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Date Posted: 23:42:24 10/20/03 Mon
Author: theButterfly
Subject: "Muad'Dib to Tyrant to Honored Matres to us to Sheeana . . . to what?"

Chapterhouse: Dune, page 430 seems to imply that we will be treated to "a Sheeana future" in Dune 7, a "bitter medicine" that will be the final hurdle to reaching something that all of the books have been leading up to. So the question is: What is this future that will somehow bring about survival of the human race for an eternity?

After reading Frank Herbert's introduction to the book EYE, it occurred to me that there is one major theme predominating throughout the Dune Chronicles: --creativity--. Actually, I think I already knew that, but the use of that word makes everything more clear to me. Noncreative people are afraid of change to the status quo, and have a tendency to follow those who are in power without question, falling farther and farther into "stagnation" and "illusions of omnipotence". More creative people have a tendency to do things that are "unexpected". The key to the remarkable adaptivity of the human species lies in this creativity. It is also the key to surviving humanity's greatest threat: TIME. No energy system ever lasts forever, but humankind is the only energy system ever to have this unique trait.

So what comes after Sheeana? A continuation of the Diaspora. The human race will continue to expand into an infinite number of universes, forcing them to adapt to new situations--forever.

The only problem remaining is mutation. After a million years, will there be any people that can still be considered "human"?

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