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Date Posted: 20:59:15 04/29/02 Mon
Author: Erlic Eastlore
Subject: An attempted return
In reply to: Jade 's message, "Oh my aching head" on 18:25:17 04/28/02 Sun

Just as Erlic finished decapitating Jade’s nemesis, he quickly looked down at the mage to insure she was fine. He received confirmation from Jade before attending to any other men that might be standing. He watched as Noyko flipped one of the men to the floor, and finished off with a hand strike to the man’s neck. It was very evident the youth had studied martial arts while he was quite young. Erlic would enjoy discussing what the youth actually knew, and how far he had trained in the arts, but for now there were more important issues to be settled.

Erlic, with the help of the others, including the Jann, managed to overtake the hostiles until they were all dead. They spent some time seeing to the wounded, and discussing what to do next. Now that the threat of attack had been vanquished, with the exception of any slayers that might be in the area, Erlic quickly called a meeting.

“Some of us need to return to Bizmar as quickly as we can get there,” Erlic began once he had everyone’s attention. “There are some of us,” he looked at Argus, Isobel, Jade, Tia, Laurel, Rowan and Barry, “who really have no business getting involved in this matter of the people that are after Marz, myself, and Ravin.” Erlic realized that Alakbar, Noyko, and Ablina would have to return with them since they had no one else to watch over them. “Therefore, if you don’t feel like joining us, I’ll completely understand. I must note that it WILL be extremely dangerous. You’ll have the time during our trek back to Queen Kazabet’s castle to determine whether you want to join us or not. If you do then your involvement is greatly appreciated. If not, you can simply spend the time at the castle, while we do what must be done back in Bizmar. I don’t expect an answer at this very moment, but we should make ready to depart this area. We have the branches the Queen wanted, and once there, I’m hoping that she’ll be able to teleport us back to Bizmar since she’s already been there before. Let’s get ready.”

The group moved around efficiently gathering their belongings, and eventually found themselves outside the tower. The Jann agreed to escort them part way, and for that, the guild master thanked the Sheikh for his kindness. Everyone had gotten what they had come here to find. The Sheikh had his prize so that he could now become a ruling emissary of his area, and for the group, the branches of midnight hue, from which they had embarked what seemed so long ago.

Erlic suggested that Rowan, and Ravin take the lead, while he remained in the back. He made mention that the Slayers were still after them, and Alakbar, and would probably stop at nothing to capture, and kill all of them.

The group traveled for some time before the Jann called a halt. The two groups wished each other luck, and thanked the other for their help in all matters. The Jann also gave the adventurers some food, and drink for their long journey back to the castle. They parted company, and soon the adventurers were on their way back to the Queen’s castle.

Erlic continued to scour the area behind him, knowing that Ravin, and Rowan could manage quite easily. It would be extremely difficult for the assassins to attempt an attack against them now that they knew they were being hunted. The group managed to rest, and take some nourishment a few times. Although the mood of the group was a bit somber, they seemed to manage without any problems. Short conversations were being discussed by the various members of the group, such as what was Bizmar like, what was there, and other associated questions.

Fortunately for the group, there was only one attack, which they managed to take care of with no difficulty. The group forged onward, and Erlic realized that a good rest was absolutely necessary. He had been inadvertently pushing the group because of his own need to return back to Bizmar. He was concerned for the well-being of Marz, and Tristan, and he had no idea what exactly had happened to them.

After a well needed rest, the group continued their journey, and eventually arrived at the area where the rocs awaited them. The guild master assured the newcomers, Jade, Argus, Noyko, Ablina, and Alakbar that there was no reason to fear the creatures. He also informed them Queen Kazabet, and her city of undead.

The group mounted the rocs, and within a short time arrived at the Castle. Not sure if Tegol had reinforcements here as well, Erlic suggested to the others they keep a watchful eye for any signs of trouble. Luckily they had nothing to worry about, and soon found themselves in the waiting hall of the Queen’s castle. Erlic informed one of the zombies to let the Queen know that her presence was requested.

When the Queen made her appearance, and seemed quite pleased to see them back, quickly asked them if their friends had found them. Erlic quickly explained to the queen about Tegol, and his attempt to kill some of them, and kidnap the others. The Queen was shocked at the news, and felt very bad about the whole situation. Erlic explained their need to return back to Bizmar, and if she could possibly help.

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