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Date Posted: Thursday, July 15, 10:34:22am
Author: Slim
Subject: I actually went last night. This was my first time seeing any of the frosh. My notes:
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Greentree" on Thursday, July 15, 08:11:06am

First of all, was very disappointed that Damian, Bill, Sean and BJ did not participate last night. Bill was there but did not suit up; the others were no-shows altogether.

Talley did not start for his team but came in with about 7 minutes gone in the first half. I didn't think much of him at first (he's quite small) and it took him awhile to get into the flow. But then he kind of got a spark and really got agressive offensively. He's very quick and does not shy from contact. He took the ball to the hole a number of times and made some acrobatic shots or got fouled. Shoots free throws well. Also hit 2-3 three's in a row and was definitely the highlight of the second game. Also, you can tell he's a coaches son - he sees what is happening very well. My only criticism (aside from his small size) is that he looked to shoot first and pass second; but that might have just been because he was feeling it last night.

The last game featured TJ, Jerry Jones, and Rod Peggau versus EE. As someone already wrote, there was definitely a competition going on between EE and TJ. They were matched against each other most of the night and were in each other's faces nonstop. It was good to see, and truly, one of the best performances that I have seen from EE. His defense was terrific on the kid, he wouldn't let him get a step and made him work for everything, plus EE did a good job of getting all of his players involved in the game. I was very pleased to see him penetrate and dish.

TJ, though he didn't shoot all that well from outside, was clearly one of the best players on the court. He's smart, quick, and athletic. He understands the game at the D1 level and showed no signs of being intimidated at all - he was LEADING his team. He is everything that he was made out to be and he seemed to relish in the direct competition with EE, even when EE was getting the better of him.

Rod Peggau did okay...for being matched up against McGhee for most of the night. He made some foolish fouls, as he is prone to do, but he was active the whole night and made some nice shots.

Jerry Jones was smaller than I expected. I don't think he's quite 6'5" but even if he is, he showed no explosiveness and did not look like the kind of player who can play above the rim. He missed short on a number of jumpers. All in all, I wouldn't have noticed him if I wasn't looking for the Duquesne guys.

I didn't stay for the entire second half but the play of the night was TJ on a baseline drive, then dishing a "scoop alley-oop" to Gilbert Brown for the thunderous finish.

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