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Date Posted: Saturday, November 20, 10:48:56am
Author: DuLaw
Subject: As is typical of this board, shoot the messinger and the favorite target, Colin Dunlap. If RE wanted to donate to this cause, why didn't he pull out his checkbook and write out a check to him? No he ordered shoes from a UNIVERSITY contract, and has a student manager pay for the shipping. Then in an apparent relitalitory move releases him from the team. Perhaps, that is why the team had such a poor performance. They are playing for someone that isn't exactly quite honest.....
In reply to: Seen on Miltenberger St 's message, "Dont look now, but NCAA investgation might be coming. Coaches sent shoes to Broward CC coach, who sent them to troops in Afghanistan, well, coaches cant send shoes to other coaches I guess. GA told the NCAA. I doubt much happens, afterall, who gets in trouble for helping the troops? Story on PG." on Friday, November 19, 09:44:05pm

and they saw one of their friends axed from the team by a coach they don't respect.

But no, give RE the benefit of the doubt and continue to bash Colin. People said don't rush to judgement while you do your best to discredit everything about Colin.

You got what you all asked for. More coverage from the PG. Perhaps you should ask the people at Duquesne to provide them with reasons to write positive stories.

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