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Date Posted: 14:21:33 05/16/03 Fri
Author: Megasquid
Subject: Oh Sabra, can't help but try to understand what is going on though.....m
In reply to: sabra 's message, "My nightmare from last night it is so horrible!!" on 12:40:24 05/16/03 Fri

First of all it sounds very religous. You have been going through a lot and I can't help but point out "stoning" and turning the other cheek. You know, those without sin cast the first stone..... I think maybe you are blaming yourself for things that you are definately not responsible for.

The car going out of control. You are feeling that things are going on and you have no control over them. I can definately understand that with everything going on with your life.

As for the babies, I think that is self explanitory. You are so focused on children it is natural they are in your dreams. As for them dying, I think it also has a lot to do with the same reason that Caroline has been having the same m/c dreams. We have had a lot of hard times on the board lately & we are so close and intertwined on this board it is hard not to live through each other.

I am not at all trained to analyze dreams but it all seems to fit with what is going on with you lately.

Honey, you are under so much stress. I suggest taking a long bath a long walk and drink a nice glass of wine.

Remember that there are so many people that love you and although you can't control your future or anyone elses, you can control your happiness. I would also find someone to talk to. I am going to see a therapist just to talk to for a short while just to get out my pain. Maybe that will help you as well.

As for the baby, it will happen for us. I just know it. Hugs and lets hope that dream doesn't repeat.


P.S. My mother always told me that death in a dream means a new baby will be born. Who knows, mabye...... :)

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  • Oh, Sabra!!! Here is a great big hug for you! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Sabra}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} That was SO awful, sweetie! I'll be praying for good dreams for you tonight! (NT) -- Colleen, 16:31:58 05/16/03 Fri

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