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Date Posted: 10:33:39 01/03/03 Fri
Author: Marz (and Dalo)
Subject: Conscious
In reply to: Tristan 's message, "Not letting go" on 01:17:26 01/03/03 Fri

Consciousness returned to Marz, accompanied by extreme pain. He shivered in Tristan's arms; muted groans sounded from his lips as his swollen eyes slid open ever so slightly to take in the shadowy figures that hovered over him. A dozen hammers seemed to slam against his head while sharp knives pierced his muscles, sending another wave of agony through him. His body jerked, trying to escape from the pain, but it tightened its grip on him, squeezing a pitiful moan from his throat.

Breathing was difficult, movement impossible. Ripples of flame seemed to flow up and down the length of his body, refusing to be extinguished. He was on fire from what felt like a severe sunburn that penetrated each layer of his skin right down to the bone. His throat was parched; his mind too shattered to form the words he wanted to say. All he could think about was submerging in a pond of cold water before he was burnt to a crisp.

Marz's awareness wavered along with his vision. The shadowy figures that surrounded him elongated then slowly faded away before coming into view again. Someone held him but he couldn't put a name to the person just yet. Voices reached his ears; garbled words blended together, making it impossible to understand what was being said.

"Water," he whispered, but the word sounded foreign to his ears. His body convulsed slightly from the effort it took to speak. "Fire…water…hammers…knives." He croaked out the nonsensical words then gasped for breath as another round of intense pain threatened to rob him of consciousness.


Blessed relief filled Dalo when Naiomi assured him she was unharmed. He drew her into his arms for a quick embrace before leading her away from the hill of rubble that was once Yuri's Coffee House.

A massive crowd of people stood around the area, staring in wide eyed wonder at the destruction before them. Nerombian guards and healers rushed to aid those injured by the blast. Several people, who happened to be passing the shop right before the explosion, lay on the ground. They were knocked unconscious by the blast or injured by debris that had rained down upon them.

Dalo was happy to see that none of the injuries they sustained appeared to be life threatening. He was utterly perplexed as to why the building exploded, and wondered why Naiomi continued to shield herself from him, but his questions could wait. The only thing he focused on now was offering Naiomi the support she needed as they walked toward their companions who were now gathered around Marz and Tristan.

Dalo's eyes widened in shock when he saw the blood and horrid burns that covered Marz's face as his body convulsed in Tristan's arms. Although he harbored a deep hatred for the ex-gang leader, he took no pleasure in seeing him suffer. Feeling rather helpless at the moment, he stared at Marz, hoping that one of the Nerombian healers would arrive soon. He completely forgot about Naiomi's magical water and Erlic's ability to heal at times, using the power of the inner Chi he often spoke of.

The beastmaster glanced from Naiomi to Erlic before letting his eyes come to rest upon Tristan. He wanted to ease the dragon's worry by sending him comforting thoughts but Tristan, like Naiomi, had a mental shield up that prevented him from linking his mind with theirs. A sudden loud moan of agony that sounded from Marz made him jump slightly. For Tristan's sake, he prayed for someone to help ease the ex-gang leader's pain quickly.

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