPL and most of those are with the big clubs with Arsenal having a particularly good run at present. As such getting a player to come through and make it with us at the EPL level more often than every 2 to 4 years would really be bucking history

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