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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 14, 07:21:26pm
Author: Econ69
Subject: Another issue is the amount of media coverage. Consider radio, TV and print coverage of the men's basketball and it is considerably more than other parts of DU including academics. I don't think that DU should sacrifice academics for BB but GA was right in dropping 4 sports to secure more money for BB. By fielding a competitive team that wins more than it loses projects a positive can-do image of the school rather than embarrassing home loses against the likes of Mt. St. Mary and Ark. PIne Bluff.
In reply to: TMH 's message, "I'm going to take this to a separate thread and probably get myself in hot water but IMHO there is a much bigger picture here than some realize." on Wednesday, July 14, 04:28:37pm

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  • I respect many of you opinions expressed, but US News and World Report ranks Duquesne as a Tier 1 National University. Yes, the administration is pushing the overall university, but we need to be the first to know that their efforts are actually paying off. (NT) -- Coffee, Sunday, July 18, 07:38:08pm
  • They have done a great job in moving the university from tier 3 to tier 1 (there is no tier 2), but we are barely tier 1. I'd like to see us get solidly into the top 100. (NT) -- duq81, Sunday, July 18, 07:58:13pm

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