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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 08, 01:11:46pm
Author: Slim
Subject: I understand the sentiment, but...
In reply to: TMH 's message, "If this sounds like a rant, I apologize in advance..." on Wednesday, September 08, 11:05:30am

in defense of the schedule, first...scheduling is difficult to do.

Pitt, PSU, WVU, IUPUI, and George Mason are pretty tough games. If we didn't play Pitt and WVU at CEC there would have been griping about that.

With the A10 expected to be even tougher this year, perhaps it was thought that we needed an OOC that might produce 9 or 10 wins, with a very real possibility that we might be looking at 8 or 9 Conf wins? I agree with that approach from the standpoint that the closer we get to 20 wins, the better our chances for a tournament.

So...could the schedule be better? Sure, Bluefield State and Houston Baptist are head-scratchers...but I don't agree that the schedule is "terrible."

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  • you bring up some very good points. Typical small-time thinking Duquesne wasting away yet more opportunities. Bring in a Gonzaga or Ohio State (NT) -- Greg, Wednesday, September 08, 01:16:10pm
  • Ohio State would never come here to play us unless we became a serious power again. If they want to play a game in Pittsburgh, they'll give Pitt a call. (NT) -- duq81, Wednesday, September 08, 05:31:13pm

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