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Date Posted: 10:08:27 04/17/02 Wed
Author: Marz and co.
Subject: Passing time in the tower

After Erlic and his group, that now included Jade, left the kitchen, Marz turned his attention to Ablina. The girl's auburn hair was a mass of tangles and smudges of dirt covered her face. Noyko looked worse only because his clothing was soiled and ripped in several places. They should have no problem finding the youth something to wear because there were plenty of clothes in the trunks located in each of the tower bedrooms. Hopefully, Laurel could fix something up for Ablina since there probably weren't any garments around that would fit a child.

When Ablina looked up into his eyes, Marz felt his heart melt. Kids always had that effect on him for some reason. He drew a round of giggles from her by tickling her side, grinning when she wrapped her little arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"You didn't have to be so mean to Noyko like that," Tristan muttered.

Marz frowned as he glanced at his lover. When the hell was I mean to the guy? Sure, he had told him to stop groveling and return to his seat, but he didn't consider that being mean. Marz's brows shot up when Tristan accused him of being jealous next. Now, what in bloody hades did he have to be jealous about? It irked him to see Noyko prostrating himself before Tristan, but he wasn't jealous about it. Or was he? Okay, maybe he DID wonder why the easterner seemed to be so infatuated with his lover while practically ignoring everyone else. He was pretty positive that the infatuation would end quickly though since Tristan didn't like anyone hanging on him. The dragon would keep pushing the youth away until he finally got the message across to leave him alone. There was really nothing to worry about as far as Noyko getting too close to his lover because it was virtually impossible for anyone to get close to the dragon.

A grin tugged at the corners of Marz's mouth when Tristan stuck his tongue out at him. If Ablina weren't sitting in his lap at the moment, he would have leaned in for a kiss and sucked on that cute, little tongue until Tristan squealed with desire. The erotic thought left his mind when his attention was drawn to Rowan who entered the room. After placing a kiss on Ablina's forehead, he listened to the exchange between the elf and Tristan.

A smile slid across Noyko's mouth when Tristan gave him permission to serve him. From this moment on, he would do everything in his power to please the Ryuujin. He would even go as far as sacrificing his own life if that made Tristan happy. His emerald green eyes shifted to Rowan, the color draining from his face when the man referred to Tristan as a snotty, young dragon. How could he show such blatant disrespect to a magnificent, supreme (and extremely handsome) being? Simply looking upon the beautiful face of the dragon was enough to stir Noyko's desire therefore it was best to avert his eyes as much as possible. He couldn't understand how anyone could resist the erotic magnetism of the Ryuujin.

Noyko opened his mouth to answer Rowan's questions but slammed it shut when Tristan said he didn't have to answer the man. Avoiding the dragon's dark hypnotic eyes, he stared at his sensuous mouth instead while trying to decide what was expected of him. After replaying the dragon's words in his mind, he realized that he was not forbidden to speak, but given the option to do what he wanted. "I was born in small village of Wakazi in Kor Toi," he said, after turning to face Rowan. "My father sell me to Shogun master when I am eight years of age. My future plans are to serve and protect new Ryuujin master to best of my ability."

Once again, Marz rolled his eyes, thinking the youth an idiot for actually wanting to serve someone. "They need to take a bath and get into some clean clothes," he said. "We can continue this enlightening discussion by the underground stream."

When Laurel insisted that the stream was much too cold to bathe in, Marz frowned. He had managed to take a bath in the water without any problem.

"There is a small copper tub in one of the rooms along with several barrels of water," Benis said. Apparently the Jann had been listening to the conversation from the doorway of the kitchen. "I can fill the tub then heat the water with my magic."

"I have often had to bathe in icy streams," Noyko interjected.

Marz's brow furrowed in thought for a moment then he handed Ablina over to Laurel. "Give her a bath in the tub then try to find her something to wear. We'll take Noyko downstairs to get cleaned up since it sounds like he likes cold water." He moved to the easterner's side and pulled him to his feet then beckoned Tristan and Rowan to follow them.

After stopping in a bedroom for clothes, a towel, and soap, they made their way down to the underground cavern. Marz set the items down near the water then instructed Noyko to bathe. He hurried away from the youth and took a seat alongside of Tristan and Rowan on a nearby outcropping of rock. "Maybe we can teach them how to play poker later," he said. "I spotted a deck of cards in one of the bedrooms earlier."

Whatever else Marz was about to say died on his lips when he caught sight of Noyko's naked body before he stepped into the water. Although the youth was short, he had a well-toned physique made up of hard, compacted muscle. Marz let out a low whistle. "I expected him to look scrawny, like Jeremy," he quipped while continuing to stare. "Obviously, he's in excellent shape for his age. For some reason I didn't think a slave could look that good. He did mention something about pit fighting so maybe that's why he's so well conditioned."

Noyko sensed the three pairs of eyes staring at him as he bathed in the frigid water. Such scrutiny didn't disturb him since he was used to having his body put on display for others. Hopefully, the Ryuujin was pleased with his appearance. Quickly, he lathered his body with soap then did the same to his hair before rinsing off thoroughly. He shivered slightly when he got out of the water, and hurriedly dried off with the towel. He slipped into the clothing provided, having to roll up the pants a bit since they were too long. The boots he was given were also a little large. He knew he would have blisters on his feet by the end of the day.

After finger combing his hair, Noyko moved to stand directly before Tristan. "Would you like me to bathe you now, Ryuujin?"

Marz threw a possessive arm around Tristan. "Sorry pal. He only lets ME bathe him."

Noyko lowered his head and took a step back. Once again he was worried that he had offended in some way.

"Let's get back upstairs," Marz said, keeping his arm around Tristan's waist as they made their way to the stairs.

Noyko fell into step beside Rowan, meeting the man's blue eyes briefly before shifted his gaze to the ground. "Is Marz an equal?" he asked lowly. "Or is he simply a favored slave of the Ryuujin's?"

As soon as they neared the kitchen, Ablina came running out from one of the bedrooms. She was garbed in an outfit that Laurel had whipped up for her. Shiny locks of clean auburn hair fell across her freshly scrubbed face that was lit up by a lovely smile. Marz pulled away from Tristan to catch the girl as she flung herself into his arms. "Do you think I'm pretty, Marz?" she asked, hugging his neck and staring at him with her huge brown eyes.

"You're the prettiest little girl I know," Marz answered with a grin before carrying her into the kitchen. He sat her in his lap at the table than asked Benis to bring out some refreshments. After the Jann nodded, Marz turned to Tristan. "That deck of cards is on the dresser in the bedroom across from the one we were in earlier. Why don't you go get it then see if there's anything else in there that Ablina might like to play with."

"I really want a doll to take care of," Ablina said, blinking her long eyelashes up at Marz.

The ex-gang leader laughed then hugged her close while promising that he would get her a huge rag doll one day soon.

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