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Date Posted: Monday, July 26, 03:28:50pm
Author: Irish STH
Subject: In conference play, we were a -99 in points from beyond the paint and a - 15 in FTs even though we shot more FTs than our opponent. Our overall scoring differential was a -3.5 pts. We were also a -103 in rebounds. Zero those out and we hit 20 wins.
In reply to: TMH 's message, "Does size really matter?" on Thursday, July 22, 11:01:30pm

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  • There are situations when the lack of height can really hurt you; 1) you can't shoot from the outside; 2) opposition has a big man that we can't handle one on one and you are forced to double team, esp. if opponent has decent outside shooters; 3) opponent has 2 or more quality big men. Examples: we saw #1 all last year; #2 was seen in the Bonas games where inside Nicholson / outside Matthews; and #3 with Temple with Allen/Eric or Richmond with Geriot/Harper. You're probably looking at 6 to 8 games where #2 or #3 come into play; shoot better and you can win 20+ games without added height. (NT) -- Phoenix Rising, Tuesday, July 27, 12:09:47pm

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