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Date Posted: 16:48:32 02/14/05 Mon
Author: erin
Subject: Mulholland Dr. (sp?)

I'm not sure that I spelled that right, but the point is that the other day, I was waltzing through the local video store looking for a movie that I hadn't already seen a thousand times. All of a sudden, something catches my eye--the name, David Lynch, the Title, Mulholland Drive. The box raved about how it was one of the years best and yadda-yadda and the description was so-so. I thought I would give it a try, since I was written and directed by David Lynch, if only to see whether or not he got any better at making movies. (I am not a huge fane of his Dune).

Later on that night, I pop it in the DVD player and commence watching the biggest peice of shit I have ever wasted three hours of my life on. At least, it seemed like three hours.

The movie, which I though was about this aspiring actress chick from Canada who came to apartment sit for her aunt and audition for a role her aunt reccomended her for, turned out to really be about....I'm not sure. You see, at the beginning, this other chick barely eludes an assassination in this limo thanks to a wreck. She stumbles to the apartment where the Canadian chick is-with amnesia of course-and hides. She is later found by the Can. girl, who doesn't call the police even after finding out that she didn't know her aunt and has over a hundred thousand dollars of cash on her.

They decided to play detective to find out who she is. Meanwhile, this movie producer is extorted into casting this other unknown chick in the role that another agent from the Can girls first audition recommends her for. Are you lost yet?

After all of the detective work and a fantastic lesbian love scene, the amnesia chick starts talking in her sleep...in Italian. They go to this opera and (oh yeah, there was a key in her purse that they thought led to this apartment where they broke in and found a dead chick, but it didn't fit the lock) find a box that this key fits. They go home and when she opens it, the Can girl disappears and these little people stat coming out the box, an old man and woman.

Then, it flashes to the apartment where the dead chick was and it turns out to be Can girls apartment. The amnesia chick is this movie star and after more intense lesbian love, .........

Do you see what I mean? It was terrible. The movie ends and you have absolutely no idea what happened, what the plot was, or which actually happened. It all appears to be the fantasy of Can chick, who is pscyo and likes to masterbate while she is crying and cap off the evening by blowing her brains out. (I guess she was the dead chick they found).

Someone, please, tell me what happened if you have seen this accident of a flick. Please Dave, don't write another movie unless you leave a Point of Contact so people can ask you what kind of shit you were on when you wrote it and thought it was good enough to waste a whole film budget on. We might want some of this shit if it's that good.

Must be the SPICE.


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