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Date Posted: Monday, September 13, 09:23:18am
Author: Simms
Subject: Nova and Football response.
In reply to: Shushurara 's message, "Nova football invited to join Big East. Maybe conference re-alignment isn't done yet. Maybe that's why we are going to Consul sooner rather than later. I'm teling you, for Nova football at least, this is a done deal." on Friday, September 10, 11:18:27am

You will notice in my post that I said it would be a huge challenge. I merely stated that most people who went to college would love to see their school play Division 1 football. I say this with the general assumption that fans are not keen to take finances into account when considering lofty athletic goals. I am fully aware of the advantages that a state school has over a private school. For instance, Minnesota's new stadium cost more money than our current endowment at Duquesne. That said, of course it is going to be extremely difficult for Nova to pull off. I also agree with you that the move does very little for the Big East. I think they should be looking to Conf. USA for expansion teams. I just think the dream of successful division 1 football is something to proud of, as long as you aren't hurting your school in the process.

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