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Date Posted: 12:40:24 05/16/03 Fri
Author: sabra
Subject: My nightmare from last night it is so horrible!!

I remember it in so much detail ! I was someplace with alot of people and I was driving my truck down a very long steep hill. There were so many children at the bottom like toddlers to 5 years my brakes wouldnt work and the parking brake either I put it in park and still kept rolling so slow about 10 mph but there were so many kids I hit the first one and prayed that I had straddled it like you do an animal then one after another I kept hitting them I was hysterical. when I finally stopped I jumped out and the first 4 babies I came to were dead I was screaming for help. There were about 9 babies laying there 7 were dead. Thats not all.. I went back with the people and the sherriff told me that it was up to the parents of the first child i killed to descide if I were to be stoned to death and their names were John and alicia they said no I was being punished enough but they had a big town meeting and the parents of the others were arguing. John came back and said they were going to descide to stone me he said I cant believe that these grown men want to throw rocks at a woman! He said even though hios baby was dead he would not lift a rock and I told him I wanted to die that I couldnt go on after this and if he really wanted to help me He would get the largest rocks and hit me hard in the head to knock me out soon to avoid the pain. Well I was taken outside and I thought they would pronounce my sentence and I could offer some sort of apology and tell them I deserved to die but I was standing near my dh and mom and someone threw a rock and hit my knee cap so hard I started walking toward a wall where they were lined up to throw at me and remembered my drivers liscence was in my pocket I took it out and threw it towrads dh ( he is blind) it fell at his feet picture up and he didnt know it was there then all the rocks came and were hitting me everywhere. and I woke up. It was so awful I have never had such a bad dream.

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