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Date Posted: 15:15:36 01/13/05 Thu
Author: IDAHO
Subject: ONe thing I would like to see in Dune 7 or 8

Something that I thoroughly enjoyed from the first book, Dune and something I enjoyed in the TV Movies Dune, Children of Dune, as well as all the Star Wars movies, is the personal confrontation that serves as the climax of the stories.

In Dune, Paul Atreides seems to have won, but it all hinges upon that final knife fight with Feyd Rautha Harkonnen. Despite the fact that Paul has used his Prescience and superior Fremen fighting force to outmaneuver the Emperor and his Sardaurkar, and that the Baron is dead and the Beast Rabban murdered by the people he bruatlized, and that Paul has the power to destroy Spice production and end the Imperium, it all could come crashing down if Feyd Rautha buries that blade into Paul's gut. The stakes are very high and you have the two young warriors who have hate burning in their hearts face each other. It is a tense moment and even Paul doesn't know the outcome for certain. It is the nexus of events that will shape the rest of the novels. I mean imagine if Paul had lost? Probably utter chaos and never Leto II and never any chance for his Golden Path to save humanity.

Anyway, that kind of confrontation seems to have been lacking in all the other novels...that final physical and mental battle between two hated enemies almost of equal stature. That's what's so exhilerating about the lightsaber battles from Star Wars, and while the word on the page cannot really capture the frenetic energy and grace of movement the way that film can capture a choreographed one on one sword fight, it's the personal stakes and tension that I always found interesting. When I read Dune, I really really loved the fight with JAmis, Feyd's arena battle, and then finally Paul and Feyd's confrontation. I would like to see this type of confrontation again in Dune 7 or 8, perhaps with Duncan Idaho or Miles Teg being the participant in the fight. With their extraordinary powers, and with an enemy of equivalent skill, it would be an awesome thing for Dune fans to experience in my mind.


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