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Date Posted: 12:32:32 07/04/03 Fri
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Alia and the Baron Question

Ok, we know that when Reverend Mother's go through the Spice agony or the Water of Life ceremony, they open the path into Other Memory.
The whole process is a little confusing because it is NOT clear from reading the first Dune novel whether this Other Memory stems from their own female ancestors' memories, or from the "sharing" of one Reverend Mother to the next which only encompasses all the memories of the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mothers through the ages. It is not clear whether it is BOTH of these memories.

Regardless, it is clear that Reverend Mother's are only able to access the female side of their memories. If it is ancestral memory, they can only see their female ancestors, and if it is from the "sharing" then they only have the memories of other Reverend Mothers who are all female.

My question is then, how the hell does the Baron Harkonnen get inside Alia? Alia is a girl, not a Kwisatz Haderach who is supposed to be capable of having feminine AND masculine Other Memory (notice I say supposed to have it), and she is not a male preborn like Leto II who would have access to both his male and female ancestral lines.
everything about Alia suggests that her pre-bornness encompasses everything that a Revernd Mother goes through, specifically what Jessica goes through. As I recall, Jessica does not have the Baron Harkonnen's persona or memory inside of her.

Therefore it doesn't make sense to me that Alia would have the Baron inside of her. There is nothing about her being preborn that would facilitate any masculine memory inside her unless I have completely missed something in my analysis.
Why would preborns have access to ALL their ancestral memories and Reverend Mothers only have access to their female halves if it is basically the same process?

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