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Date Posted: 20:31:58 04/26/02 Fri
Author: Erlic, Valhorek & Corum
Subject: Totally unexpected attack

It appeared that Corum had solved the riddle as to where the branch of midnight hue was located, and so once everyone had rested, the group gathered together, and followed the skull staff wielder, as he took them on a merry journey in, and out of various tunnels, and passageways.

At first Erlic thought that maybe Corum might have gotten lost, especially since the youth wasn’t really considered a leader, let alone someone who could find his way in, and out of places without much difficulty. But as the group continued in their downward trend, they finally came upon a massive tree growing in the middle of a cavern.

Ravin’s remark of this having to be the place was right on the money. Even Erlic, as he looked around had to admit that Corum did in fact lead them to the correct locale. Just as his fellow thief was asking how many branches Kazabet needed, Erlic felt a sharp, and stabbing pain in his head. He winced at the amount of pain that shot through his head causing him to fall on his knees, rubbing his temples to try and alleviate the pain.

He quickly realized the source of the pain, and within a few seconds before he had a chance to do anything, the pain had receded. The pain in his head was slowly diminishing before he staggered to his feet with the assistance of Jade who had a worried look on her face. He shook his head once again, and quickly looked around. Seeing no present danger in the cavern, he focused on his chi trying to ascertain what had happened to Marz. His link with his student made him feel any pain the youth would feel, although not as severe. He had been caught totally off guard, and suddenly realized that something was very wrong.

“Grab as many of the branches as you can,” Erlic instructed. “I fear that our friends in the tower are under attack.”

Before the others could even ask how or why he knew this, Ravin suddenly understood. There was a time, on an island off the coast of Bizmar, when Erlic, he, and Corra had undertaken the task of rescuing Marz, who had been kidnapped by Tegol, and placed on the island for torture. Erlic had related to Ravin how he was linked with the youth, and could find him if his student continued to converse with him via his chi. Rather than wait for further instructions, Ravin, with the help of Corum, quickly cut down as many branches as possible, and the group headed out of the area.

Erlic took the lead since he had remembered exactly how they had come here. After a while they made it out of the place, and back into the ruins. Erlic quickly had one of his swords out, and was looking around for any signs of activity. When he found none, he sheathed the sword, and pulled out some shurikens. The group quickly rushed toward the tower, many of them believing that the assassins had finally located the group, and were currently attacking their friends.

As soon as they rounded the first level, they could hear fighting coming from above. Everyone knew what to expect, or at least they thought they did, until they came face to face with……mercenaries. Erlic would have wanted to think about this a bit further but a war was being waged here in the tower against his friends. These men were not of Nerombian descent; rather they were Westerners, like the group. There would be enough time later to sort this out, or so he hoped.

Corum quickly took the initiative, and plowed Yorik directly into one of the mercs who wasn’t prepared for reinforcements. Corum swung hard, and landed a good blow to the man’s head. But these were mercs, strong, and stubborn, and not likely to go down easy. Corum parried the man’s swings as many times as possible, never really getting a chance to attack. Every time Corum swung, his adversary managed to parry or defend his blow. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Corum spotted Barry hovering nearby. He blocked another move, and yelled. “YO BARRY!” he cried out. “Make like a fountain of bugs will ya?”

The merc wasn’t easily distracted by what he thought was Corum’s attempt to dissuade his attention from the fight, but before he could swing again, he felt a plethora of bugs crawling all over his face, and down his back. Now he was totally distracted, and Corum took the opportunity to bash the man’s head in with his staff. Several times he whacked away until the man fell into a heap at his feet.


Valhorek had been in one of the rooms when he heard a commotion coming from outside. At first he thought that one of the group were simply messing around, but when he heard the clash of steel, he immediately knew this was no game.

He drew his sword, and had to duck as a sword nearly decapitated him. He managed to get his sword up just in the knick of time, parrying the blow meant to kill him. As he looked into his opponent’s face he quickly realized these people were not from Neromba, but rather from the Western lands. The question remained as to what were they doing here?

He readied himself, and swung at the merc who easily parried his move. Now that Valhorek had moved out into the open, and had more maneuverability, it was a bit easier to swing his sword. The two battled with each other, and eventually the healer managed to get in some blows, injuring his opponent. The battle continued until Valhorek spotted his opening, and plunged his broadsword into the man’s stomach, ending his life.


Once the group had made it to the tower, Erlic had quickly scanned the area, and spotted one of the men trying to attack Noyko, who was involved with another opponent. Erlic sent his shurikens toward the attacking man hitting him in the neck, and in the back of the head. Noyko managed to flip the man over him, sending him sprawling toward the wall. Erlic realized the youth had martial arts training, and would be able to fend for himself.

