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Date Posted: 12:51:30 09/15/03 Mon
Author: Ghanima
Subject: Stuff and things

You guys may have heard that Children of Dune won an Emmy for visual effects. So I'd like to extend congratulations to the winners on behalf of the fans on this site.

Also, does anyone know what day the new book will be released? Is it out already and I just need to go get it?

Has anyone gotten a "Whipping Mek" promotional booklet with a CD included and can tell me what is on the CD? I'm wondering if it is worth buying a copy on Ebay since I can't seem to find one anywhere, except the downloadable version available from the official site. If it is just dumb ads and promos for other KA books then I really could care less. On the other hand, if it contains anything NEW and/or ORIGINAL that is actually Dune-related, then I suppose it's worth it.

Finally does anyone know where I can find a downloadable version of "A Whisper of Caladan Seas" written by KA and included in a short story collection of his?

Any answers would be appreciated.

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