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Subject: Man up. hehehe get it? Man... UP?

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Date Posted: 22:50:40 01/20/11 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, "ick. Im gonna be sick." on 22:26:45 01/20/11 Thu

Thank goodness for impulse control. As Zeth leaned over him, he had the terrible urge to pull Zeth down on top of him. Balin shook his head slowly, his ragged features twitching ever so subtly from the pain as he poured more rubbing alcohol on the wound. Had Balin the cash on him, he’d have offered Zeth $50 to pour some on his junk.

‘Tried to kill one. If I don’t kill them, they sure as hell will kill me or worse.’

And he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids and their dog. Balin’s features had grown so sallow as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall applying pressure to the wounds. It would have been a lot easier to just tell Zeth everything and lay it all out on the table. But would he still be as kind after knowing the truth? In his current state of health, Balin would rather not chance it, no matter how he felt. The ringing in his ears refused to quit and it was almost maddening having gotten more intense after the dousing of alcohol.

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.:.Great. You made my barf on myself.:.Zeth15:02:38 01/21/11 Fri

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