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Date Posted: 00:52:51 12/27/04 Mon
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Hey Guys
In reply to: AntiPaul 's message, "Will read it soon" on 21:03:25 12/26/04 Sun

Well I would have discussed the Machine Crusade more, but it didn't seem that there was too much to discuss. The bridge novel was better than the first in the series, but this prequel series to me felt far more juvenile and simplistic than even the House Trilogy which I enjoyed immensely.

I thought the MAchine Crusade would have benefitted by having a little more interaction between the major charcters. Jool Noret, Norma Cenva, Xavier Harkonnen, and Vorian Atreides hardly ever spoke together.

Also, now after finishing the Battle of Corrin I was a little disappointed that the two worlds of the prequels and the originals didn't come together a bit more. I thought taht the rift that between Houses Harkonnen and Atreides was a bit contrived, though good in the sense that each side had a reason for doing what they did in the situation, and I thought the naming of the first "Corrino" was also a little contrived. I thought that the characterizations were also very contrived in certain cases of characters like Jool Noret (Total fighting machine and that's it), Zufa Cenva, and Ticia Cenva (total bitches), Rekur Van and Tlulaxa (contrived villains). The only characters that really interested me were Erasmus and Gilbert Albans, and finally Vorian Atreides by the third book. I thought the final result of Agammemnon and Vorian's relationship was a little anticlimactic though. And I was ultimately disappointed that there wasn't more discussion of the Kwisatz HAderach program and perhaps having some higher meaning or "plans within plans" as is alluded to even in the original Dune and Anderson and Herbert's House Corrino book. And I was a little disappointed with who the enemy in books 7 and 8 are going to be. It's so obvious it seems almost pointelss to read those books next year. Anderson and Herbert better throw us some very interesting twists in order to keep me interested. One thing about reading the originals was the fact that I never knew what I was going to get. The story clearly sets up Paul Atreides as a hero in the first novel and then all of a sudden he becomes this colossal failure of a ruler, tormented by his demons. This in turn lead to a new hero Leto II who became this villainous Tyrant by the time of God Emperor. The Bene Gesserits who had been the evil witches of the first books became the keepers of humanity, the ultimate good guys. Hopefully Brian and KEvin are being seemingly obvious only to shock us with a revelation that Frank had up his sleeve all along.

Regardless, I have been enjoying my return to this Universe and I have been engaged by the books. I hope that Brian and Kevin will stick with fewer characters for the sequels and really develop them and concentrate on them as opposed to the massive character lists and more plot oriented stories of these prequels. Mainly I found that they repeated themselves a lot in their characterizations of certain characters...okay, Ticia Cenva is a bitch and has an inferiority complex that makes her act superior to everyone...I get it. Do we have to voice her thoughts the in the same way every time we see her? One thing about Frank is that he wrote far more obliquely and characters wouldn't often say exactly what they thought or meant. I like that Kevin and Brian are giving us some answers finally, but it takes some of the intrigue out of the books.

Anyway, that's it for now. Also, No I don't post on the SciFi.com board anymore because they changed the format and for some reason I have never figured out how to get a Handle and a Password and make it work. Also, I am sick of answering questions like "Who's the Hottest: Chani, Irulan, Alia or Ghanima?" and "What is the Golden Path?"


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