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Date Posted: 07:55:05 04/18/04 Sun
Author: anonymous
Subject: Boycott Dune 7!

If this has been discussed-to-death already, sorry.

Just discovered this forum, and just learned about the upcoming Dune 7. Anyone with me on boycotting it? Or petitioning Herbert's son to cancel the whole project?

The prequels have been awful...both the writing and the content. I get the feeling that the whole Dune 7 story will most likely be a complete fabrication, sort of like M. Allingham's "Death of a Ghost" (Campion fans will know what I mean).

One of the things I loved about the Dune series is that even towards the end of his life, Herbert was content to just leave certain things unanswered: those of you who've read Asimov's later books can see a really contrived and artificial attempt to tie his entire canon together...something that Herbert didn't bother with (thank goodness!).

Again, this has probably been beaten to death on this board many a time. But as long as I thought Dune concluded in the wonderfully open-ended way that Chapterhouse left us with, I really didn't mind what Herbert's son did with the prequels. I've always detested fan-fiction, but I can always choose to ignore it and for people who like that stuff, well, more power to them, whatever. A fan-fiction story that extends the Dune story beyond Chapterhouse, though...that's like hiring someone to write a sequel to Gone With The Wind.

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