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Date Posted: 10:12:43 04/26/02 Fri
Author: Marz and co
Subject: Surprise attack
In reply to: Rowan and Tristan 's message, "The mood shifts subtly" on 00:44:37 04/26/02 Fri

Maarken stood in the shadow of a building across from the tower along with a small group of mercenaries and two mages. As long as they stayed close to Lardon, they would remain hidden from sight due to the invisibility spell the mage had cast upon them. They had been searching the ruins for the past hour and were recently rewarded by seeing Marz and a number of people enter the tower they now stared at. Supposedly, Ravin Rue, and a rising crimelord were with Marz, but no one in Tegol's organization had descriptions of those men yet. Hopefully, the mercenary captain would be able to gain that information once they succeeded in overpowering and capturing Marz's little group. It would then be a simple matter to teleport the three men that Tegol really wanted, back to Bizmar before killing the others. Maarken fingered the hilt of his sword as he thought back to how they arrived at this moment.


After Maarken and his unit of men had arrived in Jayib, they spread some money around until they finally got directions to Kazabet's Palace since a youth Tegol captured told them that Marz would soon be returning there. Once they reached the Palace and got a look at all the undead guarding the area, Maarken knew it would be futile to attempt to capture Marz and his friends there. The mercenary decided to try an idea that had been brewing in his mind, and soon allowed himself to be apprehended by a couple of zombies who took him directly to the supposed Queen of the city of undead.

Because Maarken was smart and quite cunning, he led Kazabet to believe that an uncle of Marz Nightcrawler's was dying and calling out for his nephew from his deathbed. "I was hired by his relatives to find him and managed to track him to Jayib. The people there told me that he hired on to escort a caravan to your city. It's important that I find Marz and give him this information so that he can make plans to return home as soon as possible."

Obviously, Kazabet was a very caring woman because she wasted no time telling Maarken that she had sent Marz and his friends in search of some branches that would be found by a sea of salt. "I have been scrying on them and now know that they are within the ruins of the ancient city of Twilight," she told him.

The sweet, gullible necromancer was nice enough to pull out a map and show Maarken exactly where the ruins were located. The mercenary thanked her profusely then was escorted out of her Palace by zombies that no longer viewed him as a threat.

After hours of marching the mercenaries and mages finally reached their destination. They made camp outside the walls of the ruined city and once fully rested they began to search for their prey, spotting Marz sometime later.


While the mercs discussed plans to attack those within the tower, a small group exited the tall structure and made their way into a nearby building. "Marz did not come out with them," Lardon said. Maarken nodded although the mage who had spoken could not see the action because he was invisible at the moment.

"Since their group has separated that will make things easier," Maarken whispered. "Let's focus on getting Marz back to the estate that Shiden is in change of. Once we capture the others in the tower, we'll get them to point out Ravin Rue and the new crimelord so we can then teleport them as well."

The two mages in the group readied teleport spells while the mercs withdrew clubs and swords. "Negate the invisibility spell once we get inside the tower so we don’t accidentally harm one another," Maarken ordered, before everyone clasped hands in order to feel their invisible comrades. Slowly, they advanced upon the tower, and quietly made their way inside.


Jeremy fidgeted uncomfortably while Rowan scowled him. He really like the elf, and hated having him so upset with him. His eyes widened when Rowan suggested that there would be no more sex between them.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot," Jeremy said, once the elf finished chastising him. "I was just goofing around when I said that I managed to get you in bed." He placed his hands on Rowan's shoulders, stopping him before he could turn away. "Don't be mad at me Rowan." His eyes pleaded with the elf before they shifted to the door when it opened slowly. A rather imposing man stood there, armed with a sword in one hand and a club in the other. "Trouble," Jeremy whispered, as he pushed Rowan aside and reached for his sword just as the stranger lunged at them swinging both his weapons.

Marz chuckled as he made his way back to the room he left Tristan in. He knew that Jeremy was attracted to him, but he never imagined that the twerp was so desperate to bed him. "I'll make his life miserable all right," he muttered, while stepping into the bedroom. He left the door open and ran to the bed when Tristan said something about having a nightmare.

Immediately, Marz sat down beside his lover, drawing him into his arms. "It was only a dream," he whispered, before meeting Tristan's lips in a gentle kiss. Marz ended the kiss abruptly and turned his head when he thought he heard something. Before he could react, a club flew across his temple, knocking him into Tristan. The same club came sweeping down upon the dragon with lightening speed.

While both Marz and Tristan were too stunned from the blows to do anything, Lardon rushed past the merc that held the club. He grabbed the ex-gang leader's arm and finished casting the teleport spell he had begun earlier. Because Marz was touching Tristan, the dragon was drawn into the mage's spell as well.

Marz shook his head, refusing to give into the dark depths of unconsciousness. He could feel Tristan beside him as his hand slowly edged toward the dagger at his hip. Just as his fingers closed around the hilt of the blade the world seemed to turn upside down. Once the awful spinning sensation stopped, Marz forced his eyes open and blinked up at the sunlight that nearly blinded him.

"Over here!" someone yelled. "Come get them before they regain consciousness."

Marz felt Tristan stir beside him before he pulled out his dagger. Forcing himself into action he lunged to his feet, plunging the knife into the throat of the man who had been shouting. The mage's blood spurted over the fount of Marz's shirt. He pulled back his dagger and let the dead body fall to the ground before his eyes darted around the area.

It took a minute for Marz to realize that he stood in a courtyard several yards away from an elegant mansion. Behind the mansion there appeared to be stables, and a tall wall surrounded the property. Because of the man's shouts, Marz expected people to come rushing toward him, but the place was eerily silent.

"What the rake?" he muttered as he bent to help the dragon to his feet. "Something tells me we're not in Neromba anymore, Tris." Marz swayed a bit before wrapping his arm around Tristan's waist and pulling him close. "Are you all right?" His eyes fell upon the bruise on his lover's temple before they shifted to the mansion in the distance. He thought he saw a shadow disappear behind the building, but it might only have been the shadow of a bird flying overhead.

Marz kicked the body at his feet then blinked a few times to clear his vision when it blurred. "I think this moron was expecting to be aided by someone, but apparently there's nobody home right now. If you feel well enough to walk, I suggest we check out those buildings and try to figure out where the hell we are."

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