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Date Posted: 15:56:08 01/07/05 Fri
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Hopefully it will be Frank's Machines and not Brian's
In reply to: Crysknife 's message, "Don't get me wrong...." on 18:06:12 01/06/05 Thu

I absolutely agree that the Prequels having been written is counterproductive to having machines be the Enemy in Dune 7 & 8. After three novels, I am sick of them as they are. Frankly I found Omnious quite boring and Erasmus a bit more interesting (moreso in the third novel than in the first). The Cymeks are toasted so I don't think we will be seeing them again.

But what I am hopping is that we will not see Brian and Kevin's MAchines, but Frank Herbert's machines. It seems to me by the time of Chapterhouse Dune, if there are machines they have become very human-like. They have face dancers that can believe to be the people that they are impersonating. They have androids that are almost organic in that they have devoloped Prescience and Kwisatz Haderach-like powers to fold space. These machines would bridge the gap between the cybernetic and organic... they aren't even really "Machines" anymore per se.

I don't know if this would make the prospect more interesting or not, but I hope so. I also still wonder about the worms because they are the only other alien life form out there and now they have a kind of consciousness about them due to Leto II's Pearl of Wisdom within each one.

Is it also not possible that the Tleilaxu could have cut a deal with these machines in order for them to help exterminate the Powindah from the Universe, they have given the machines access to their genetic archives. Seriously, what if the MAchines were somehow able to have access to Atreides Genes, Axoltl Tanks, and then their own Face Dancing Technologies. Crap man, they might even have control over the worms if they could pull off a being with the powers of Paul, Leto II, Miles Teg, Sheanna etc. All the wisdom through the generations of Ancestral Memory etc. Hell, maybe only an Honored Matre with their sexual skills would be able to exert any kind of control over a being like that.

I don't know...I am just throwing ideas out there.


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