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Date Posted: 21:59:31 12/13/03 Sat
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Yes but...
In reply to: The Cannabist 's message, "no.. no he didn't" on 20:43:50 12/11/03 Thu

There were many thing that Frank had already laid out. For instance:

Mohiam is Jessica's mom with the Baron
Pardot Kynes coming to Dune and then fathering Liet
PArdot saving Stilgar
The entire chapter of Pardot saying "Remove yourself"
Elrood dying by Chaumarky induced by Fenring
Fenring serving on Arrakis with Lady Margot
Shaddam marrying Anirul
Paulos dying in the Bullfight
Gurney watching his sister tortured by Raban and getting his scar
The Bene Tleilaxu and their axoltl tanks
The sisterhood and their control which included Anirul making Shaddam only have girls and making Jessica irresistable to Leto.
The Harkonnen's having a No-Ship
I'd even wager that Leto having a son before Paul that died was Frank's idea.

That sounds like quite a bit to me.

The Legends of Dune novels are probably more Kevin and Brian, however, Frank invented the world so all the things including:

Norma Cenva, foldspace, Erasmus, thinking machines, Swordmasters, bene gesserit, Bene Tlelaxu, Mentats, the Zensunni Wanderers, the Atreides, the Harkonnen, the Harkonnen betrayal at Corrin...I bet Frank laid all of this out to a certain extent in notes. I mean he does in the novels somewhat and he probably had more notes for backstory he didn't use.

Now his involvement in Dune 7 is a complete outline. But the prose and characterization and dialogue will probably be all Kevin and Brian. And I'd wager to say that's more than 10% of any novel.

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