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Subject: just because I'm self-confident doesn't mean you need to get uppity, child

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Date Posted: 18:30:02 08/18/09 Tue
In reply to: zeth 's message, ".:.oh snap!.:." on 18:09:49 08/18/09 Tue

I wasn't insulting you, beautiful. I was insulting him and his daddy and his daddy before him. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and whatnot. She raised her hands in submission before fumbling her shirt back on, the emerald cotton streching low around her collarbones. I come from a different culture. I apologize for anything I have said to injure your feelings. I don't do... tact.

Her hand rose to her chest, rubbing gently at where her crystal had marred her skin. The sting of the emerald quickly faded and left her with a warm, calming glow. Mmm. Much better. She picked up her coat next, wrapping it around her. The mingling herbs crushed and hidden in her pockets released their aromas and rose up and into her hair. Countered the fairy stench, hopefully.

You sound like daddy. He say I'm the only normal child he's ever had the pleasure to meet. She laughed at Zeth's words, bending her head to inspect her nails. A marred slate is a marred slate. Adopt.

There were always children hanging around, weren't there?

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My HouseAlicia19:08:45 08/18/09 Tue

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