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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 14, 04:28:37pm
Author: TMH
Subject: I'm going to take this to a separate thread and probably get myself in hot water but IMHO there is a much bigger picture here than some realize.

Again this is only my opinion but I suspect that the mission statement for Father Daugherty and the rest of the Administration has nothing to do with basketball. For most posters, a successful team is the end game but for the Administration it is the means to an end.
The real end game is turning Duquesne into a first class educational institution. There are rating services that some how decide this. Many of the criteria involves the selectivity of the student body (valedictorians, top 10%, 25% SAT etc.) Like it or not, Duquesne remains a regional institution. I suspect the vast majority of the students are from W. PA, E. Ohio and WV. The problem is that many of today's graduates want to stray from home so in order to get the # of aplicant up, Duquesne has realized that they need to get their name out nationally. There are several ways to do this. The Administration has chosen the Xavier model and even hired GA from there to implement it. The thought process is that basketball (in this case) will bring national recognition, perhaps pay for itself and more and stimulate alumni excitement (and their pocketbooks), a win, win, win situation.
The problem is that Duquesne lost a generation of fans (much as wrestling did at Lehigh, my alma mater. Coupled wth a down stock market and Build It and They Shall Come dis not apply. The Administration decided to double down on basketball and needed to eliminate 4 sports to do it. It is a very risky gamble because you alienate a segment of alumni when you do that.
I have a lot more to say on the issue but as a true outsider, I'll stop here.

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