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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 08, 06:08:57pm
Author: CLK
Subject: Exactly right.
In reply to: duq81 's message, "Big time Villanova regularly moves games away from their small time arena, to the BIG TIME arena in South Philly. Stop thinking small. Is St. John's afraid to leave Alumni Hall? Does Georgetown play in their garbage arena? If we want to run with the big dogs, we need to act like we are one. Great job Greg!" on Wednesday, September 08, 05:26:51pm

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  • As usual duq81 and CLK, you both totally miss the point. Vilanova, St. Johns, and Georgetown actually have a student and loyal fan base in their cities. Duquesne has neither,ane it will be embarassing when only 4000 Duquesne fans show up, and the rest of the Consol is filled with the enemy. Maybe your hero Greg A. could let Duquesne students in for $5.00 to help alleviate the situation. Maybe you could give Greg a call and see what he thinks of my idea. Thanks. (NT) -- DuqOfEarl, Wednesday, September 08, 06:30:16pm
  • You think we should operate from fear and negativity. I don't! Everyone thought moving to palumbo would help the program. It didn't. It just announced that we had become a small time program. Playing games at the Mine tells the public that we are serious again about hoops. (NT) -- duq81, Wednesday, September 08, 07:37:09pm
  • When has WVU, Xavier, or Dayton had more of their respective fans at a Duquesne home basketball game than did Duquesne? If so, cite the specific dates. I don't believe that it ever happened. (NT) -- Always a Duke, Wednesday, September 08, 09:32:26pm
  • Students get in for free. Cost isn't an issue. Maybe the attraction of a new arena will draw more students. But given how they are too lazy to walk to the Palumbo I highly doubt they will walk one more block to the Consol. (NT) -- Reg's Boi, Thursday, September 09, 10:21:25pm

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