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Date Posted: Thursday, September 09, 02:45:25pm
Author: Simms
Subject: The more I think about it, the more I am torn on the home court advantage. On one end, I want a small, intimate environment that is a true home court advantage. I just wish that Palumbo seated about 8000 fans instead of half that. I feel like Consol is too big, but if there is a way to attractively seal off the upper levels, then I will be okay with it. In fact, I think having the games at Consol will really help to attract apathetic students otherwise.
In reply to: DuqOfEarl 's message, "Leave it to Duquesne to relinquish 3 HOME games at Palumbo for a few extra sheckles as the Dukes will host West Virginia (Dec. 12), Atlantic 10 rivals Dayton (Jan. 30) and Xavier (Feb. 13) at the Consol. Is there any doubt that the visitor's will outnumber Duq. fans by 2 or 3 to one. Shameful ! Can you name one other so-called "major" program that would do this? Disgusting indeed!" on Wednesday, September 08, 04:45:33pm

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  • I don't think having games at Consol will attract more students. Many won't roll down the hill to go to Palumbo. To repeat...if you want a lot of fans, win. This wasn't the year to have so many games there. Just my opinion. (NT) -- FAM, Thursday, September 09, 06:13:34pm
  • Let's see how they do first. You may be right, but we haven't played any games yet. (NT) -- El Duque, Thursday, September 09, 09:44:36pm

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