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Subject: $ No Such Thing As - A Cheap Date$

Alicia Baslazari
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Date Posted: 15:20:51 06/08/10 Tue
In reply to: ... 's message, "not if they drink the cheap shit." on 04:18:52 06/07/10 Mon

The smile that had begun to prosper on her lips faded at his inattentiveness and lack of affection. She had hoped to go one week without the nagging worry of another encroaching on her turf and yet here it was again - rearing it's ugly head with a come hither motion and a flick of it's slimy tongue. "You know I don't care what you smell like darling..." She was cut off by Zeth as he spoke to her in a fashion he rarely did. He'd even called her toots? What the..."Zeth?" She questioned her own alarm bridled in her voice - though barely. He may not know it but she was less than five seconds away from speeding back to the apartment or if she could remember the spell - teleporting to his side. Someone or something had him worried and now he was pushing her away. Alicia did NOT like it. "As you wish dear - though I'll be getting it to go - care to ask your guest what they want to?" The tone in her voice icey - she was bluffing, but did he know this. She had an idea someone was there but all she was picking up was male aura and strong ones at that - similar to Zeth's or Zeth's himself - she wasn't sure anymore.

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