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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 06, 06:02:46pm
Author: Abdul Rahman
Subject: 2010-11 season

Well practice will be starting in 9 days. So, here are my projections.

The final ( pre A-10 tourney )record will be 17-12. The team will finish 7-9 in the conference and finish in 9th place due to a tie breaker. There will be no NCAA or NIT invite. The team will go to a third tier tournament. The most impressive win will occur vs. Dayton at the "Consol".

Why 17-12 and not something much more impressive ?

I expect a marginal improvement in the FT and 3 point shooting percentages. The team was among the nations worst in both categories last year, and our best player( at least statistically )in these areas has graduated.

Rebounding and interior defense problems will again manifest themselves.

I anticipate a modest improvement in the areas of half-court offense, ball movement and shot selection.

What would cause the team to do better than I predict ?

1) A giant leap forward from one or more of the returning players who was a minor or non-contributor last season.

2) The team buys into the coaches philosophy and executes better in the half-court sets than I anticipate.

3) At least 2 of the frosh make an immediate positive contribution. I believe that 3 of the five will have a minimal impact on the 2010-11 team.

4) E. Evans becomes the PG he has shown glimpses of in the past. He performs at a much higher level than last year.

What causes the team to under perform my 17-12 guess ?

1) Senioritis sets in. The team looks like it is going to fall short of the tourney and Bill C, Damian S, and David T's play falls off late in the year.

2) Chemistry issues / team dissention rear their ugly head, much as they did last year.

3) Minimal player improvement / development occured over the offseason. Players stagnate and last years issues repeat.

4) No one helps Damian on the glass. We get litle or no production out of the other "Bigs" ( Paggau, Marhold, Theis, Martin or Wright). Result, Damian wears down late in the year.

There are many other "Keys" that I could list here but I'll stop at the above listed ones.

Hope I eat my words and we far surpass the 17-12 mark.

This is just on persons opinion. Heck, I could be totally off base - it certainly wouldn't be the first time and most assuredly won't be the last.

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