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Date Posted: 16:50:36 05/07/03 Wed
Author: Ghanima
Subject: Top five favorite scenes

Just some idle fun...its been a while since I actually read these, so please forgive if I mess up a name or something...

1. Paul's test with the Gom Jabbar
This scene is excellent from beginning to end...lots of foreshadowing, and helps to define and refine the characters of Paul, Jessica, and Mohiam.

2. Paul and Jessica's ordeal from the 'thopter ride to being found by Stilgar's tribe.
Okay, okay, I know this probably should count as more than one scene. But its just so darn GREAT. Using the Voice in the 'thopter, using the chemicals in the paracompass, and Paul's knowledge of Alia, the flight across the desert, Jessica overpowering Stilgar, there is just so much fantastic stuff here!!!

3. Idaho's climb up the sheer wall
This scene is so well written you feel like you are there climbing the wall with Idaho...as well as on the ground with Nayla. Tense and crucial.

4. The attack on the BG stronghold when Miles Teg and Idaho and the Imprinter flee to the no-globe.
This intense action scene both fleshes out the storyline and gives depth to the characters involved.

5. The union of the Bene Gesserit with the Honored Matres.
Bloody, action-filled, suspense-ridden, intelligent, and surprising. (Brian, you have some rather large shoes to fill.)

So...what are your favorite scenes and why?

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