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Date Posted: Friday, December 03, 10:13:40am
Author: Motor
Subject: Derrick Martin

After watching the Pitt game its goes without saying again that we need some size and some bulk inside. Ala McGhee? Some factors we need to consider and of course some of these already have been thrown around. Yes we are at a disadvantage to a lot of the BCS/bigger schools since they eat up all the stud bigmen. The remaining pool of big men are slower and although can bang probably don’t fit our system of run and gun with pressure defense. I am not defending RE for his style nor am I trying to suggest we change just looking for some ideas or comments on this area? We took a chance on Mike Williams and he didn’t work out here or in Kentucky but he certainly had the bulk inside factor going.

How much is Martin going to help us in this area next year? Should he be given a program of weight increase and less of a running situation? Or should he be asked to hit the weights and the protein shakes in conjunction with his running/conditioning? Is our new JUCO Center going to be the banger ( assuming he passes clearing house and actually signs )

Can we win consistently without a true bruiser center or will a D-Mart type still work? I think Shawn James fits the mold here also. I predict that PF will be Martin’s position next year. Hope he can hit some free throws. Guess that topic has been discussed enough said.

We can’t always relay on a TJ to come around that will commit in his Soph or Junior year.
So can us back seat quarterbacks come up with a list of possibilities or reasonable ways to secure some big guys? Easier said then done for sure especially for the Duquesne Dukes not DUKE! One way would be to bring in a raw big man and redshirt him the first year just like Martin to get in into the system so he can hopefully make the adjustment.

I am not going to say we won’t struggle with teams this year with bulky size inside because we will. Rebounding is going to be a big negative for this team, but certainly PITT was one of the best we are going to see along those lines. What does the future hold for the frontcourt?

Lets go Dukes! I am looking for a much improved performance at Penn State!

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