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Date Posted: Saturday, July 31, 08:41:47pm
Author: Always a Duke
Subject: To PLAY AT the CONSOL or NOT to PLAY at the CONSOL. That is the question. While this issue is near and dear to us as Duquesne fans, it's disappointing that the announcement of the historic first college game at the CEC between the Dukes and Pitt has yet to be made without any or practically unnoticeable attention in the media. As I recall, the media lobbied to a degree to make the "City Game" the last college game played at the Mellon (now Civic [as I believe God intended it to be named]) Arena prior to Duquesne's official announcement on September 1, 2009, ... (more)
In reply to: Mulder 's message, "I am amazed that GA had no agreement to play the Pitt game at Consol in the future when he decided to move the game last year to the arena." on Saturday, July 31, 08:24:19pm

... at a joint press conference with Pitt. Some might argue, "What's the rush? There's no delay on Pitt's part, is there? It's a month from Sept 1." In my opinion, the announcement of the arrangement for the "City Game" in the brand new CEC should have already occurred in keeping with the hoopla given by the media and CEC management to the other firsts that will be happening at the new facility. The success of the final "City Game" at the Mellon Arena should have elevated the importance of getting this all worked out much earlier than the date the decision was made for last year's game. Isn't there at least one sports journalist out there who's willing to at least raise the question with the Pitt Athletic Department? Perhaps the historic importance of the "City Game's" being the CEC's inaugural college B-ball game doesn't carry the same significance when it's Pitt that has to give up playing on its homecourt at the Pete.

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