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Date Posted: 10:13:20 04/16/02 Tue
Author: Noyko, Marz, and co
Subject: Decisions

"This dragon doesn't believe in slavery, Noyko."

Noyko's eyes widened, his gaze intensely focused on Tristan's face. Dragon? Was the beautiful dark-eyed man really a Ryuujin? Suddenly, he was awestruck. His heart began to beat wildly, but then shame rose within him for having displayed such weakness. It was not proper for him to be carried by a Ryuujin. He should be crawling on hands and knees beside Tristan, groveling at his feet! When he opened his mouth to ask the benevolent dragon to drop him to the ground, he was told to shut up. Noyko readily complied and lowered his head, berating himself for staring at Tristan. He had no right to let his eyes linger upon such perfection!

The easterner remained silent while he was introduced to more people before being led into a tower and tended to by a healer. He did not flinch when the white powder burned his skin. Such a reaction might incur the healer's wrath, and then he would be whipped to teach him what real pain felt like.

A hint of surprise crossed Noyko's normally expressionless face when Erlic spoke to him in his native tongue. At first he gave no response because the Ryuujin had ordered him to shut up, and had not yet given him permission to speak. But, after listening to Erlic, he began to get the impression that he was his new master. That thought saddened him. More than anything, he wanted to serve the Ryuujin, but obviously he had displeased him by his weakness and was cast aside because of it.

"Are you to be our new master?" he asked, hoping his boldness of speaking without permission would not anger the man. Utter confusion descended upon him when Erlic said that he was free and a slave to no one. How could that be? Was he not born to be a slave? What other choice was there for a third son but to be sold to a rich master who could afford to care for him?

Meekly, Noyko followed Erlic into the kitchen, limping only slightly as he walked. He nodded at Corum when the youth introduced himself then stared at the skull-staff. Obviously, a kami lived within the wood of the staff since it had a name, and therefore it was to be respected. His emerald eyes shifted from the staff to Ablina, who sat beside Marz. It was good to see a smile on the child's face again. When he met Tristan's eyes, he blushed and dropped his chin to his chest. He was not worthy to look upon the face of a Ryuujin. When Erlic insisted he eat, Noyko complied with his wishes. Silently, he spooned food into his mouth. Throughout the meal he kept stealing glances at the dragon, although he knew it was wrong to do so. He was simply unable to keep his eyes off such exquisite beauty for long. It would be a great honor to serve a magnificent Ryuujin. Simply breathing the same air as the dragon made him feel uniquely special.

Noyko turned his attention to Erlic and listened attentively to the story he was relating. "I will follow my instincts if that is what you deem proper," he said, once the tale was finished. Noyko closed his eyes and focused on his heart, asking for guidance. Several minutes later, he set his spoon down then rose from the chair. With his hands clasped before him and his head bowed low, he moved to stand beside Tristan's chair. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees and prostrated himself before the dragon. "My instincts tell me that I must serve you. Command me, master Ryuujin for I give myself freely to your will."

Marz stared at the easterner then rolled his eyes before facing Tristan. Why did Noyko seem so obsessed with him? "The guys a real nutcase." He took a sip of java then addressed Noyko. "Get off the damn floor and go sit down. Tristan don't want you to serve him, so beat it."

Noyko sat back on his heels and glanced at Marz before shifted his gaze to Tristan. "Once again I am sorry if I have displeased you." Shame washed over him as he made his way back to his seat. He hung his head, refusing to look at anyone now that he had disgraced himself before the Ryuujin.

Marz tossed a grin at Ablina and was rewarded with a giggle. At least the little girl didn't share Noyko's craziness. The idiot seemed intent on remaining a slave and Marz just couldn't understand that. "Maybe he just needs time to adjust," he whispered to Tristan, tossing an arm across his shoulders. His eyes turned to Tia when she stood up and cleared her throat.

"According to Jeremy there are more assassins searching the ruins for Alakbar right now," she said. "Eventually, they're gonna find this tower. I know we all want to go check out the trap door Argus found, but I think a few of us should stay here with Justin and Laurel to guard the Prince since they might not be enough to ward off experienced assassins."

When Tia remembered that the Jann were all huddled in one of the bedrooms with their Sheikh at the moment she went on, lowering her voice a little. "We can't trust the Jann to stick around since they got their throne. If the tower was attacked, they might just run off to safety. Some of us have to stay here to help protect Alakbar as well as our two new guests and Jeremy, who's passed out in one of the bedrooms."

Marz found himself nodding at Tia's suggestion. "Me and Tris will stay here to help guard the tower. We can work on chakras or teach Ablina and Noyko how to play cards or something." Maybe get them bathed and find them new clothes as well. He rolled his eyes again when he noticed that the easterner continued to hang his head then he pulled Ablina into his lap, making the girl giggle again. When she saw Tristan glare at her, she stuck her tongue out at him then wrapped her arms around Marz's neck and buried her face into his shoulder.

Ravin and Tia stated that they intended to investigate the trap door then waited to hear who would be joining them and who else decided to remain at the tower.

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