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Date Posted: 15:03:24 06/11/04 Fri
Author: IDAHO
Subject: What I want to see happen in Dune...

So obviously not all the new books sit with everyone so well and that's because, as fans, we all love this stuff an have a specific idea of what we should see.

Here's what I want to see in the end of the Butlerian Jihad Trilogy:

I want to see a final confrontation between Vorian Atreides and his Cymek father Agammenon. I want to see the establishment of the royal Houses. I want to see where the mentats come from. I want to see the beginning of the Kwisatz HAderach program implemented by the Bene Gesserit, but I also want to see the "Wheels within Wheels" and by that I mean that Frank Herbert himself in the Appendix of Dune wrote that it was odd that The BG's never took control of Paul after his birth, had him killed during the Gom Jabbar, etc. and thus it is likely that there was a higher plan at work than even the Bene Gesserits of that time period knew nothing about themselves.
I want to see a little light shed on the origins of the Tleilaxu and why they do what they do. IS there any other reason than just for power?
I want to see Omnius plant the seeds upon his destruction or defeat that will lead to the final conflict that will be illustrated in Dune 7 and 8.

In Dune 7 and 8 I want to see:

the ancient enemy returned, but I also don't want it to be as simple as just "Oh the machines are back". There has to be some major twist in order for it to not be incredibly obvious.
I want Leto's golden Path to come to fruition and the Bene Gesserit's breeding programs to culminate into a spectacular final display that will decide the fate of humanity in the universe.
I want to see Duncan Idaho, Miles Teg, Murbella, and Sheanna play major roles.
I'd like to see the mystery of Daniel and Marty solved in some way.
I'd like some light shed upon the origins of the worms, but perhaps a light that only opens the door to more questions. Sometimes a little mystery is a good thing.

I want the mystery and religion returned to these books and the sense of wonder at this world. That is going to be the hardest thing to accomplish. PArt of the reason the Butlerian Jihad books as well as the House books in many ways are okay with me is because the boks are sort of "history" in a sense. They are almost a retelliong of the events that happened and there for mystery isn't really applicable. But when I read the original Dune, part of the fun is piecing together the puzzle of why things are happening the way they are and the mystery of all the religion and ceremony. Perhaps that can be returned in Dune 7 and 8.


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