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Subject: .:.oh snap!.:.

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Date Posted: 18:09:49 08/18/09 Tue
In reply to: Alicia 's message, "Hey we got a room you're just intruding
" on 17:33:17 08/18/09 Tue

.:. He watched with tentative eyes as Tarot whined from the pain. He made movements to stand straight but leaned back again. He had honestly no idea what to do. He watched Alicia hand the rag and he tilted his head to watch. But then Tarot was yanking that cylinder of gem from her flesh. Zeth licked his lips. It was stronger now. Even from farther away he could taste the spices. He twitched nervously. Then Tarot's coat was on the floor. Her figure was flattering. Then her shirt hit the floor...he watched it on the tile before peering up hesitantly. Oh god. His eyes snapped back down. But they were up again, watching the muscles ripple under her wan skin.

He studied the lines of her curved hip bones and how they disappeared under the faded blue denim of her jeans. Her poka-dotted bra covered and cupped breasts that had a shine of health and suppleness to them. His eyes took it all in one long gulp before crashing back to the disregarded, blood stained, shirt. Then Alicia spoke. Go to the bathroom? Yes!

He darted away from the women too fast to hear the healing of Tarot's body. He did hear elevatred voices and then a demand for him to come back. He rummaged around and found the large brown bottle. Its white cap was yellowed with dust and he took just a moment to rinse it off before grabbing it up. And a bathrobe? okay. Good. Longer away from the naked, delicious blood filled dessert in the other room. He grabbed his bathrobe. It's blue fabric was worn with winter months of love. He put it back. He reached for Alicia's white cotton robe. It was shorter but thicker. He put it back. He grabbed his again with a huff but discarded it instantly to the floor. Synthetic was not fairy friendly. He threw Alicia's over his shoulder before snatching up a little basket that had been under the sink.

A few band aids spilled out as he tipped it to get it through the smaller cabinet frame. It was a painted black wicker with brown clothed fitted around the inside. The bow had come untied some years ago but Zeth didn't have the delicate fingers required to retie it. He traveled back to the kitchen, set the items within Alicia reach, kissed her cheek and moved to the fridge disregarding his caramel apples.

"I dont like those children. Honestly. Alicia and I want a normal one. Is that too much to ask for?" His voice was harsher than instead as it shot out and bounced off the fridge and back in their direction. :.

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just because I'm self-confident doesn't mean you need to get uppity, childtarot18:30:02 08/18/09 Tue

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