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Date Posted: 21:42:18 11/11/03 Tue
Author: Sparqy56
Subject: trash
In reply to: Crysknife 's message, "Feel the same. I'm just tired of debating about it though...too many people like it." on 17:12:02 10/21/03 Tue

I loved Dune and all its sequels. I havn't read the house books yet, I probably won't bother b/c i've heard they all suck. I wholeheartedly agree w/ your review. Practically every relationship Serena had got stale (w/ erasmus, vor, and xavier). The final battle of the book could have been way better, shall we atleast describe the nuclear destruction? "Then the first atomic detonations went off." Well, thats nice... What did it look like? Also I don't like how the sorceress's powers can't be explained. With the BG all their powers came from spice/OM and were biological. The sorceresses seem magical- i find that gives the book a very poor taste.

Anyway Zenfa always aggrivates me, you'd think someone w/ her powers would realize that people are more productive when they're happy. So why does she always put down her husband and daughter. It's not like they're idle in the machine war, they're both doing something.. Give them a little support!

Also, imo they rushed through almost everything technological/weapon that is in the original Dunes, i.e. shields, space folding, crysknives. While at the same time has devoted about only 1 full chapter to spice.

Again, you'd think after being alive for soo long that the Titans wouldn't be so stupid. Ajax just jumps into battle before he asses the forces he is going against. It was also stupid of him to put down his intuition w/ Iblis.

Again, it was also stupid of Agamemnon to slate his memoirs so much. Did he think that his son wouldn't try to validate it?

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