Sudden movement made Erlic duck, and roll quickly, regaining his footing, and having his swords out in no time. He looked at the man, and suddenly realized that this must be the group that was supposed to be in waiting for them at Kazabet’s place. It only made sense. Who else could they be?

Erlic felt a sense of anger rise in him, but not enough to cloud his fighting abilities. While it was true he despised Tegol for what he had done, he merely wished to leave the man alone. Now, however, the crime lord had kidnapped Jake, and Dalo, as well as Eremis. Fortunately Dalo, and Jake managed to get rescued by his friends at the Medieval Tavern, but Eremis was supposedly at large somewhere. Tegol would pay for his actions, especially this one. Never had the guild master interfered too much in Tegol’s everyday business unless it affected either him or his friends. But now Tegol had crossed the boundary, and had proclaimed a war against them, and Erlic would see to the man’s demise one way or another.

Erlic blocked both of his opponent’s swords, while looking directly into the man’s eyes. “You’re going to regret you ever did this,” was his only comment as he slowly pushed his swords against that of his opponent’s slowly bringing them closer to the man’s neck. But Erlic was fighting a mercenary, and those types of men never fought with honor or dignity. The man kneed Erlic in the groin, and sent him flying backwards slamming him against the wall. It had been a stupid move by the ninja, and Erlic regretted it immediately. He ducked just in time as two swords went swinging where his head used to be. He quickly rolled out of the way, and came back up standing. Now he would concentrate on fighting, rather than what was going to happen to Tegol.

He simply smiled at the man, knowing exactly what to do. The guild master waited as the man attacked him, and with a sense of agility, and speed, quickly swung his katana, and sword back, and forth, catching the man’s leg, and arm simultaneously. The coldness, and ruthlessness had come back to the guild master, as he played with his opponent, whittling down his defenses until the man lay in a heap on the ground.

One man stood off in the distance gauging the fighting. Every once in a while the man with intervene, and help with his own men. Erlic decided this one had to be their leader. He slowly approached the man only to have Corum slam into the merc with Yorik. The man went flying against the wall but soon recovered. Corum tried to attack again but was easily thrown aside by this opponent.

Erlic approached with both swords ready, staring into the merc’s eyes. This one definitely played with Erlic, as did Erlic with him, each trying to determine the other’s strengths, and weaknesses. They moved around the room with a fluidity that marked each of them as professionals. Neither one forcefully attacked; rather they studied the other before countering with any type of move.

During his fighting Erlic had seen nothing of Marz or Tristan, and had to wonder what had happened to them. Erlic switched the way he held the katana. Rather than hold it by the hilt with the sword extending away from him, he reversed the grip so that the blade faced the ground. Because of the weapon’s one sided edge, and steel made from the strongest of Kor Toi’s specialists, the weapon became an unusual slicing weapon. His other sword remained extended. Erlic pressed with his left, and swung with his right through the man’s defenses, producing a cut along the man’s chest. Now the merc was fully aware of the dangers of the weapon.

The merc, this one known as Maarken, prepared for further battle with the bearded man. They both attacked each other at the same time, locking weapons with each other. Erlic pushed away, and swiftly turned, his katana slicing through another layer of skin causing more blood to shed. Just as quickly as Erlic had swung his blade, he flipped his hand causing the katana to swing around in his hand, causing the sword portion to now be extended directly in front of him. It was an ancient ritual that his mentor had taught him. Dexterity was extremely pronounced whenever one flipped his sword through the use of his wrist. Most people did it primarily for show, while others, such as Erlic’s master, and himself, used it to their advantage, usually gaining the upper hand, and causing further damage. The guild master found his opening, and just as Maarken tried to parry the blow, Erlic’s katana found an opening in the man’s side.

Both men clashed against each other with their blades, once again locking each other up. Maarken was slowly losing blood, and he had to win against this bearded man or die. Erlic realized that the man was a professional by all standards, and wouldn’t go down easily. Maarken pushed himself against his opponent, forcing Erlic back step by step, until he was backed against a wall. The merc was pleased at this development as he continued to push further, but Erlic was, and had been ready for such a move. As the man’s sword arm went to pin his own, he twisted his own wrist holding the katana, which now pointed the blade downward. Erlic slowly pushed as his own weapon came closer to the man’s stomach. Before Maarken could figure out what was happening, the guild master thrust his strength, and twisted his wrist further until the katana was wedged into Maarken’s stomach. With the man weak, Erlic flung him backwards, and struck back. The merc tried valiantly to defend himself, but at the last minute, Erlic katana found its way into the man’s throat. The merc lay in a puddle of his own blood.

The guild master turned to see if the others needed his help.

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