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Subject: To The Sky

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Date Posted: 21:19:35 01/19/11 Wed

Evening had given way to twilight hours ago. Darkness had fallen upon the city, the moon being new and a thick cloud cover blacked out what little light the stars were capable of providing. In the alleyway between The Warehouse and the neighboring building, the din of beasts echoed from below; their growling and yelping striking fear and panic into those within earshot. A fresh layer of snow had fallen upon the city, which the wind whipped around and banked against structures. Heavy footsteps shuffled in the darkness along the slick ledge as a hooded figure crept to one of the larger windows. What normally would have take little effort required a great deal of energy to open the portal and gain entrance.

The residence was how he remembered it last, at least at first glance that was his impression. Heavy wool cloak wrapped around his figure, the creature moved to the butter cream colored sofa before collapsing in a heap upon its pale cushions. Thick charcoal lashes fluttered for only a breath, though the span of time felt as if it were far longer, as the world spun around his physical being. For the moment, Balin allowed the warmth of the room seep into his flesh. Shit. He forgot to close the damn window. His mind ‘channel surfed’ as his limbs refused to obey a single command. Screw it. Just enjoy the warmth seeping into the fabric. Heaven help him. This was nice, even if he was still suited up in the leather shell he had donned this morning. Even if the ringing in his ears and the spots across his field of vision refused to leave. Balin was fracking comfortable.

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.:.I need to move.:.Zeth11:21:26 01/20/11 Thu

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