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Date Posted: 00:16:32 05/11/04 Tue
Author: Bloodsucker
Subject: yes, and
In reply to: Crysknife 's message, "I take that back.....Guild Navigators never see the ship...even when it's in thier highliner." on 12:19:44 05/10/04 Mon

If I remember correctly, The inventor from Richese built the prototype ship for the Harkonnens and was killed right after he delivered it to the Baron. He used the ship to fire on the Tleilax ship and cause the crisis.

The ship was used one last time on Wallach IX and crashed. The BG called for the Richese scientists to look at the technology, but they couldn't understand it in the short amount of time they were given.

The inventor also had a no-room in his lab on the Richese moon that I can't name. The technology baffled the other scientists, and before they could learn more, the moon was destroyed.

So much for the brief synopsis. The point is, that the ship was made to be invisible to not only prescience, but to the naked eye also. I seem to remember a part in House Harkonnen where a young Duncan Idaho was being hunted and found shelter in the no-room (but I could be wrong).......

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