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Date Posted: Monday, September 06, 08:10:15am
Author: duq81
Subject: Total nonsense! The only way we're a sub .500 team is if Saunders gets hurt. We already have a pretty good point guard, and there are several other options at the 2 if TJ struggles.
In reply to: YardleyZack 's message, "What else have we got to hope for this season? Plain and simple, if TJ's a bust, we're a sub .500 team this season." on Monday, September 06, 12:20:35am

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  • YardleyZack, aren't you the voice of Lisa Simpson? Let's talk about how Pitt cheats, primarily by paying players, a tradition that goes back to the 1920s. (NT) -- El Duque, Monday, September 06, 09:25:33am
  • ...and Duquesne condones dangling coeds out of the dorm window's of players without any consequences or punishment. I'll take the alledged player payments any day. (Also, please remember to bring "heat" and wear a bullet proof vest to the next dance at the Student Union Blldg.) (NT) -- YardleyZack, Monday, September 06, 12:15:21pm

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