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Subject: should have been a cowboy

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Date Posted: 20:47:21 04/27/10 Tue

Beneath the cover of darkness, a lone figure slipped across the cityscape’s slick rooftops as the roar of thunder rattled the buildings down to their foundations. Dramatic flashes of light occasionally captured his form as the driving rain battered down upon him and the downtown. Creeping along the fire escape, the figure paused for a breath as the entire block went completely dark; he could not have planned it better himself really.

Effortlessly, the latch turned, allowing the window to open and then close behind the saturated figure. Things were as he remembered. Dark jade stones scrawled across the room as he took in each and every detail. So many memories here. It almost pulled at his heartstrings, though mostly, it made him thirsty. Aware of Zeth’s super secret stash and its location, the dark figure traversed the lightless room with ease, as rainwater dripped across the waxed wood floors.

Fingers wrapped themselves around the throat of a bottle of liquid bliss. His figure was a shadow upon the shadows, a void slipping across the flickering room. Aura and mind blocked off from the rest of the world, our handsome guest was a stealth bomber, ready, willing, and able to drop explosives. Instead, his choice was to shuck his saturated leather jacket into a chair and collapse upon the couch, propping his boots up on the coffee table with liquor in hand. All he needed was one of Zeth’s Cubans to go with his overpriced cognac. A terrible shame the power was out as well; that flat screen was tempting. But we can’t have everything, can we?

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.:. I dun like cowboys.:.Zeth04:40:28 04/30/10 Fri

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