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Date Posted: 13:03:40 04/30/02 Tue
Author: Kazabet
Subject: Back to the Medieval Tavern
In reply to: Erlic Eastlore 's message, "An attempted return" on 20:59:15 04/29/02 Mon

Kazabet felt awful when she learned that the man named Maarken had lied to her about Marz having an uncle near death. It certainly didn't pay to be too trusting of people nowadays! At least she didn't have to worry about the undead lying to her!

The Queen nodded when Erlic said his group would like to be teleported to Bizmar immediately. She wished they could stay since she would miss human companionship. Perhaps they would return once they rescued their comrades. "If I am in need of adventurers for another quest may I send word to you at the Medieval Tavern?" she asked, her eyes falling upon Erlic.

When he nodded she smiled then retrieved a large sack of coins from her safe. "This contains the money I promised to pay your group for retrieving the branches. Now that I have the wood I can start creating a magical staff. I need to have a private word with Rowan and once we have finished conversing I will teleport you."

Tia raised her brows and glanced at Rowan before Kazabet took his arm and led him into another room. Obviously, the elf had made a lasting impression on the middle-aged Queen!

Once they were alone, Kazabet slipped a gold chain over Rowan's head. A bronze medallion with an engraving of a crown in the center, hung at the end of the chain. "Rub your thumb across the crown while saying my name three times and that will invoke a teleportal spell that will bring you directly to my dining hall." She grinned then squeezed the elf's arm. "You might get lonely one night and decide to visit me for another game of cards." The Queen giggled before her lips moved to meet Rowan's for a deep kiss. "Now, it's time to take you and your friends to Bizmar," she whispered when their lips parted.

Arm and arm they returned to the room where the others awaited them. "Form a circle, join hands, and keep your eyes closed since that helps ward off the nausea that some experience from teleporting," Kazabet instructed. "You may feel dizzy for a moment but try to ignore it and relax." Once she was assured that everyone was ready, the Queen closed her eyes and began the incantation to an ancient spell that was powerful enough to transport such a large group.

Suddenly the air seemed to crackle with energy before a strong gust of wind seemed to sweep the group off their feet. They experienced a spinning sensation that was soon replaced by an intense calm. "You may open your eyes now," Kazabet said. The group stood a short distance away from the Medieval Tavern. "Farewell, my friends. Good luck in taking care of that crimelord situation." The Queen smiled then disappeared from sight.

"Wow! That was fun!" Ablina cried. She tugged on Erlic's sleeve then, a serious look coming to her face when the guildmaster glanced down at her. "Are you going to find my future husband, now? Me and Marz hafta start making plans for our wedding soon, so you gotta find him quick!"

OOC: Thread can be continued at Tavern Board now.

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